These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated.
Literary Resources — Renaissance
This page is part of the
Literary Resources collection maintained by
Jack Lynch of Rutgers – Newark.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Renaissance Literature
The later Renaissance is also covered in my
eighteenth-century pages.
- Calls for Papers
- From Penn's list.
- Voice of the Shuttle — Renaissance and Seventeenth Century
- The best set of links.
- CERES: Cambridge English Renaissance Electronic Service
- A good set of links and a newsletter on Renaissance scholarship.
- Claire's Seventeenth Century (Claire George, Univ. of Durham)
- A discussion board for 17th-c. studies and news.
- Early Modern England Source (EMES)
- Plentiful information on meetings and seminars.
- Early Modern English Dictionaries Database (EMEDD)
- Information on the searchable database.
- Early Modern Literary Studies (Sheffield Hallam)
- Extensive and authoritative information on all aspects of Renaissance studies.
- Early Stuart Libels: An Edition of Poetry from Manuscript Sources (Alastair Bellany and Andrew McRae)
- "A web-based edition of early seventeenth-century political poetry from manuscript sources. It brings into the public domain over 350 poems, many of which have never before been published."
- EDICTA: Early Dictionaries/Dictionnaires Anciens (Toronto)
- Information on the project "to publish electronic and computer-assisted editions of early dictionaries of English, French and Latin" and research on them.
- Elizabethan Authors (Robert Brazil and Barboura Flues)
- A good collection of annotated E-texts, with some links to related sites.
- Emblem books in Leiden: A Catalogue of the Collections of Leiden University Library, the "Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde" and Bibliotheca Thysiana (A. S. Q. Visser, P. G. Hoftijzer, and B. Westerweel)
- A searchable catalogue of over 500 sixteenth-century emblem books. Thoroughly scholarly.
- EMESList: Early Modern England Source List
- A listserv discussion group. "A resource for academics, teachers, and students of the history of early modern Britain," 1485-1702.
- ERIC — English Renaissance in Context (Penn)
- A remarkable archive of materials on the English Renaissance, including tutorials and scanned texts. A very useful resource for anyone who teaches or studies the period.
- The Forest of Rhetoric (Gideon Burton, BYU)
- "A guide to the terms of classical and Renaissance rhetoric." Admirably thorough, with extensive cross-references and examples.
- GGRENir (Heinrich C. Kuhn)
- Very extensive "Internetography on Renaissance intellectual history," collecting hundreds of annotated links on learning and the arts, 1348-1648. Searchable in many ways.
- The Gunpowder Plot Pages
- "These pages chronicle the plot, its celebration, and the period." More popular than scholarly.
- A Local Habitation and a Name: Social Sites of Renaissance Lyrics (Jeffrey Powers-Beck and students, East Tennessee State Univ.)
- "This seminar project ... attempts to recover the connections between historical places and lyrics, to show the poems' attachments to material places and their social environs." Heavily annotated poems, including maps and sound files of the poems being read aloud.
- Luminarium (Anniina Jokinen)
- Beautifully designed collection of author pages.
- Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank (MEMDB) (Rutgers)
- "Its aim is to provide scholars with an expanding library of information in electronic format on the medieval and early modern periods of European history, circa 800-1815 C.E." Contains information on historical prices and currency exchange.
- Montpellier Early Modern English Documents (MEMED)
- Just a few E-texts of obscure Renaissance texts. Carefully edited, in modern spelling.
- The Philological Museum (Dana F. Sutton, Irvine)
- A fine collection of carefully edited Renaissance works, many in hypertext. Includes works by Addison, Alabaster, Bellamy, Camden, Campion, Fletcher, Milton, Owen, and others. Very impressive.
- Renaissance Electronic Texts (Toronto)
- "A series of old-spelling, SGML-encoded editions of early individual copies of English Renaissance books and manuscripts, and of plain transcriptions of such works, published on the World Wide Web as a free resource for students of the period." Only a few texts are on-line so far.
- Renaissance Texts (John Tinkler, Towson)
- A brief guide to on-line resources.
- Server für die Frühe Neuzeit (München)
- A collection of resources (most in German, some in English) on Early Modern history. Includes a discussion group, bibliographies, and several collaborative projects, including a collaborative dictionary on witch hunts. Impressive.
- Dr. Desmet's Renaissance Drama Homepage (Christy Desmet, Georgia)
- A set of class resources on early modern drama, including student projects.
- The Early Modern Drama Database (Columbia)
- A chronological list of all public performances of drama in London from 1576 to 1642. Still in progress.
- Early Theatre
- Information on the peer-reviewed journal.
- Florimène at the Court of Charles I
- Information on, and a sample of, "an animated exploration and reconstruction of Inigo Jones' great court masque." Free software.
- "Native Dyes": Race and Politics in the Jacobean Masque (Chad Edward Weidner and Karolien Walravens, Univ. of Bayreuth)
- A collaborative essay on three masques: Jonson's Masque of Blackness, Middleton's Triumphs of Honour and Virtue, and Chapman's Memorable Masque. A single illustrated document (not hypertextual).
Poetry and Ballads
- Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the Seventeenth Century: Donne to Butler, ed. Herbert J. C. Grierson (Bartleby)
- Texts of poems by Butler, Carew, Cleveland, Cowley, Crashaw, Davenant, Donne, Godolphin, Herbert, King, Lovelace, Marvell, Milton, Philips, Quarles, Suckling, Vaughan, Wotton, and others.
- Pre-1600 English Ballads (Greg Lindahl)
- Transcription and analysis of early ballads.
- The Traditional Ballad Index (CSU Fresno)
Centers and Institutes
- The Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (Toronto)
- Information on the Centre.
- Glasgow Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- Information on the Centre and its programs, with links to other sites.
- Exemplaria
- A full-text on-line journal of theory in Medieval and Renaissance studies.
- Renaissance Forum (Hull)
- Full-text on-line journal.
Andrea Alciato
- Alciato's Book of Emblems (Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland)
- Illustrated Latin and English edition with extensive commentary.
Sir Thomas Browne
- Sir Thomas Browne (James Eason, Univ. of Chicago)
- Electronic texts of Browne's works.
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle
- Margaret Cavendish Society
- Information on the Society and its conferences; images; links; and a big secondary bibliography.
- Margaret Cavendish Bibliography (James Fitzmaurice, Northern Arizona Univ.)
- Selected recent publications. No annotation.
Miguel de Cervantes
- Cervantes Digital Library (Texas A&M)
- The text of the novel, with a biography, bibliography, images, and links.
- The Cervantes Homepage (Steven Hale, DeKalb)
- A brief set of links.
- Don Quixote (Oakton)
- Brief introduction to Cervantes, with links to other Cervantes resources.
- The Don Quixote Exhibit (George Peabody Library, Johns Hopkins)
- Highlights from the collection.
Abraham Cowley
- The Abraham Cowley Text and Image Archive (Daniel Kinney, Virginia)
- Texts, portraits, and page images.
Richard Crashaw
- Richard Crashaw (
- Electronic texts, with images promised.
Desiderius Erasmus
- Erasmus of Rotterdam Society
- Information on the Society and tables of contents of the journal.
Ben Jonson
- The Ben Jonson Journal
- Information on the journal, with tables of contents.
Aemilia Lanyer
- Aemilia Lanyer (Kari Boyd McBride, Univ. of Arizona)
- Biography, good bibliography (no annotations), E-texts, information on the Lanyer listserv.
Christopher Marlowe
- The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe (Perseus Project, Tufts)
- "This site provides an edition of Marlowe's works that begins to transcend the limits of print publication and exploit the flexibility of an electronic medium."
- The Marlowe Society
- Information on the Society, with tributes to Marlowe.
Thomas Middleton
- The Plays of Thomas Middleton (Chris Cleary)
- Many annotated E-texts (in modern spelling), with links to some scholarship.
John Milton
- John Milton Reading Room (Thomas Luxon, Dartmouth)
- Good, reliable E-texts of Milton's works, some with commentary and textual variants, along with a Selected Bibliography of Criticism, 1987-1996.
- John Milton Website (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
- Information on Milton, including biography, bibliographies, events, and original essays, in both Portuguese and English.
- Milton at Otago (John Hale, Otago)
- Some resources local to Otago, but a good miscellaneous collection of Milton material.
- Milton-L Home Page (Kevin Creamer, Richmond)
- A site to support Kevin Creamer's excellent mailing list. Includes chronologies, E-texts, book reviews, events, &c.
- Milton Review (Kevin Creamer, Richmon)
- On-line review of Milton studies.
- Milton's Works and Life: Select Studies and Resources (R. G. Siemens, Univ. of Alberta)
- iEMLS reproduces Siemens's extensive bibliography, with useful commentary, from The Cambridge Companion to Milton, 2nd ed. Over 300 items. Mighty impressive.
Michel de Montaigne
- Montaigne Studies (Chicago)
- Information on the journal, including tables of contents, with links to other sites.
William Shakespeare
It's no surprise that Shakespeare is well served on the Web. The following are the most useful sites I've come across.
- Absolute Shakespeare
- A good introduction for students, with texts of the plays, quotations, study guides, trivia, and so on. Unscholarly but usually informative. Still, littered with intrusive advertisements that get annoying.
- The Cleveland Press Shakespeare Photographs (Lesley Ellen Jortin)
- Photographs of Shakespeare in performance, 1870-1982.
- Furness Shakespeare Library (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
- "A collection of primary and secondary sources, including both texts and images, that illuminate the theater, literature, and history of Shakespeare, Shakespearean texts, theatrical production, and criticism, Furness Library resources are now being selectively scanned and mounted here to make them available for class and research use and to draw attention to the richer resources available in the Library as a whole." Very scholarly. O si sic omnes!
- Usenet newsgroup humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare
- A good form for discussion. Authorship discussions can sometimes overwhelm others.
- Internet Shakespeare Editions (Michael Best, Victoria)
- "The aim of the Internet Shakespeare Editions is to make scholarly, fully annotated texts of Shakespeare's plays available in a form native to the medium of the Internet. ... The Library itself will contain fully refereed materials only, and in due course will be the core of the Editions; at present, however, there are no fully developed texts yet available."
- Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet (Terry Gray, Palomar)
- The best of the lot: extensive and scholarly. O si sic omnes!
- Poor Yorick Shakespeare Multimedia Catalogue of Stratford
- Includes movie trailers of Shakespeare-related films.
- Savage Shakespeare
- An informal and unscholarly discussion group on Shakespeare.
- A Selected Guide to Shakespeare on the Internet (Hardy M. Cook)
- A very handy set of pointers to the best Internet resources.
- Shake Sphere
- A large introductory resource on Shakespeare's plays, including plot summaries, trivia, informal tips on reading, and so on. Not for scholars, but a good starting point for beginners.
- Shakespeare and His Critics
- Miscellaneous Shakespeare criticism from the seventeenth century to the present
- Some Versions of Hamlet (Alan Baragona, VMI)
- A few dozen links, associated with a VMI class.
- Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
- Mostly information for tourist. Very graphics-heavy.
- Shakespeare Bulletin
- On-line journal, including reviews.
- Shakespeare Database Project (Münster)
- Information on the database, but no access to it.
- Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand Inc.
- Information on the Centre.
- Shakespeare Homepage (MIT)
- The complete texts of the plays.
- Shakespeare in Europe (SHINE) (Basel)
- A study of Shakespeare's reputation throughout Europe. Includes an in-progress English-German edition of the plays, original essays, and many links.
- Shakespeare Institute Library (Univ. of Birmingham, UK)
- Information on the library and its collections.
- Shakespeare Internet Sites (Michael Best, Victoria)
- "A sampling of resources and scholarly uses of the medium of the Internet, concentrating on early modern literary studies." Dozens of well organized and annotated links to early modern resources.
- Shakespeare Page (Clark Holloway)
- Includes a complete facsimile of Much Ado about Nothing (2nd folio, 1632), along with images, essays, and commentary by Johnson.
- SHAKSPER: The Global Electronic Shakespeare Conference
- A Web site supporting the moderated mailing list for Shakespeare studies. Includings information on the listserv and links to other Shakespeare sites.
- Sher's Shakespeare Index (Benjamin Sher)
- A massive index of thousands of Shakespeare resources on the Web. The site collects many automated searches, so the relevancy of the hits varies. Still, it's useful to have this much information in one place.
- World Shakespeare Bibliography (TAMU)
- Information on the bibliography, available commercially.
The Authorship Question
- The Edward de Vere Studies Conference
- Information on the annual conference on Oxford and the authorship question.
- Shake-n-Bacon
- Extensive "proof" that Bacon wrote Shakespeare's works.
- The Shakespeare Authorship Page (Terry Ross and David Kathman)
- "Dedicated to critically examining claims that someone other than William Shakespeare wrote the works attributed to him." Impressively scholarly.
- The Shakespeare Authorship Sourcebook (Mark Alexander)
- "This SOURCEBOOK aims to provide direct and comprehensive access to evidence and arguments related to the Shakespeare authorship controversy as it applies to Shakspere of Stratford and Edward De Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. As much as possible, we will provide uncluttered access to original texts and documents with a clear presentation of Stratfordian and Oxfordian interpretations." In spite of the protestations, there's a marked leaning toward Oxfordianism.
- Shakespeare Oxford Society Home Page
- "The purpose of the Society is to document and establish Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford (1550-1604), as the universally recognized author of the works of William Shakespeare."
- Who Wrote the Works?
- On Baconian cyphers in Shakespeare.
- The Shakespeare Question (R. W. Bivens-Tatum)
- An overview of the authorship question, with links to the major sites on authorship (including orthodox Stratfordian sites).
- Sir Francis Bacon's New Advancement of Learning
- Contains extensive information on Bacon — sometimes scholarly, sometimes not — with an agenda to promote Bacon's claims to the Shakespeare canon.
Individual Plays
- Enfolded Hamlet (Bernice W. Kliman)
- Searchable SGML text of both Q2 and F1, showing all the variants. An exciting use of the technology to demonstrate textual criticism.
King Lear
- King Lear (Larry A. Brown)
- An annotated text, drawn from Q1 and F1.
Measure for Measure
- Interactive Shakespeare Project (Holy Cross)
- Hypertext edition of Measure for Measure, with teacher's notes and other supplementary materials. Graphics-heavy and slow-loading.
Midsummer Night's Dream
- A Midsummer Night's Dream
- Hypertext commentary on the play.
Edmund Spenser
- Edmund Spenser Home Page (Andrew Zurcher, Cambridge)
- "Seeks to collect any and all Net materials pertaining to the works and life of Edmund Spenser." Splendid collection of texts and links.
John Webster
- John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi
- A hypertext edition by Larry A. Brown. Full text with commentary, mostly glosses on words.
Lady Mary Wroth
- Lady Mary Wroth (Nandini Das, Cambridge)
- A fine scholarly site, including a biography, a comprehensive primary and secondary bibliography, images, and texts by and about Wroth.
This page, part of the larger collection of literary resources, is maintained by Jack Lynch.