Guide to Grammar and Style — Comments

From the Guide to Grammar and Style by Jack Lynch

I do welcome comments on my Guide to Grammar and Style, but please please please read this before sending questions my way.

The popularity of the guide is gratifying — it gets thousands of hits every day — but that very popularity makes it impossible for me to answer questions and settle office arguments. I have a full-time job, and this ain't it. So I regret that I can't give personal responses to most queries. I'll occasionally break my rule when a question intrigues me, but usually can manage nothing more than a canned response. Besides, whatever I may think in my more self-satisfied moods, I'm just not qualified to arbitrate the language for the rest of the world.

Here's where to go for things not covered here: If, however, anything in the guide is unclear, inaccurate, misleading, or simply missing, please drop me a line at