Guide to Grammar and Style — Comments
From the Guide to Grammar and Style by
Jack Lynch
do welcome comments on my Guide to Grammar and Style,
but please please
please read this before sending
questions my way.
The popularity of the guide is gratifying — it gets
thousands of hits every day — but that very popularity
makes it impossible for me to answer questions and settle office
arguments. I have a full-time job, and this ain't it. So I
regret that I can't give personal responses to most queries.
I'll occasionally break my rule when a question intrigues me, but
usually can manage nothing more than a canned response.
Besides, whatever I may think in my more self-satisfied moods,
I'm just not qualified to arbitrate the language for the rest of
the world.
Here's where to go for things not covered here:
- First, check the standard reference books! I'm amazed
at how many people ask questions that could be settled by a
thirty-second peek in a pocket dictionary. I recommend a few good
in my guide. There are also guides to typing practices in many
secretarial handbooks.
- Check out the Additional
Reading section of my guide, or browse the links to other writing sites.
- For less cut-and-dry questions, you'll get a wide range of
responses — some of them even well-informed — from the
newsgroup alt.usage.english.
If, however, anything in the guide is unclear, inaccurate,
misleading, or simply missing, please drop me a line at