These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated.

Literary Resources — Romantic

This page is part of the Literary Resources collection maintained by Jack Lynch of Rutgers – Newark. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Romantic Literature

Many more sources on the Romantic period are included on my eighteenth-century pages.
From Penn's list.
VoS is the best general resource out there, and the Romantics page is probably the strongest of the lot.
19th Century British and Irish Authors (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Biographical information on more than 400 authors.
Anthologies and Miscellanies on 18th-c. and Romantic Literature (Laura Mandell, Harriet Linkin, and Rita Raley)
Tables of contents and sometimes introductions and prefaces from anthologies of 18th- and 19th-c. literature from the early 18th century to the present. Useful both for current pedagogical purposes (in comparing in-print anthologies) and for offering a historical view of the canon.
A student project history, literature, and art of the British abolition movement. Well done.
A searchable database of thousands of reviews of British Romantic-period fiction. O si sic omnes!
British Newspaper Coverage of the French Revolution: A Small Archive of the British View of Unspeakable Events in the French Revolution (Alan Liu, UCSB)
A few early newspaper reports from 1792 and 1793.
British Periodicals: The Early Nineteenth Century (Minnesota)
A handlist of early periodicals in the University of Minnesota Libraries.
British War Poetry in the Age of Romanticism 1793-1815 (Betty Bennett, Romantic Circles)
Hundreds of annotated poems, most anonymous or pseudonymous. An invaluable compilation.
Canon and Web: MLA '96
A collection of papers and presentations from 1996's MLA session on the Romantic canon and the Web. Edited by Alan Liu, with contributions by Laura Mandell, Joseph Viscomi, Jack Lynch, and Elizabeth Fay, and responses by Michael Gamer, Mori Saffran, and Steven E. Jones.
Cardiff Corvey: Reading the Romantic Text
Information on the Edition Corvey and a collection of original articles on Romantic topics.
Centro Interdisciplinare di Studi Romantici (Univ. of Bologna)
Information on the Center and its activities.
The Containment and Re-deployment of English India
Romantic Circles Praxis Series.
Corvey CW3 Journal
Corvey Women Writers on the Web
A refereed Web journal on Romantic-era women writers.
Edinburghers Page
Short biographical information on two dozen Edinburghers.
Fictional Representations of Romantics and Romanticism: An Annotated Bibliography (Romantic Circles)
"This bibliography lists items (books, plays, films, etc.) that represent historical Romantic figures in fictional contexts." Several dozen works, some with brief annotations.
Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies (Notre Dame)
Information on the society.
NASSR (Waterloo)
The most important professional society for Romantic studies.
NASSR-L Archive
A searchable archive of discussion on the NASSR-L list.
NINES: A Networked Interface for Nineteenth-century Electronic Scholarship
A clearinghouse for scholarship on 19th-c. British and American studies. A serious project put together by serious scholars, and deserving of attention.
New Books in Nineteenth-Century British Studies (USC)
Announcements and selected reviews of books in Romantic and Victorian studies since 1995. "Our goal is to be a comprehensive interdisciplinary guide to scholarship on nineteenth-century Britain. Therefore, we have chosen to define the period broadly in the interests of inclusivity."
Abstracts of all the articles in the QR from 1809 to 1824, along with attributions, bibliographies, and other resources. O si sic omnes!
Romantic Canons: A Bibliography (and an Argument) (Laura Mandell, Miami Univ., Ohio)
"an annotated list of critical and theoretical works about the activity of canonizing as it arose during the Romantic Era, and about the concept of "literary period" that arose with it."
An extensive timeline of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Includes powerful search capabilities. O si sic omnes!
The most important Romanticism resource on the Web. Features newly edited electronic texts, conference and publication announcements, and many other scholarly resources. O si sic omnes!
Romantic Links, Home Pages, and Electronic Texts (Michael Gamer, Penn)
A large list of links.
Romantic Prose Fiction (Uwe Spoerl)
Overview of an in-progress volume in the ICLA Comparative Literary History Series, with useful bibliographies and links on Romantic prose across Europe. Admirably comparative.
Romanticism and the Law (Romantic Circles)
Scholarly hypertext essay collection, edited by Michael Macovski.
Romanticism: CD-ROM (David S. Miall and Duncan Wu)
An overview of the CD-ROM to accompany Wu's Romanticism: An Anthology (Blackwell, 1994). Includes downloadable samples (for PCs only).
Another excellent Romanticism resource.
Romanticism: Selective Bibliography (Adriana Craciun, Nottingham)
A useful (but unannotated) bibliography of editions, biographies, and critical studies of Romantic topics and writers: Blake, Burney, Byron, Coleridge, Dacre, Hays, Hemans, Keats, Landon, Robinson, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Charlotte Smith, Helen Maria Williams, Wollstonecraft, Dorothy Wordsworth, William Wordsworth. The recommendations on overviews of Romanticism and topics such as the novel, women, the Gothic, and sensibility are especially extensive.
Romanticism URL List (Laura Mandell, Miami Univ., Ohio)
A list of major Romanticism sites on the Web, with commentary on a few of them.
The Romantics Page (Univ. of New Mexico)
A link page, with a section on American Romanticism (Dickinson, Emerson, Whitman).
Romantics Unbound: A Hypertextual Learning Space (David S. Hogsette, NYIT)
"Romantics Unbound is my attempt to connect teachers and students to the wealth of Romanticism material available on the Internet." Includes pages on Romantic writers, artists, musicians, and the Gothic.
Guide to Romantic-era anthropology, with profiles of Autenrieth, Baader, Brandis, Burdach, Carus, Doellinger, Ennemoser, Goerres, Heinroth, Ideler, Kieser, Leupoldt, Nasse, Oken, Schubert, Steffens, Troxler, and Windischmann, with more to come. Biographies, bibliographies, and some illustrations — all very impressive. In German and English.
A Select Romanticism Bibliography (Nicholas Halmi, McMaster)
A very handy annotated bibliography of editions, biographies, and important criticism on major Romantic figures: Burke, Barbauld, Smith, Blake, Robinson, Wollstonecraft, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Hazlitt, de Quincey, Peacock, Byron, P. B. Shelley, Hemans, Keats, and Mary Shelley. The overviews of Romanticism are also useful.

Women Writers

See also individual entries below.
"This archive assumes a deep relation between the intellectual and social movement of the Bluestockings, the culture and cult of Sensibility and High Romanticism. It is an archive of texts by or relating to the eighteenth-century British Bluestocking Circle and the second generation Blues, including predecessor texts, and literature of sensibility as it is derived from the Bluestockings' concerns with aesthetics, and with women's aesthetic achievements."
British Women Romantic Poets, 1789-1832 (BWRP) (Nancy Kushigan)
A library of electronic texts edited from originals in the Shields Library, Univ. of California, Davis. Texts are in SGML.
The goal is "to make fully searchable, peer-reviewed research available to all interested academics, scholars and researchers. ... Focuses on the 1,065 English belles-lettres titles — around 3,000 volumes — by women authors," 1796-1834. Now just bibliographical information, no full-text. Still, very extensive, very scholarly.
The Lady's Magazine; or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex
Selections from the magazine from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. (Down?)
Women of the Romantic Period (Texas)
"This interactive hypertext uses Richard Polwhele's poem 'The Unsex'd Females' to introduce students and scholars alike to some of the British Romantic Period's foremost female contributors." Heavily glossed text of Polwhele's poem, with biographical material on the women mentioned in it.
An extensive and scholarly archive of Romantic women dramatists, including E-texts, bibliographies, and original essays.
Women Romantic Writers (A. Craciun, Nottingham)
Catalogue of electronic texts, cultural and visual resources, and relevant Web sites.
Works by Women and Anonymous Writers, 1770-1830, in the Rare Book Collection of Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania (Judith Pascoe, Univ. of Iowa)
A useful index of late-century and Romantic women authors in one of the best collections of fiction of the period.


Gothic Literature (AOL)
"The Gothic Literature Page is devoted to study of Gothic Literature which flourished in England from 1764 to 1820. This site is intended to provide students and scholars of the Gothic novel access to the growing number of resources available on the web. An introduction to the Gothic novel, collected summaries, papers, critical and bibliographical information and related sites are assembled together to expedite research." Organization is haphazard, and the backgrounds sometimes make the text hard to read.
Gothic Literature: What the Romantic Writers Read (Douglass Thomson, Georgia Southern Univ.)
"A list of Gothic works read by the major writers of the period 1780-1830." Gothic reading lists for Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats, with evidence that the authors read the books in question.
One of two class projects from a course called "The Novel of Sensibility." Discussions of Gothic psychology, female Gothic, the supernatural, and Gothic drama. Includes an annotated bibliography of several dozen secondary items, most published since the seventies.
The Literary Gothic Page
"A Web site for all things concerned with literary Gothicism, which includes ghost stories, "classic" Gothic fiction (1764-1820), and related Gothic, supernaturalist, and "weird" literature prior to the mid-twentieth century." Includes links to other Gothic sites, reviews of books on the Gothic, and a great many links to E-texts. Extensive, but not always scholarly.
The Sickly Taper (Fred Frank, Allegheny College)
Primary and secondary bibliographies on the Gothic, with links to other Web sites.


Jane Austen
An attractive and extensive guide to Austen resources, with E-texts, introductory commentary, bibliography, links, and more. Very well done.
American Society of Jane Austen Scholars (Univ. of Georgia and Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater)
Includes the on-line journal Austen Quarterly (in fact semi-annual) and links to other Austen resources.
Calendars for Jane Austen's Novels (Ellen Moody, GMU)
Handy and extensive chronologies to the novels.
Guide to the Jane Austen Collection, Goucher College
A list of items in the extensive collection at Goucher College.
Jane Austen (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Nagoya Univ.)
An extensive collection of Austen links.
Jane Austen Centre in Bath, England
Information on the Centre and its publications, with a few links to other resources and a chat group.
The Jane Austen Homepage
A fan page, more popular than scholarly.
The most extensive Auten page on the Web, including texts (many with rudimentary annotations), a biographical sketch, a few images, a selected bibliography, as well as some jokes and other jeux d'esprit.
Jane Austen Page (James Dawe)
A page of links to other resources, along with a discussion of recent Austen films.
Jane Austen Society of Australia (JASA)
Information on the Society and its publications and events.
Jane Austen Society of Melbourne
Information on the Society.
Jane Austen Society of North America
An extensive site on Austen for both scholars and Janeites. Includes the on-line journal Persuasions.
Jane Austen Society of the United Kingdom
Information on the Society, with a brief biography, images, discussions of costume, and links.
Jane Austen's House
Information on the house in Chawton, with visitor's information.

Anna Laetitia Barbauld

The Anna Laetitia Barbauld Web Site (Lisa Vargo and Allison Muri, Univ. of Saskatchewan)
Hypertext editions of Barbauld's poetry and prose, with a chronology and several works of criticism from the eighteenth century to the present.
Anna Letitia Aikin Barbauld (Celebration of Women Writers, Penn)
A brief but intelligent biography, with selections from her works and a bibliography of primary texts.

William Blake

The most important (and impressive) Blake resource on the Web. Superb reproductions of Blake's engravings and careful transcriptions of his text, with new works and copies of works added regularly. O si sic omnes!
Blake eE Concordance
Concordance to the on-line Erdman edition of Blake.
The Blake Multimedia Project (Steve Marx, CalPoly)
Limited demonstration of "a hypertext interactive edition that displays the plates on a monitor or projects them on a screen. It allows the user to call up glossaries, critical intepretations, explications and magnifications of details, comparisons to other plates, and teaching exercises in print and audio modes."
Blake Online Archive (Seth Ross, AlbionBooks)
Web archive of "an electronic conference & mailing list dedicated to the life & work of William Blake."
Blake's "The Four Zoas" Fetishized: An Experimental Hypertext (Georgia Tech)
Let's italicize experimental.
The Digital Blake Project (Nelson Hilton, Univ. of Georgia)
A graphics-intensive hypertext edition of the Songs, along with the complete Erdman text of Blake's poems.
Annotated Bibliographies
A series of bibliographies, including:

Robert Burns

Burns Country: The Official Robert Burns Site
Unscholarly and commercial, but bustling with stuff, including the full text of The Burns Encyclopedia.
Robert Burns, 1759-1796: A Bicentenary Exhibition from the G. Ross Roy Collection (Univ. of South Carolina)
On-line catalogue of an extensive exhibition from 1996. The text is limited, but the images are well chosen.
The Robert Burns Federation
Information on the Federation, with notes for students and an archive of original scholarly papers.
Robert Burns Tribute: Burns Supper, Haggis, Poems and More
A well executed fan site.
The Sons of Ayrshire (Tom Kinsella, Stockton State)
Brief hypertext guide to Boswell and Burns.
The Vocabulary of Robbie Burns
A simple glossary of Burns's Scots dialect.

George Gordon, Lord Byron

Extensive, searchable, hypertext chronology of Byron's life. Scholarly and thorough. O si sic omnes!
Byron Index Page (L. J. Webb)
An unscholarly fan page, but with useful information on Byron's life and reputation.
The Byron Society of America (Univ. of Delaware)
Information on the Society and its publications.
Byron Society Collection (Univ. of Delaware)
Information on the extensive collection of works and objets d'art by and about Byron.
Don Juan, or Europe Unmasked
"The site establishes Don Juan as the guiding spirit of a new educational tool for the exploration of European literature, art, religion and society in the 17th century." In French and English.
George Gordon, Lord Byron (Jeffrey Hoeper)
The full text of E. H. Coleridge's biography, with E-texts, facsimiles of Byron's handwriting, quotations, and a few links.
Lord Byron: A Comprehensive Study of His Life and Work
Far from comprehensive, but not a bad introduction. Biographical sketch, brief biography, images, and selected works.

Thomas Chatterton

Thomas Chatterton: The Final Resting Place
Includes short biography, Chatterton's will, and several of his works. Not scholarly.

John Clare

A friendly introduction to Clare's life and works, with E-texts, bibliographies, portraits, and original essays.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

An astounding edition of Lyrical Ballads in its many editions, with collations, page images, a bibliography, and much more. What Web scholarship should be. O si sic omnes!
An important and extensive archive, mostly of primary texts, but also with chronologies, recommended reading, a glossary, &c.

William Cowper

Cowper/Newton Museum, Olney
Information on the Museum and the two hymnodists.

William Godwin

Godwin Graphics (Pitzer's Anarchist Archives)
Nine engravings of Godwin and Wollstonecraft.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe Page (Katharena Eiermann)

Felicia Hemans

A thorough and scholarly bibliography to supplement Joan Shattock's in The New Cambridige Bibliography of English Literature.
Chronology of Felicia Hemans and Her Milieu (Nanora Sweet, Univ. of Missouri, St. Louis)
A brief but well-prepared timeline.
Felicia Hemans (Celebration of Women Writers, Penn)
Short biography and primary bibliography, with links to some poems on-line.

William Hone

William Hone BioText (Kyle Grimes, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham)
"William Hone (1780-1842) was a prominent radical writer, parodist, antiquarian and publisher during the early decades of the nineteenth century." The site consists of a biography, E-texts, and several bibliographies of primary and secondary works.

John Keats

John Keats: A Comprehensive Study of His Life and Work
A misleading title for an unscholarly, but not bad, introduction. Includes a biography, chronology, images, and selections from the works.
A sharp-looking fan site, with a brief biography, poems, and letters.
Keats and Shelley House, Rome
Attractive, but of more use to tourists visiting the house than to scholars. Graphics-heavy.
The Keats-Shelley Journal
Information on the journal (not available on-line), with events announcements and links to other Keats and Shelley resources.
Keats-Shelley Journal Bibliography
The current bibliography from the journal.

Letitia Elizabeth Landon (LEL)

Letitia Elizabeth Landon Page (Glenn Dibert-Himes, Sheffield-Hallam Univ.)
An extensive collection of material on LEL, including a biographical sketch, critical essays, a few texts, and a large bibliography of primary and secondary sources.

Thomas Love Peacock

Thomas Love Peacock Society
A great many E-texts of Peacock's novels and poetry, a complete list of works, biographical and critical excerpts, a chat group, and links. Very extensive.

Mary Darby Robinson

Mary Darby Robinson (Mary Mark, CMU)
Biography, illustrations, selected works, parimary bibliography.
"An unofficial list of all works by and about Mary Darby Robinson, divided into Primary Texts, Biographical Works, Critical Discussions and Other." Impressively scholarly.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Hail Mary Shelley for her Frankenstein exercise of mind
An unscholarly reading of the novel.
Making Monsters: A Web Site Devoted to Mary Shelley and Her Novel Frankenstein (Cynthia Hamberg)
E-text, biography, links, and brief notes on contexts.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Chronology & Resource Site (Shanon Lawson, Delaware; Romantic Circles)
Thorough and accurate timeline, along with the texts of early reviews and a short secondary bibliography.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Desperately Seeking Shelley: PBS Sites/Sights 1999-2000 (Darby Lewes and Bob Stiklus)
Photographs and discussions of the places in Shelley's life, in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Switzerland, and Italy.
Keats and Shelley House, Rome
Attractive, but of more use to tourists visiting the house than to scholars. Graphics-heavy.
The Keats-Shelley Journal
Edited by Steven Jones. Information on the journal (not available on-line), with events announcements and links to other Keats and Shelley resources.
Keats-Shelley Journal Bibliography
The current bibliography from the journal.

William Wordsworth

An astounding edition of Lyrical Ballads in its many editions, with collations, page images, a bibliography, and much more. What Web scholarship should be. O si sic omnes!
Several of Wordsworth's poems in page images, diplomatic transcriptions, and elaborate hypertext collations. Very impressive.
In-progress scholarly hypertext edition showing the various states of the poems in Lyrical Ballads.
TCG's Wordsworth Page (USD)
Quotations, links, and a few transcriptions. Bad color scheme makes it hard to read.
The Wordsworth Trust, Centre for British Romanticism
Information on the Trust and Dove Cottage.
Wordsworth Variorum Archive (James M. Garrett)
In-progress edition of Wordsworth's poetry, showing the variants from all a number of editions.

This page, part of the larger collection of literary resources, is maintained by Jack Lynch.