These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated.

New Literary Resources

This page shows recent additions to the Literary Resource pages maintained by Jack Lynch of Rutgers – Newark. New sources will stay here for six months. Note that my Eighteenth-Century pages have a separate What's New page.

7 January 2006:

After an embarrassingly long delay, I'm getting around to making some updates. More should follow soon-ish.
Online Bibles: Bible Study Tools
Free resource to read and study the Bible online.
Middle Ground: The Mediaeval Literature Discussion Board
A collection of discussion boards for various aspects of medieval literature, including sections for Old English, Middle English, Old French, Latin, Old High German, and Old Norse.
Wessex Parallel WebTexts (Bella Millett)
An impressive collection of Middle English poetry, with translations and commentary. Very useful as an introduction to some of the major works of the period.
Early Stuart Libels: An Edition of Poetry from Manuscript Sources (Alastair Bellany and Andrew McRae)
"A web-based edition of early seventeenth-century political poetry from manuscript sources. It brings into the public domain over 350 poems, many of which have never before been published."
British War Poetry in the Age of Romanticism 1793-1815 (Betty Bennett, Romantic Circles)
Hundreds of annotated poems, most anonymous or pseudonymous. An invaluable compilation.
A searchable database of thousands of reviews of British Romantic-period fiction. O si sic omnes!
Corvey CW3 Journal
Corvey Women Writers on the Web
A refereed Web journal on Romantic-era women writers.
The Byron Society of America (Univ. of Delaware)
Information on the Society and its publications.
Byron Society Collection (Univ. of Delaware)
Information on the extensive collection of works and objets d'art by and about Byron.
The Victorian Literary Studies Archive, Hyper-Concordance (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Nagoya Univ.)
A set of searchable texts of several dozen authors, mostly (but not exclusively) Victorian. Very useful.
Bibliography of Nineteenth-Century Irish Literature (Julia M. Wright)
A list of works by major authors, with full text for a few of them.
Victorian Popular Novels
A collection of electronic texts of popular Victorian literature.
Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies
Information on the on-line journal.
The Curran Index to Wellesley Index Revisions (Eileen M. Curran)
A supplement to the Wellesley Index of Victorian Periodicals, including corrections.
Forget Me Not: A Hypertextual Archive of Ackermann's 19th-Century Literary Annual (Katherine D. Harris, San Jose State Univ.)
An archive of articles from 1823 to 1830. Impressive.
Science in the 19th Century Periodical
"A searchable electronic index to the science content of sixteen nineteenth-century general periodicals." More than 7,500 articles.
John Leech Cartoon Archives 1841-1864
More than 600 cartoons from Punch's Victorian heyday.
A very extensive list of links on the Brontës and their world. Requires a (free) Yahoo account.
The Browning Society
Information on the Society, devoted to Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Dick Donovan
Information on the late-Victorian mystery stories by J. E. Preston Muddock, a precursor of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Christina Rossetti (A. Eisenberg)
A German-language site on Rossetti's life and works.
John Fowles: The Web Site (Bob Goosmann)
A comprehensive fan site, with a biography, bibliography, and related articles.
Aldous Huxley
"Extensive information including online texts, discussion forum, links and articles."
The Infography about James Joyce
A bibliography of important print sources on Joyce studies.
Information on Ring Lardner, including a biography, a bibliography, and a study guide for students.
The Life and Work of Dylan Thomas
Biographical information, a primary bibliography, photographs, E-texts, and audio files of Thomas reading some of his works.
Nearly ten thousand records on early American libraries. A major source of information on library history from Princeton. O si sic omnes!
Portraits of American Women Writers That Appeared in Print Before 1861 (Library Company of Phialdelphia)
Dozens of images of early American women writers.
The Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Edition
An ongoing edition, in print and on-line, of Brown's complete works, Includes a biography and primary and secondary bibliographies. An Exploration of Short Stories by Edgar Allan Poe (Robert Giordano)
A fairly extensive collection of information on Poe.
Truman Capote
A biography and bibliography, with links to other sites.
Z-site: A Companion to the Work of Louis Zukofsky (Jeffrey Twitchell-Waas)
A collaborative commentary on Zukofsky's works.
Jack Wolcott's Theatre History on the Web
A big set of links and other resources for the history of the theatre. Well done.
Palaeography: Reading Old Handwriting, 1500-1800: A Practical Online Tutorial (National Archives, UK)
A useful guide for beginners.
Hand Bookbindings: Plain and Simple to Grand and Glorious (Princeton Univ. Library)
Images of more than 200 bookbindings, with the ability to zoom in and see details. Very impressive.
Idaho Center for the Book
Newsletters, exhibitions, and other information on the Center.
A thorough guide to thousands of typefaces, including a series of questions to determine the name of a typeface. Not comprehensive, but very thorough and useful.
The Reading Experience Database 1450-1945 (RED)
Information on the searchable database, with requests for contributions.
Gruppo04: Letterature europee
A set of unannotated links to sites on various European literatures.
CIEF, Conseil International d'Etudes Francophones
Information on the organization and its publications.
Virtual Library of Polish Literature
A UNESCO-supported site providing on-line texts of Polish authors (in Polish).
African Literature and Writers on the Internet
A big set of annotated links to Web sites on African literature.
The LitCrit ToolKit: An Introduction to Literary Theory
A rudimentary introduction to several varieties of theory, as applied to the opening of Jane Eyre. Handy for rank beginners.
Robin Hood: Bold Outlaw of Barnsdale and Sherwood (Allen W. Wright)
An extensive fan site on various aspects of the Robin Hood myth.
Scholarly Societies Project
A huge database of more than 4,000 learned societies around the world. Well organized.
The Book Award Annals (Ken Lucius)
A big compilation of many literary awards lists, including winners and those on short-lists. Not comprehensive, and it goes back only to 1990, but very useful.
A2A: Access to Archives
A searchable database of major archives throughout England. Not comprehensive, but still worthwhile.
Literature Collection
Full text of the works of dozens of major authors.
The Book Award Annals
A list of the winners and nominees for dozens of contemporary literary prizes, including both mainstream and genre fiction.
Several thousand quotations, organized by topic and author.
Pikle: The Diary Junction (Paul K. Lyons)
A database of information on several hundred diarists from around the world, from the ninth century to the present. The information is brief but a good starting point for those doing research on diary-keepers.
A huge bibliographical database on the religious backgrounds to English literature, focusing especially (but not exclulsively) on Anglicanism. There are also some shorter, more focused bibliographies. O si sic omnes!
The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540-1835
An in-progress database of Anglican clergy.

I'll continue browsing Penn's Books On-line, New Listings page, Alan Liu's Voice of the Shuttle What's New page, and various search engines for further additions, but suggestions are welcome.
This page, part of the larger collection of literary resources, is maintained by Jack Lynch.