Guide to Grammar and Style — Contents
From the Guide to Grammar and Style by Jack Lynch.
Comments are welcome.
- A or An
- The Above, The Following
- Absent
- Absolutely
- Academies
- Acronyms
- Action Verbs
- Adjectives and Adverbs
- Advise
- Affect versus Effect
- Aggravate
- Agreement
- Ain't
- All of
- Alot
- Alright
- Also
- Alternate versus
- Among versus Between
- And/or
- Antecedent
- Anticipate
- Anxious versus Eager
- Any Way, Shape, or Form
- Apostrophe
- Apposition
- Articles
- As versus Like
- Assure, Ensure, Insure
- As to Whether
- Aspect
- As Yet
- At This Point, At the Present
Time, At This Point in Time
- Audience
- Back-Formation
- Basically
- Begging the Question
- Behalf
- Being That
- Between You and I
- Bimonthly
- Block Quotations
- Bluntness
- Boldface
- British Spellings
- Bugbears
- But at the Beginning
- Cannot
- Can't Help But
- Capable
- Capitalization
- Cases
- Centralized
- -Century
- Cf.
- Citation
- Clarity
- Clearly, Obviously, Undoubtedly
- Clichés
- Climactic versus
- Colon
- Commas
- Comma Splice
- Comparatives
- Comprise
- Concrete Language
- Confused Pairs
- Conjunctions
- Considered as, Considered to
- Continual versus
- Contractions
- Currently
- Dangling Participle
- Dash
- Data
- Dates
- Decimate
- Demagogue
- Denotation versus
- Dependent versus Independent
- Diagramming Sentences
- Dialogue
- Diction
- Dictionaries
- Different
- Direct and Indirect Objects
- Disinterested versus
- Dive, Dived, Dove
- Double Negatives
- Due to the Fact That
- E-Prime
- Each
- Ellipses
- Economy
- E.g. versus i.e
- Emphasis
- Enormity
- Equally As
- Every
- Every Day versus Everyday
- Exclamation Points
- Exists
- Facet
- The Fact That
- Factor
- Farther versus Further
- Feel
- Fewer versus Less
- Finalize
- First, Second, Third
- First Person
- Flammable versus
- Flaunt versus Flout
- Fonts
- Foreign Words and Phrases
- Formal Writing
- Fortuitous
- Frequently
- Functionality
- Gender
- Generalizations
- Grace
- Grammar
- Grammar Checkers
- Grow
- Heavily
- Hoi Polloi
- Hopefully
- House Style
- However
- Hypercorrection
- Hyphen
- Ibid.
- Idiolect
- Idiom
- Impact
- Imperative
- Imply versus Infer
- Important
- Incredible versus
- Individual
- Infinitive
- Inflection
- Interesting
- In Terms of
- Interpolation
- Ironic
- Irregardless
- Issue
- Italics
- It Can Be Argued
- It's versus Its
- Jargon
- Justification
- Language Change
- Latinate versus Germanic
- Lay versus Lie
- Lead versus Led
- Lend versus Loan
- Liaise
- Lifestyle
- Like
- Linking Verbs
- Listing
- Literally
- Loath versus Loathe
- Long Words
- Loose versus Lose
- Massive
- Mechanics
- Media
- Methodology
- Microsoft Word
- Mixed Metaphor
- Modifier
- Momentarily
- Mood
- More So
- Ms.
- Myself
- Nature
- Nauseous
- Necessitate
- Neologisms
- Network
- "Never” and “Always"
- Nor
- Normalcy
- Not un-
- Noun
- Novel
- Number
- Numbers
- Obfuscation
- Old English
- On a —— Basis
- Only
- Orient versus Orientate
- Paragraphs
- Parameter
- Parentheses
- Particular
- Parts of Speech
- Passive Voice
- Per
- Periods
- Personalized
- Peruse
- Phenomena
- Plurals
- Plus
- Possessive
- Precision
- Predicate
- Prepositions
- Prepositions at the End
- Prescriptive versus
Descriptive Grammars
- Presently
- Previous
- Principal versus
- Prior to
- Pronoun
- Pronunciation
- Proofreading
- Punctuation and Quotation
- Punctuation and Spaces
- Quality
- Quite
- Quotations
- Quotations inside
- Quote
- Re
- Recasting Sentences
- Redundancy
- Revision
- Rhetorical Questions
- Rules
- Run-On Sentences
- Semicolon
- Sentences
- Sentence Fragments
- Sexist Language and the Indefinite
Third Person
- Shall versus Will
- Shibboleths
- Sic
- Single Quotation Marks
- Skunked Terms
- Slashes
- Sneak, Sneaked, Snuck
- So
- So as to
- Solution
- Spelling Checkers
- Split Infinitive
- Standard English
- States
- Style
- Subjunctives
- Substantive
- Superscript
- Task
- Taste
- Tense
- Than I versus Than Me
- Than versus Then
- That versus Which
- Therefore versus
- Thesis Statements
- Thusly
- Titles
- Toward versus Towards
- Tragedy
- Transition
- Transitions
- Transitive versus
Intransitive Verbs
- Try And
- Unique
- Usage
- Utilize and Utilization
- Verbal
- Verbs
- Vocabulary
- Voice
- Wasted Words
- Who versus That or
- Who versus Whom
- Whose versus Who's
- -Wise