These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated.

Literary Resources — Twentieth-Century British, Irish, and Commonwealth

This page is part of the Literary Resources collection maintained by Jack Lynch of Rutgers – Newark. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Twentieth-Century Literature

From Penn's list.
The best set of links.
Literary Women of the Left Bank (Paula DiTallo)
On-line magazine on early Modernism, especially women in Paris, 1900-1940, but with broader coverage than the title suggests.
Modern Fiction Studies (Purdue)
Information on the journal.
Postmodernism is/in Fiction (Pomona)
Original essays and links on Acker, Auster, DeLillo, Garcia Marquez, Gibson, Hagedom, Morrison, Powers, Pynchon, Reed, and Rushdie. Some aren't yet available.
The Space Between
Information on the "society for the study of literature and culture between the wars." Includes a listserv-based discussion group.
The Spirit Of Bohemia (Bohemia Books)
A collection of original essays and links on 19th- and early 20th-c. Bohemian culture in Paris and London.

The Great War

Lost Poets of the Great War (Harry Rusche, Emory)
Short biographies of a half-dozen poets, some E-texts of their poems (with brief analytical essays), a thorough timeline, and a bibliography of books.
Poetry of the First World War
Biographical information on dozens of poets from the Great War. The biographies are brief but useful, and contain brief primary bibliographies. The pages are very graphics-intensive, and take a long time to load.
Trenches on the Web (Mike Iavarone)
Unscholarly but extensive collection of information on the First World War, including pages on Great War poetry.
Impressive site containing virtual seminars on teaching Great War poetry.


Martin Amis

The Martin Amis Page (James Diedrick, Albion College)
Extensive and informed collection of information on Amis, including reviews, biography, filmography, discussion groups, and interviews.

Owen Barfield

The Owen Barfield Web Site (David Lavery, Middle Tennessee State Univ.)
Extensive information on Barfield, including an introduction, a lexicon, interviews, images, criticism, and bibliographies. Graphics-heavy.

Julian Barnes

Julian Barnes Website (Ryan Roberts)
A short biography, several bibliographies (with annotations), news, and links. Well done.

Samuel Beckett

The Samuel Beckett Endpage (UCSB)
Timeline, biography, portraits, a few E-texts, news, bibliographies, information on upcoming performances, and links. Well done.
Samuel Beckett Resources and Links
Links to dozens of essays and reviews from published sources now on the Web. Reading the New York Times articles requires registration.

Earle Birney

Earle Birney Page
Introduction to Birney's writing.

T. Coraghessan Boyle

All About T. Coraghessan Boyle Resource Center
"These pages are meant to serve as a help section and resource center for the readers of Boyle's stories and books." Extensive, with bibliographies and news.

Robert Buchanan

Robert Buchanan
Some poems, a biography, and a bibliography.

A. S. Byatt

A. S. Byatt
Book reviews, press releases, and interviews.

Peter Carey

Peter Carey Website (Rebecca J. Vaughan, Flinders Univ.)
Brief biography, extensive bibliography, plot synopses, links, and other materials.

Ivy Compton-Burnett

The Ivy Compton-Burnett Home Page
Plot summaries, biography, bibliography, brief criticism.

Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad Society (UK)
Announcements, links, and information on the Society.
Nostromo Online — Analysis and Annotated Text of Conrad's Masterpiece (Matthew Waller)
The full text, with extensive annotation. A good example of what a hypertext edition can do with commentary.

Garry Disher

Garry Disher (Ioana Petrescu, Flinders Univ.)
Biography, bibliography, synopses, and links.

J. P. Donleavy

J. P. Donleavy Compendium (David L. Hartzheim)
A well-designed fan site, with biography, bibliography, links, interviews, and news.

T. S. Eliot

Exploring The Waste Land (Richard A. Parker)
Annotated version of Eliot's poem.
TSEbase: The Online Concordance to T. S. Eliot's Poems (Greg Foster, Missouri)
Searchable concordance of the Collected Poems, 1909-1962.
The T. S. Eliot Page (Georgia)
Amateurish but extensive "collection of stuff about this modern American poet," including suggested reading lists.
What the Thunder Said: T. S. Eliot Page (Raymond Camden)
For enthusiasts rather than scholars. A brief chronology, and links to E-texts and other Eliot sites.

Ian Fleming

Ian Fleming (Kimberly Last)
Brief biography, list of books in print, short essays on Fleming and his books.

John Fowles

John Fowles: The Web Site (Bob Goosmann)
A comprehensive fan site, with a biography, bibliography, and related articles.

Robert Graves

The Robert Graves Society Information Centre (Ian Firla, Oxford)
Information on the Society, an extensive primary bibliography, biographical information, suggested reading, and links. Extensive.

Graham Greene

Graham Greene Page (Santhosh D'Souza, Geocities)
A biography, list of works, and links to other sites. Like all Geocities sites, irritatingly commercial.

Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney (Sunsite)
Poems, a selected bibliography of primary works, a brief biography, and a few of Heaney's addresses.

Ted Hughes

Earth-Moon: A Ted Hughes Website (Claas Kazzer, Leipzig)
A large and well-designed site, with biographies, bibliographies, reviews, original essays, links, and announcements.
Ted Hughes: Timeline (Ann Skea)
Publications and miscellaneous events in Hughes's life.

Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley
"Extensive information including online texts, discussion forum, links and articles."

B. S. Johnson

B. S. Johnson (1933-1973)
An extensive site on the post-War novelist, including biography, bibliography, chronology, quotations, articles, and links.

James Joyce

Extensively annotated guide to Joyce resources on the Web, including discussion groups, Web sites, and journals. O si sic omnes!
Hypermedia Joyce Studies: An Electronic Journal of Joycean Criticism (Temple)
A promising on-line journal.
The Infography about James Joyce
A bibliography of important print sources on Joyce studies.
International James Joyce Foundation (Ohio State)
Information on the Foundation and its activities, with some links to other sites.
IQ Infinity: The Unknown James Joyce (Jorn Barger)
An extensive but unscholarly, even anti-scholarly, approach to "a great deal of as-yet-unpublished research into Joyce's notebooks and early drafts. They show him pursuing a detailed analysis of human psychology, in ways that should prove useful to artificial intelligence theorists as they try to build a simulated human personality."
James Joyce@WWW Pages & FTP Sites (Japan)
A short list of links. Poor choice of colors makes the page hard to read.
The James Joyce Broadsheet (Leeds)
Very brief information on the journal.
Joyce Homepage (Trieste)
An abridged version of Massimo Soranzio's James Joyce — Itinerari triestini, with links to other sites. In Italian and English.
Ulysses for Dummies
Lighthearted, illustrated, and animated guide to the novel.

Patrick Kavanagh

Patrick Kavanagh Rural and Literary Research Centre
Mostly information on the Centre itself, with biographical information and a discussion group.

D. H. Lawrence

D. H. Lawrence (Buffalo)
Annotated list of Web resources.
D. H. Lawrence Centre (Univ. of Nottingham)
Information on the Centre and its activities.
D. H. Lawrence Page (Helen Crom)
An incomplete biography and a few original essays, with links to other sites.

C. S. Lewis

Into the Wardrobe (John Visser)
Biographies, annotated primary and secondary bibliographies, discussion groups, and original essays.

Wyndham Lewis

Wyndham Lewis (John Constable, Kyoto University)
An extensive site, including an introduction to Lewis, a chronology, a discussion group, and annotated links.

William McGonagall

McGonagall Online
A light-hearted look at the life and works of William McGonagall, a contender for the title of the world's worst poet.

Thomas MacGreevy

The MacGreevy Archive
An experiment in using new technologies to explore the works of Thomas MacGreevy, considered by many Ireland's first modernist poet.
Thomas MacGreevy Chronology (UCD)
Information on the Chronology with extensive discussion of the suitability of the hypertext medium. Includes many images.

Peter Nicholson

Peter Nicholson
An introduction to the work of Australian poet Peter Nicholson, maintained by the poet himself.

George Orwell

Charles' Orwell Links
Several dozen links on Orwell's life and works. No annotations, but links are divided into categories.
George Orwell
Brief biography, bibliography, and a few links. Unscholarly and not always trustworthy.
Political Writings of George Orwell (Patrick Farley)
A collection of Orwell's essays on political topics, with a few links.

Harold Pinter
Extensive official site on the playwright. Includes bibliographies, a biography, links, downloads, and news.

Anthony Powell

The Anthony Powell Society and Anthony Powell Resources Pages
The Anthony Powell Society's pages include a biography, reviews, a chronology, summaries, and various trivia, along with information on the Society.

I. A. Richards

The I. A. Richards Web Resource
A chronology, bibliography, and list of resources on the influential critic.

Salman Rushdie

An impressive study guide to The Satanic Verses, with links to other Rushdie sites.
Salman Rushdie (Subir Grewal)
A useful overview of Rushdie's publications, with brief commentary. Includes links to interviews, bibliographies, and other sites. Well done.
Salman Rushdie: An Overview
Collaborative project on postcolonial writers includes this incomplete and not always scholarly overview of Rushdie's life, works, and contexts.

Tom Stoppard

Travesties: The Stagecraft of Tom Stoppard (Michael Berry)
Biography, list of works, and cast lists, synopses, and reviews of selected works. Unscholarly but well informed.

Dylan Thomas

Dylan Thomas (
Brief biography, bibliography, E-texts, and links.
The Life and Work of Dylan Thomas
Biographical information, a primary bibliography, photographs, E-texts, and audio files of Thomas reading some of his works.

Colm Tóibín

An attractive and impressive site on the Irish author, Colm Toibin. Includes a biography, essays, a discussion forum, and links.

Evelyn Waugh

Evelyn Waugh — Doubting Hall
Introduction to Waugh's life and works, with a chronology, synopses of the novels, quotations, suggestions for further reading, and links.

Mary Webb

The Mary Webb Society (Jim Stamps)
Information on the Society, with a selected bibliography.

Jeanette Winterson

The Jeanette Winterson Reader's Site (Anna Troberg, Sweden)
An extensive site. "It is not a shrine, but rather an information centre. It is my intention that the Jeanette Winterson Site should be useful for those who have not read anything by Winterson yet, those who have read it all, students of literature, teachers and academics alike." Includes a biography, primary bibliography with summaries, reviews and criticism, original essays, and annotated links.
Jeanette Winterson
The official authorized site on Winterson.
Jeanette Winterson (Susan Webel, Köln)
A good annotated list of links.

Amy Witting

Amy Witting Website (Yvonne Miels, Flinders Univ.)
Biography, primary bibliography, synopses, selective secondary bibliography, and links.

Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf on Women and Fiction — A Distance Learning Project (Joel Rich and Nancy Henderson)
Originally a course page for a distance-learning project; now an archive of discussions, a brief chronology and primary bibliography, and excerpts from some of the women's works Woolf discusses.
Virginia Woolf Web (Japan)
Biography, bibliography, chronology, E-texts, and many links.

William Butler Yeats

Yeats Page (Martin Hardcastle)
Selected E-texts.

This page, part of the larger collection of literary resources, is maintained by Jack Lynch.