The text comes from the first edition of 1799; in that volume, Vortigern was published with Henry II. The volume was prepared by Samuel Ireland; his son, William Henry, was not speaking to him at the time. The preface, too, was written by Samuel, who was still a believer in the Shakespeare papers. The text Samuel printed was supposed to be the complete text, in modernized spelling; the play was substantially trimmed for its production. See Samuel’s note in the Preface that “The lines printed within the inverted commas [quotation marks] were not in the play-house copy, and consequently were not spoken.”
It is now near three years since the Play, which the following sheets present to the Public, was represented at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. The fate which it underwent, and the decision of the audience, are well known. Notwithstanding that decision, the Editor has at length, agreeably to his promise, made at the time of that representation, again laid it before the public, which if it exposes it to the test of a more accurate criticism, will give it the opportunity of a more unbiassed and temperate examination. |
They, who are at all conversant with dramatic concerns, must know that the opinion of large assemblies, promiscuously composed of all orders and classes, must depend on a variety of circumstances, local, temporary and accidental. |
Where no stronger or worse motives interfere, fashion and caprice too often give the direction; but spleen and interest are made more powerful agents; and by their industry and activity, even the master puppet, be he in sock or buskin, may be gained, and the public may be too easily and unwarily led by premature and precipitate conclusions. |
No man who recollects what was said and written in the public prints concerning this piece, on the eve of its representation, and the ludicrous manner in which the principal character was sustained, can deny, that the Editor has a right to complain of the most illiberal and injurious treatment. |
Every undue stratagem, and every mean and petty artifice, was resorted to within doors and without, to prejudice the public mind; and one more deeply interested than had then, or has yet appeared, though a professed trader on the subject of Shakespeare, on the day before the representation, under the title of “An Enquiry into the Authenticity of certain miscellaneous Papers, &c. &c.” with this view, and the further expectation of helping off a few copies, sent into the world a volume long before promised, and long since forgotten. |
This mass of dulness and self-conceit, consisting of about 430 pages, established nothing; and was built on principles (if it is not an abuse to apply to such trash a term so respectable) that could not possibly establish any thing. In every one of the instances which, with such a weak and overweening confidence, he so very idly brought forward, he has been exposed; and in some of them has been himself the author and detector of his own childishness, incapacity and ignorance. |
Neither the index-lore, or the alphabetical, lexicographical, labours of this sagacious discoverer, or his congenial followers or associates, nor any declaration since made from a quarter once domestic to the Editor, through which something like genuine information might naturally have been expected, can induce him to believe that great part of the mass of papers in his possession are the fabrication of any individual, or set of men of the present day. |
A fruitless expectation, that Time, the discoverer of Truth, might ere this have withdrawn that veil of mystery which yet involves this transaction, has alone given occasion to delay in this publication. The Editor had been happy to have been able to have penetrated it; and to have assigned to its proper owner each fragment and each whole. |
As to the merits or demerits of the play now before the public, the Editor does not in the smallest degree consider himself responsible any where, or in any way. He sold the piece with “all its imperfections on its head,” after various cool and deliberate readings, and stated candidly all he had been told relative to it; all that, which from various circumstances, he had at that time no reason to doubt or discredit. |
After the play was contracted for, some alterations were deemed necessary to fit it for representation. It was much too long, and consequently many passages were expunged; and in one historical fact, thought too gross for the public ear, viz. the incestuous passion of the king towards his daughter, it underwent some further alterations; but excepting these particulars, it stands nearly as in the original. |
In this state it was delivered to the Theatre, with a request, or rather intreaty, that all further alteration, deemed necessary, should be made by the acting manager, or any other person competent to the business: to this request he received the following official answer from Mr. Kemble: — “That the play would be acted faithfully from the copy sent to the theatre;” and it was accordingly acted, literally from the Manuscript delivered to the house. This conduct was, as the Editor believes, unprecedented in the management of a Theatre, and must warrant him in concluding that in the judgment of the acting manager, the play wanted no aid or alteration. |
Be these matters as they may, this piece is laid before the public with such interpolations by the Editor, as he presumes it was the duty of the acting manager to have made previous to its representation. |
The lines printed within the inverted commas were not in the play-house copy, and consequently were not spoken. |
The Editor feels, and here begs leave to acknowledge, his obligations to his friend William Linley, Esq. for his skill in composing the three songs in this piece, in which he is universally allowed to have shewn much taste and judgment; he likewise professes himself much indebted to Mrs. Jordan and Mrs Powell, for their very spirited exertions, and excellent acting on this occasion; and could he with truth or justice make the smallest acknowledgement to Mr. Kemble and his fellow tragedian Mr. Phillimore, he has little doubt, but that, whoever may have been the author of the piece, it might still have been received, and might have promoted the interests of the Theatre. |
Norfolk-street, Strand, 1799. |
Written by JAMES HENRY PYE, Esq. P. L. |
The cause with learn’d investigation fraught, |
Written by Sir JAMES BLAND BURGESS, Bart. |
Spoken by Mr. Whitfield. |
No common cause your verdict now demands, |
ACT I. |
A large Hall, discovers Constantius, Vortigern, Wortimerus, Catagrinus, Pascentius, and Attendants. |
Constantius. |
Good Vortigern! as peace doth bless our isle, |
Vortigern. |
Most gracious sov’reign! to command is thine, |
Constantius. |
Such was the answer we did here expect, |
Vortigern. |
Oh! my most noble, good, and bounteous lord, |
Constantius. |
Nay! nay! this thy excuse will not suffice us, |
Vortigern. |
I shall, my lord, obey your high command. |
[Signs the paper. |
Constantius. |
We shall await your coming at our palace. |
[Exit Constantius. |
Vortigern. |
Fortune, I thank thee! |
A Chamber in Vortigern’s Palace. |
Enter Edmunda and Flavia. |
“Flavia. |
“Dearest mother! why let watery grief |
Edmunda. |
Oh! heavens! my gentle Flavia! would I could! |
Enter Pascentius. |
Flavia. |
What news of good import, my dearest brother, |
Pascentius. |
Oh! I have tidings I would fain make known, |
Edmunda. |
Oh! speak my child! my dear Pascentius, speak, |
Pascentius. |
The King then, madam, in his royal bounty, |
Edmunda. |
Now woe indeed hath made her masterpiece! |
Enter Fool, whimsically attired, with his Bells and Ladle. |
Pascentius. |
Whither so fast, good Fool? |
Fool. |
Good Fool, say’st thou! marry, these are sweet words, that do not often fall to our lot; but let me tell you, good master, fools have excellent wits, and those that ha’ none will gladly go flatter, lest the fool’s folly should make them still more foolish. |
Pascentius. |
But, prithee, tell us what is thine affair? |
Fool. |
Oh! my affair is weighty indeed, being burthened with the speech o’royalty. |
Pascentius. |
And wherefore so? |
Fool. |
I pray you stay your patience but awhile, and I will tell you: thou dost expect nought from the Fool, but folly; but from a king thou wouldst a cunning speech. |
Pascentius. |
And is’t not so? |
Fool. |
Oh! no, by my troth, our good sovereign hath unto my noble master betrayed great lack of policy. |
Pascentius. |
How so? |
Fool. |
Why your wise man will tell you, the crown doth gall the wearer; but marry! I will shew myself the fool indeed, for I do say the half oft pinches more than the whole. |
Pascentius. |
Thou wouldst be witty, Fool! |
Fool. |
Marry, say not I would be, but that I am so; for let me tell you, the wit of your Fool is true wit, being solely his own, no man coveting it; whereas that of your wise man comes from books, and from those who went before. But wherefore should I thus lose wind? my wit being folly, is not by your wise man understood; therefore, I’ll to the purpose. My master is made half King, and sends me his swift Mercury, to tell your gentle ladyship his honour’s pleasure. |
Edmunda. |
Prithee, be brief, and tell thine errand quickly. |
Fool. |
An please you then, my sweet mistress, he wills that you do put on your best attire, and that you do straight attend him, and go before th’other half o’th’crown. |
Edmunda. |
We shall be ready at command. |
[Exeunt. |
Another Apartment in Vortigern’s Palace. |
Enter Vortigern. |
Vortigern. |
Thus far, then, have my deeds a sanction found, |
Enter Servant. |
Servant. |
Two officers, my lord! await your leisure. |
Vortigern. |
Well, shew them to our presence. |
Enter Murderers. |
Have ye concluded, |
Murderer. |
We have consider’d all, |
Vortigern. |
You are agreed? |
Both. |
Yes, my good lord. |
Vortigern. |
Listen then awhile! |
Murderer. |
Fear not, my noble lord, we are resolv’d. |
[Exeunt. |
Vortigern. |
Now then good King prepare thee for the worst. |
[Exit. |
A Chamber in Constantius’ Palace. |
Enter Constantius with a Groom. |
Constantius. |
Here place the light, now hasten to the hall, |
[Exit Page. |
O sleep, thou nourisher of man and babe, |
[Lies on the couch. |
Enter two Murderers. |
1st Murderer. |
“Oh! if one spot did sully his pure soul |
2nd Murderer. |
“’Tis true — |
1st Murderer. |
“Why how now? |
2nd Murderer. |
“Yet one moment I pray thee, comrade! |
1st Murderer. |
“I tell thee I will not. |
1st Murderer. |
“Thou shalt not yet, |
2nd Murderer. |
“Coward, take hence that poor unmanly carcase, |
1st Murderer. |
“Lay on then! for I will defend the King, |
[They fight, first Murderer dies behind the Scenes. |
The King awakes. |
Constantius. |
“Vassal, I say! what means this bloody deed? |
Murderer. |
“Why plainly then! I do not fear thy presence, |
King. |
“Traitor and villain, what would’st thou? |
Murderer. |
“Nay then, an thou dost speak so rudely, |
[Stabs him. |
King. |
“Oh! I die, sweet Heaven receive my soul! |
[Dies. |
Murderer. |
“Farewell, good King! and thou my comrade too!” |
[Exit. |
Enter Vortigern with Guards, as having viewed the dead body of the King, behind the Scenes. |
Vortigern. |
O! this preposterous and inhuman act, |
Officer. |
Hard by, my lord, he lies reeking in’s blood, |
Vortigern. |
O! my good friends, wou’d you had spar’d his life, |
Officer. |
Name him you deem the murderer, good my lord? |
Vortigern. |
Be silent and mark well that I shall say, |
[Exeunt. |
Assembly of Barons. |
Enter Vortigern. |
Vortigern. |
Oh! my thrice noble and right worthy Peers, |
1st Baron. |
Trusting to thee, our noble good Protector, |
Vortigern. |
I fear good Barons you do flatter me! |
2nd Baron. |
My lord! the people, Barons, all do thank you |
Vortigern. |
’Tis well! I do commend your zealous care; |
[Exeunt. |
A Hall in Vortigern’s Palace. |
Enter Vortigern. |
Vortigern. |
How stands it now — then am I but Protector? |
Enter Servant. |
Vortigern. |
Are there no letters yet arrived from Rome? |
Servant. |
No, my good liege. |
Vortigern. |
Nor messengers? |
Servant. |
Neither, my gracious sir. |
Vortigern. |
Retire a while. |
[Exit Servant. |
Nor messengers nor letters! this alarms me; |
[Exit. |
London. The Palace. |
Enter Flavia and Pascentius. |
Flavia. |
Oh! heav’ns! in thy great mercy thou hast led me |
Pascentius. |
My Flavia say! |
Flavia. |
Alas! ’tis true! I too have seen my father; |
Pascentius. |
’Tis not in my nature |
Flavia. |
Enough, enough, I meant not to offend; |
Pascentius. |
Th’impending exile is to me most strange, |
Enter Fool. |
Flavia. |
Speak, Fool, when did’st last see my gentle mother? |
Fool. |
Rather ask, when ’twas that I e’er saw thy father in such sort before; marry, he did never speak so roundly to me. Of old, your Fool did make your sage one tremble, but my foolship hath not found it so. Times must indeed be bad, when fools lack wit to battle wise mens ire; nay, but I have legs, therefore can run; a heart, that’s merry, but wou’d be more so, an ’twas drench’d with sack from my ladle; but no matter, that’s empty, till you gentles chuse to fill it, then by your leaves we’ll walk, and carry our wits where they’ll chance meet better fare. |
Pascentius. |
Nay, nay, come hither Fool, be not too hasty; |
Flavia. |
Of me ask nothing, but pursue that council |
Pascentius. |
What’s thy purpose, Fool? |
Fool. |
To quit thy father. |
Pascentius. |
What think’st o’me for a master? |
Fool. |
Nay, o’that I think not, for thou wou’dst joke, but an thou dost, thou hast rare impudence to do’t i’th’presence of a fool. |
When thy beard is somewhat blacker, |
Why marry, an I should then find nought more suiting, my charity shall bid me follow thee, and teach thee the ways o’this slippery world. |
Flavia. |
O tarry not, for we must hence away; |
Pascentius. |
Near five o’th’clock. |
Fool. |
Yea, and your father wills that you do soon salute your beds, for he hath order’d that supper be instantly brought into the hall. |
Flavia. |
Good heav’n’s! so soon, O my Pascentius, |
[Exeunt. |
Fool. |
Nay, then ye are gone and ha left your poor Fool behind. Methinks I love that young master; nay, I know not how ’tis, but my legs wou’d needs go follow him; yet master Fool, is this wisdom? for they say the legs should ne’er carry away the brains; yet let me see, cannot I, in my folly, now form this saying, and turn it to mine own conceit? I ha hit it; for it matters not what comes o’my brains, for men say they are good for naught, but my legs are; therefore, let the better o’th’two serve as guide for the other. I’ll away then, and follow him. |
[Exit. |
Rome. |
Enter Aurelius and Uter, Constantius’ two Brothers. |
Uter. |
E’en now in Rome have we for seven long years |
Aurelius. |
Even so good Uter stands it with myself, |
Uter. |
Nay, good my brother, patience yet a little, |
Aurelius. |
I cannot, will not bear this absence longer. |
Enter Servant. |
Servant. |
A messenger, my lords, attends without |
Aurelius. |
Whence comes he? |
Servant. |
From Britain. |
Aurelius. |
From Britain say’st thou! then admit him straight. |
[Exit Serv. |
Enter Messenger. |
Messenger. |
My gracious lord, are you the eldest son |
Aurelius. |
Even so. |
Messenger. |
This packet then, I fear, will news contain |
Aurelius reads. |
These letters we in haste dispatch’d to tell you, |
Aurelius. |
Oh! horror! horror! my dear father murder’d! |
Uter. |
By whom? speak Messenger, where, when, and how? |
Messenger. |
The plot, good Princes, hath been deeply laid. |
Aurelius. |
This is indeed most foul! say on, my friend, |
Messenger. |
Then thus ’tis — Vortigern hath done the deed; |
Aurelius. |
Uter, oh heavens! the father of my Flavia! |
Uter. |
Oh! this indeed is damned treachery. |
Aurelius. |
Speak on, speak on, and end thy sad discourse! |
Messenger. |
Thy friends in Britain long suspected this, |
Aurelius. |
Oh! would it had been so. Uter support me! |
Uter. |
Let us retire a while my gentle brother, |
[Exeunt. |
Rome. |
Enter Aurelius, Uter, and Messenger. |
Aurelius. |
Our friends in England then have thought it fitting, |
Messenger. |
E’en so did they instruct for weighty reasons. |
Uter. |
Are vessels ready to convey us thither? |
Messenger. |
Yes, my good lord. |
Aurelius. |
Come, brother, let’s away then with all speed — |
Messenger. |
No! no, your Roman vestments will disguise you, |
Aurelius. |
Then be it so — farewell to thee, O! Rome; |
[Exeunt. |
A Hall, discovers Vortigern, Edmunda, Wortimer, &c. at Supper. |
Vortigern. |
Seek, Wortimer, thy brother and thy sister: |
Wortimerus. |
My gracious father, I obey. |
Edmunda. |
O! dearest husband, calm thy ruffled soul, |
Vortigern. |
Peace then, and with thy words, whet not I pray |
Edmunda. |
I go, and though a vulture gnaw my heart, |
[Exit. |
Wortimerus. |
My gracious Sir, I’ve search’d the chambers through, |
Vortigern. |
What! scorn’d and thus defied, I will not bear it, |
Enter Servant. |
Vortigern. |
Quick to my wife, and say I’d speak with her. |
Enter Edmunda. |
Edmunda. |
What is your pleasure, Sir? |
Vortigern. |
Where are my recreant son and daughter gone; |
Edmunda. |
If in these veins doth run the blood of life, |
Vortigern. |
Deceive me not I say, thou speak’st most false, |
Edmunda. |
O! Sir, these tears do stop my pow’r o’speech, |
Vortigern. |
It is most false, but look to’t, and dost hear me, |
[Exit Vor. |
Edmunda. |
And can this be? these ears were sure deceiv’d, |
distracted = insane | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[Exit. |
A Wood. |
Enter Pascentius, Flavia disguised, and Fool. |
Pascentius. |
Speak, dearest sister, say, how fares it with thee? |
Flavia. |
Oh! gentle, excellent, most loving brother, |
Fool. |
By my troth, mine eyes did never water so before, sweet mistress, an thou hast charm’d thy Fool, methinks the choir o’angels needs must listen to thy pray’r; and yet these underprops o’mine do sorely ach, and wherefore shou’d they? for an I do eat, then am I loaded, and do bear it well, but now that I am empty, these porters won’t carry me, this is strange, and needs more wisdom to unveil, than lies in my poor foolish brain. |
Flavia. |
Methinks I’d sit and rest me here a-while. |
Pascentius. |
Then to the shade of yon imperial oak |
Fool. |
Why, to be brief good master, I needs wou’d sing, but that gentle lady hath crack’d the strings o’my voice; an ’twill please you weep, marry I’ll take the loudest pipe, and shou’d I fail in giving entertainment, why then I’ll to Paul’s, and there i’the presence of Bonner, be whipp’d for a slanderer. |
Pascentius. |
I pray thee Fool do as I list. |
Fool. |
Now then I’ll pipe, but by my troth you seem sad, and needs will me to sing merrily; well, an folly will please you, I’ll to’t straight. |
Fool sings. |
Flavia. |
Good honest Fool, I do sincerely thank thee. |
Fool. |
Nay, nay, say not so, an I had flatter’d, why then perchance I had merited this, but i’faith gentle lady, he that says nought, save the bare truth, doth oft times meet but a bare compliment. But an you do flatter, methinks the compliment will savour more of untruth, than did the flattery, but thus it goes with our slippery world. |
Pascentius. |
Who is it comes this way? |
Flavia. |
Let us retire, |
Fool. |
An thou’lt listen a while to me I’ll tell thee thou need’st not fear, ’tis but the Post on’s way to your father’s palace. |
Enter Post. |
Pascentius. |
Friend, thou out runnest almost speed itself; |
Post. |
I am for London, Sir. |
Pascentius. |
Nay stop one moment, I conjure thee stop! |
Post. |
That which my packets do contain. |
Pascentius. |
An thou will tell me their contents, there’s gold. |
Fool. |
Now, i’troth, thou’lt unlock letters, packets, and all, look, look, the knave doth handle it with good grace, sirrah an thou play’dst on David’s harp, thy fingers ne’er wou’d move so glibly o’er the strings, as o’er yon gold, do’st hear me. |
Post. |
Thy gold indeed doth please, it fills my purse, |
Flavia. |
Heavens! |
Post. |
Yea, and even now the Princes marching hither |
Pascentius. |
Alas my father! yet I do beseech thee, |
Post. |
Swift messengers dispatch’d by friends to Rome, |
[Exit Post. |
Fool. |
Go to, go to, I do believe thee; marry an thou art humble, thy purse is somewhat prouder. Good Sir, wer’t not best we put on, I am faint at heart; marry ’tis pity my wits did not fill their owner, as well as those who do beg them. |
Pascentius. |
Let’s on, and yet what course is’t fit we take? |
Flavia. |
Oh! Wou’d this night cou’d pluck my sorrow from me, |
Pascentius. |
Oh! Sister an thou lov’st me grieve not so. |
Flavia. |
If charity be meek, so will I be, |
Fool. |
Marry, an you’ll listen to a fool, perchance he may for once speek wisely. |
Pascentius. |
Out with thy council then. |
Fool. |
Thus it is — chance hath made me your fool, and chance will now that your fool speak something like wisdom; marry is not this the road to Scotland? Do’st understand me? |
Pascentius. |
Truly, I understand thee. |
Fool. |
To’t again, what say’st thou o’joining the young Princes on their march? |
Pascentius. |
It is most wisely utter’d, my good Fool. |
[Exeunt. |
An Assembly of Barons. |
Vortigern. |
To you have been explained our late dispatches, |
1st Baron. |
No! they’re the sons of our late King, ’tis true, |
2nd Baron. |
Then are they traitors to their God and country. |
3rd Baron. |
And as the crown is now untenanted, |
1st Baron. |
If any one there be that doth deserve it, |
All. |
Then be it his! |
1st Baron. |
Girt tight the drum, and sound yon brazen trumpet, |
[Trumpet sounds. |
2nd Baron. |
Nay, stop not there; but let them bellow on, |
Vortigern. |
The exigencies of the state demand |
Baron. |
All hail great Vortigern Britain King! |
[Trumpet sounds. |
Vortigern. |
My lords, vain compliment would suit but ill |
1st Baron. |
We do approve, and thank its noble author. |
Vortigern. |
You, my good lord, then do I here depute, |
[Exeunt. |
A distant View of the Sea. |
Enter Aurelius and Uter, (with the Scottish army) as just disembarked, habited as Britons. |
Aurelius. |
O dearest soil, blest mother earth, hail to thee! |
Uter. |
Brother, each lip for thee sends forth a blessing; |
[Exit Uter. |
Aurelius. |
Then, as the general, the task is mine |
[Exit. |
Gates of London. |
Enter Catagrinus, Hengist and Horsus, with Saxon Troops, in grand Procession. |
Captain. |
Here let us halt, and let the trumpet sound, |
[Trumpet sounds, Officer appears on the walls. |
Officer. |
Say, be ye friends or foes? |
Captain. |
My father sent us hence to Saxony; |
[Trumpet sounds. |
Yet soft, that sound proclaims his quick approach. |
Hengist. |
Throughout the ranks let each man be prepar’d, |
Gates open. |
Vortigern appears in Robes of Majesty, followed by the Barons and British Troops. |
Catagrinus kneels to Vortigern. |
Vortigern. |
Rise, my dear son! thou’rt welcome here again. |
Hengist. |
We come, great sir, to fight in thy defence, |
Vortigern. |
Give me thy hand, brave General, and with it, |
[Exeunt. |
The Country. |
Enter Flavia, Pascentius, and Fool. |
Pascentius. |
Why sister thus shou’d grief usurp thy cheek? |
Flavia. |
I’ll sit me down and court sweet music’s aid. |
She sings. |
She sang while from her eye ran down |
II. |
Keen anguish fain wou’d turn her heart, |
III. |
Careless her locks around her hung, |
Pascentius. |
O! why sing thus? thou dost join woe to woe, |
Flavia. |
Oh! brother, this strange frame that keeps in life, |
Pascentius. |
Listen, I pray thee now, to reason’s voice; |
Fool. |
I’troth, thou hast wisely spoken. |
Pascentius. |
Dost think so, my good Fool? |
Fool. |
Marry, aye, do I; an I’ll tell thee why, thy speech hath not wearied the Fool, therefore ’tis a wise speech. |
Pascentius. |
Thou’rt then a judge? |
Fool. |
Aye, and a righteous one too, dost mark me, ’tis your Fool alone will make a true report. |
Pascentius. |
I understand thee not. |
Fool. |
The more’s the pity. He that doth, or well speak, or write, will be prais’d by fools only, for look ye, envy doth sting those that have knowledge, and makes them fear lest their wise heads should be outwitted, therefore again, ’tis your Fool alone that is your upright judge, cause forsooth, his brains are not in plenty; but those which he hath are at’s own disposal. |
Pascentius. |
This road methinks shou’d lead us on our way |
[As they retire, enter Captain and Soldiers. |
Captain. |
Not quite so fast, good master, prithee halt. |
Flavia. |
What, guards! O brother, now we are undone. |
Pascentius. |
Be calm, be calm, the troops are not my father’s. |
Captain. |
From Scotland, sir. |
Flavia. |
Then O good heav’ns protect me! |
Pascentius. |
And who is your commander? |
Captain. |
One whose merit |
Pascentius. |
But he is now no more. |
Captain. |
Yet hath he two sons living, |
Pascentius. |
Are ye bound towards the camp? |
Captain. |
We are, and if you’re upright men and true, |
Pascentius. |
Proceed then, and we’ll follow; tell me, sister, |
Flavia. |
Yea, it swells so, this little breast in truth. |
Fool. |
I troth, merrily, merrily as I do; ’tis true I am a Briton, but then am I not a Fool? And ne’er will I put my folly to the test. Think’st thou I’ll risk my brains for mine anointed King? Nay, nay, in this affair mine heels shall be my guide, and quick teach me the way to run. |
[Exeunt. |
A Chamber in the Palace. |
Enter Edmunda, and Attendants. |
Edmunda. |
I will not to my chamber then I tell ye. |
1st Maid. |
Beseech you madam to return again, |
Edmunda. |
Come hither pretty maid, look at me well; |
1st Maid. |
Indeed he hath. |
Edmunda. |
Nay, get thee gone, — a maid, and still so false! |
2nd Maid. |
Madam, I fear your reason wanders. |
Edmunda. |
Aye, aye! I understand thee, it is flown; |
[Strikes her forehead. |
Sweet, sweet, come from yon branch here’s food for thee, |
2nd Maid. |
My tears do flow for her so plenteously, |
Edmunda. |
O! you great Gods! why pelt ye thus my brain, |
1st Maid. |
Will’t please we lead you in? |
Edmunda. |
I’gin indeed to think I do need support, |
2nd Maid. |
Aye an’t please you madam. |
Edmunda. |
Then listen. |
She sings |
Last Whitsunday they brought me |
How like you this? |
1st Maid. |
Excellently well, madam. |
Edmunda. |
The time has been! when thus thou might’st have said, |
[Exeunt. |
Aurelius’ Camp. |
Enter Aurelius, Uter, Pascentius, and Flavia. |
Aurelius. |
You then escaped disguised in man’s attire? |
Flavia. |
’Tis true I did, but ne’er did rapier yet |
Aurelius. |
To you Pascentius my best thanks are due. |
Pascentius. |
Nay, nay, ’tis little that to me you owe. |
Flavia. |
Indeed, but for his aid, I long ere this |
Uter. |
Brother, the enemy is near at hand, |
Aurelius. |
Go you before and swift I’ll follow. |
Flavia. |
This token° let me brace around thine arm, |
token = sign | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Aurelius. |
O! cruel fortune, so soon to wrench from me |
[Exeunt. |
The Camp of Hengist. |
Enter Hengist and Horsus. |
Hengist. |
Have Vortigern’s brave sons yet ta’en their station? |
Horsa. |
Yea, to our right the Briton’s strength is form’d. |
Hengist. |
Then bid them wait the enemies attack. |
[Exit Hor. |
Now, O ye Gods! prove but propitious to me, |
[Exit. |
A Wood. |
Enter Britons and Saxons, they encounter the Scots, and after a hard contest, the Scots are defeated. |
Enter Aurelius and Uter. |
Aurelius. |
O brother! fortune frowns, the day is lost. |
Uter. |
But it hath cost them dear! |
[Exeunt. |
Another Part of the Field. |
Enter Flavia and Pascentius. |
Pascentius. |
Be of good cheer, tho’ they have lost the day, |
Enter Horsus. |
Say, what’s thy business in this bloody field, |
Pascentius. |
I, Sir, am her protector. |
Horsa. |
If thou’lt resign her, here is gold for thee. |
Pascentius. |
Although my peasant habit shews me poor, |
Horsa. |
Vile stripling! dost thou know me? |
Pascentius. |
I do not. |
Horsa. |
Thou shalt repent this! |
Pascentius. |
Approach her not, if yet thou lov’st thyself. |
Horsa. |
Thy lack of years doth save thee from my wrath, |
Flavia. |
O Pascentius, O my brother! |
Pascentius. |
Fear not, he shall not harm thee gentle Flavia. |
(To Horsus.) |
Insolent presumptuous slave! what would’st thou? |
Horsa. |
I’ll make thee dearly answer for thy rashness. |
[They fight, and Horsus falls. |
O I am wounded! speak, what is thy name? |
[Dies. |
Pascentius. |
I now lament the deed that I have done. |
Flavia. |
O sadly doth repentance sit on us. |
Pascentius. |
How soon this lord of the creation dies; |
Flavia. |
Sure he did make some mention of our father, |
Pascentius. |
Something methinks he spoke to that effect, |
[Exeunt. |
A Wood. |
Enter Hengist and Officer. |
Hengist. |
Hath Horsus yet been found? |
Officer. |
Thrice hath the field with greatest care been search’d, |
Hengist. |
Then have I lost my first, my dearest friend, |
Officer. |
Towards Badon Hill. |
Hengist. |
How fare our troops? |
Officer. |
But ill, nay, very ill. |
Hengist. |
Indeed! and sayest thou so? |
Officer. |
The day was bloody and it cost us dear, |
Hengist. |
Good Heav’ns! |
Enter another Officer. |
What’s thy business? |
2nd Officer. |
Fourteen thousand troops have join’d our army, |
Enter Rowena. |
Hengist. |
Welcome Rowena! |
(Rowena kneels.) |
Rowena. |
O! joy once more to see my father’s face. |
Hengist. |
Rise, rise my child! |
Rowena. |
First with my kisses let me ’dew this hand; |
Enter Soldier. |
Soldier. |
From London, Vortigern is on his march! |
Hengist. |
’Tis well! go straight, put all in readiness. |
Officer. |
We obey, my lord. |
[Exeunt Officers. |
Hengist. |
Daughter, thou heard’st but now o’th’King’s approach. |
Rowena. |
Your Officer so express’d it! |
Hengist. |
True! and do’st hear, much rests with thee to do. |
Rowena. |
If ought, dear father, my poor services |
Hengist. |
Thus then it is — I shall prepare a feast, |
Rowena. |
But shou’d I fail? |
Hengist. |
Nay, do not fear it; I do know him well. |
[Exeunt. |
A magnificent Feast, Vortigern on a Throne, Hengist, Wortimerus, Catagrinus, Lords and Ladies, with Attendants. |
Vortigern. |
To mirth we dedicate this noble feast! |
Hengist. |
O! my most gracious King, I am unworthy. |
Vortigern. |
Thou did’st fight manfully, and bravely conquer. |
Lords |
The King doth drink. |
Hengist. |
Thou sentest for me, noble Sir, to fight; |
[Hengist speaks to one of the Lords aside. |
Vortigern. |
Thou, Hengist, at our hands hast well deserv’d; |
Enter Rowena. |
Ye heavenly powers! what lovely maid is this, |
Hengist. |
Rowena, Sir, my daughter, and your slave. |
(Rowena kneels.) |
Rowena. |
All hail, great King! |
Vortigern. |
O thou most lovely maiden! |
[Takes the cup and drinks. |
This seat is empty, fair Rowena, take it, |
Captain. |
It is Edmunda’s place, the queen’s, our mother’s. |
Vortigern. |
Peace! she is unworthy of that station. |
Wortimerus. |
She, Sir, is queen, and tho’ she is not present, |
Vortigern. |
How, do ye murmur, must I then humble |
Wortimerus. |
We shall retire, my lord! |
Vortigern. |
Here sit, bright maid, if I presage not vainly, |
Rowena. |
How can I merit love of such a King? |
Vortigern. |
Thy meekness and fair looks have won my soul, |
Rowena. |
Already, Sir, have I avow’d you King. |
Vortigern. |
And therefore here I do proclaim thee Queen. |
Hengist. |
My lord! that honour is too weighty. |
Vortigern. |
Then speak, my lords, what say ye to my choice? |
1st Lord. |
Methinks the law shou’d then proclaim it void. |
Vortigern. |
Be it then void; and here I pledge myself, |
2nd Lord. |
The law allows not this, it is not justice. |
3rd Lord. |
That power lies in the Barons, not the King. |
Vortigern. |
What! dare ye then dispute it? |
All but 1st. Lord. |
We do. |
3rd Lord. |
And while the pow’r remains that’s vested in us, |
Vortigern. |
Take heed, lest you repent this your rashness. |
[Exeunt Lords. |
SCENE closes, Vortigern comes forward. |
Vortigern. |
O! these vile petty kings do make more uproar |
[Hengist bows. |
Vor. to Row. |
Give me thy hand; let us retire, my Queen! |
[Exeunt. |
An Anti-Chamber. |
Enter Wortimerus and Catagrinus. |
Wortimerus. |
Shall we in quiet tamely suffer this? |
Captain. |
Do they then think our substance form’d of flint; |
Wortimerus. |
Let’s to the Princes, and our troops will follow. |
Captain. |
I do accept thine offer. |
Enter Lords. |
2nd Lord. |
Most gentle Princes, whither are ye bound? |
Wortimerus. |
To quit oppression, and to seek for justice. |
3rd Lord. |
Under your banners then we do enlist. |
Captain. |
Speak, what hath now been done that thus ye quit |
2nd Lord. |
The King, on the pretext of malady, |
Wortimerus. |
Gods! |
2nd Lord. |
And, her proud father, Hengist, to enrich, |
Wortimerus. |
Then look you quick repair towards our camp, |
[Exeunt. |
Enter Aurelius, Uter, Pascentius, and Flavia. |
Aurelius. |
Though bloody battle calls us forth again, |
Uter. |
Hengist hath pitch’d on t’other side of Badon; |
Aurelius. |
Then be it so. |
Pascentius. |
And yet I must not ’gainst my father arm! |
Flavia. |
Indeed, thou’dst arm against thy sister too; |
Enter Officer. |
Officer. |
Two sons of Vortigern do crave admittance. |
Enter Wortimerus and Catagrinus. |
Wortimerus. |
My brother and my sister here! |
Captain. |
O! joy unthought of! Oh! unlook’d-for bliss! |
Flavia. |
Say! speak! how fares it with my gentle mother? |
Wortimerus. |
Beseech thee, ask me not of her sad story. |
Flavia. |
Sad, say’st thou? Heav’n forefend; she is not dead? |
Wortimerus. |
Calm thyself, dearest sister, she lives still. |
Flavia. |
O! where, where, tell me, that with these moist tears |
Wortimerus. |
Let us retire. |
Enter the Saxon and British Armies; they fight, and the Saxons are routed. |
Enter Hengist and Officer. |
Hengist. |
All, all is lost. Fly, fly, to the king’s tent, |
Enter Wortimerus. |
Hengist. |
Vile traitor both to your liege king and father, |
Wortimerus. |
Can’st thou, vile Saxon, thou base braggart, ask it? |
Hengist. |
Ask where’s thy queen, and then I’ll answer thee! |
Wortimerus. |
Dares thus thy tongue with notes unmannerly |
[They fight, Hengist falls. |
Hengist. |
Thine hand be blasted for this fatal blow. |
Wortimerus. |
Yea, and thou need’st not much of Kent’s domain, |
Hengist. |
Yet chance one lives, that may avenge this deed; |
Wortimerus. |
He fought his last, — |
Hengist. |
Yea, all, had I but liv’d a little longer. |
[Dies. |
Enter Catagrinus. |
Captain. |
All, all is ours, the ranks are broken — |
[Looking to the body of Hengist. |
Wortimerus. |
Hengist himself. |
Captain. |
What, was it thou that this vile monster fell’d? |
Wortimerus. |
Ay, marry; but he fought indeed like one |
Captain. |
Our father hath towards London ta’en his flight, |
Wortimerus. |
That’s well indeed! come let us on and join them. |
[Exeunt. |
Vortigern’s Palace. |
Enter Vortigern and 1st. Baron. |
1st Baron. |
Speed, my most gracious lord, think on your safety, |
Vortigern. |
Where are my sons? |
1st Baron. |
Let not your tongue curse me when I shall say. |
Vortigern. |
Speak quick! |
1st Baron. |
With all their troops they join’d the enemy, |
Enter Officer. |
Vortigern. |
Well, Sir, and what more tidings do you bring? |
Officer. |
To London’s lofty walls they follow’d us. |
Vortigern. |
I care not an’ they follow’d you to hell: |
Officer. |
Alas, I fear me, Sir, she’s ta’en a prisoner. |
Vortigern. |
Then all is lost indeed! — Thou sweetest death! |
Officer. |
Shall I go forth, my lord, and man the walls? |
Vortigern. |
Do as thou wilt, — |
Officer. |
What, Sir, are your commands? |
Vortigern. |
Thou art an old and ever faithful servant. |
Officer. |
My means have not kept pace with my desires. |
Vortigern. |
I know thee well! wou’dst thou not serve me, friend? |
Officer. |
Aye, my good lord! put me but to the test, |
Vortigern. |
I take thee at thy word; hold here my sword, |
Officer. |
O! if each drop that were to issue from thee, |
Vortigern. |
Thou coward, what, afraid? O! shame, fie on’t. |
Officer. |
Consider, Sir, your Queen yet lives. |
Vortigern. |
Thou art in the right; to arms then; out, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ACT V. |
Apartment in Vortigern’s Palace. |
Edmunda on a Couch, Flavia and Pascentius |
Soft Music. |
Edmunda. |
Indeed, my gentle maid, indeed, thou’rt kind, |
Flavia. |
Pity thee, O Gods! |
Edmunda. |
Nay, wherefore weep ye both, |
Pascentius. |
Doth she yet know you? |
Flavia. |
Wou’d to Heaven she did. |
Edmunda. |
And yet there was a maid that once did love me, |
Flavia. |
This is too much, I cannot bear all this. |
Edmunda. |
Nay, nay, why shou’d’st thou wail and tremble so? |
Pascentius. |
O! dearest mother, say, dost thou not know me? |
Edmunda. |
Aye, aye, right well, thou’rt one by name a man: |
Enter Wortimerus and Catagrinus. |
Wortimerus. |
How doth she now? |
Pascentius. |
Alas! she wanders yet, her mind’s diseas’d. |
Flavia. |
I am that maiden lost, your loving daughter. |
Edmunda. |
Bring here my glasses, stand before me here! |
Pascentius. |
She faints, she faints! this shock is too afflicting |
Flavia. |
O! dearest, kindest, and most gentle mother. |
Edmunda. |
Indeed, my brain is something cooler now, |
Flavia. |
Sweet mother, you need rest, we’ll lead you in. |
Edmunda. |
Then be it so, and wilt thou sit and watch me? |
Flavia. |
Aye, and I’ll kneel and pray, and sometimes weep. |
Edmunda. |
Lead then, I’ll in to rest, come follow me. |
[Exeunt. |
Enter Aurelius and Uter. |
Aurelius. |
The breach is made, the southern gate is forc’d, |
Uter. |
Aurelius, your fair prisoner is no more. |
Aurelius. |
How say’st thou? |
Uter. |
Rowena hath ta’en poison and is dead. |
Aurelius. |
Then hath a wicked soul taken its flight |
[Exeunt. |
Cæsar’s Tower. |
Enter 1st. Baron and Officer. |
Baron. |
Is the King yet safe? |
Officer. |
He is, my lord. |
Baron. |
Are many troops with us? |
Officer. |
Two thousand full well arm’d; and braver men |
Enter Vortigern. |
Vortigern. |
Why stand ye here, like fools, catching the air, |
Baron. |
My gracious Prince, we wait your orders here. |
Vortigern. |
Then fight I say. |
Baron. |
I go. |
Vortigern. |
No, no, thou must stay here, thou’rt my sole prop; |
Baron. |
Courage, my noble Sir. — |
Vortigern. |
Time was, alas! I needed not this spur. |
Baron. |
Let not, my lord! your thoughts sink you thus low, |
Enter an Officer. |
Officer. |
My lord! my lord! |
Vortigern. |
Wherefore dost tremble thus, paper-fac’d knave! |
Officer. |
Indeed, indeed, I fear to tell you, Sir. |
Vortigern. |
Speak, vassal, speak! my soul defies thy tongue. |
Officer. |
Your newly married Queen — |
Vortigern. |
Speak, what of her? |
Officer. |
My lord, she hath ta’en poison, and is dead. |
Vortigern. |
Nay, shrink not from me now, be not afraid, |
Lord. |
Yet we may hope — |
Vortigern. |
O! friend, let not thy tongue delude with hope, |
Officer. |
Yet is the breach not made, and we are strong, |
Vortigern. |
Can wicked souls e’er stand before the just; |
Enter another Officer. |
2nd Officer. |
All, all is lost, the post is ta’en by storm; |
Vortigern. |
If it be so, then will I out and die; |
[Exeunt. |
The Basse-Court of the Tower. |
Enter Aurelius and Uter. |
Uter. |
Where, brother, are the sons of Vortigern? |
Aurelius. |
I bade them with their gentle mother stay, |
Uter. |
Brother, I do commend thee for this deed, |
Enter Officer. |
Aurelius. |
What’s the news? |
Officer. |
Th’ill fated King doth flee tow’rds Cæsar’s Tow’r, |
Aurelius. |
Did ye obey mine orders? |
Officer. |
Aye, my good lord, in ev’ry circumstance. |
Aurelius. |
Then Uter look, you march towards that same tow’r; |
[Exeunt. |
SCENE the Gate of Cæsar’s Tower. |
Enter Lord and Troops. |
Lord. |
In, in, for they do scar our very backs, |
Enter Vortigern. |
Vortigern. |
Give me another sword, I have so clogg’d |
Lord. |
Here, here, my noble lord! |
Vortigern. |
As with their bloods I stain’d my reeking blade, |
Lord. |
The troops are enter’d, — please you follow them? |
Vortigern. |
I love not to be shut in walls of flint; |
Lord. |
Consider, my dear lord, think of your safety. |
Vortigern. |
Must we then die? then wherefore in a door, |
Lord. |
Is it your pleasure they shall then proceed? |
Vortigern. |
Aye, e’en to it straight. — |
Enter Aurelius. |
Aurelius. |
Villain and traitor, at thy word I take thee. |
Vortigern. |
Ah! — thy face the semblance of thy father’s bears! |
Aurelius. |
Thou perjured wretch! thou most abhorred villain! |
Vortigern. |
Prate on, prate on; ’tis true I merit this; |
Aurelius. |
Alike, I do defy thy rage and thee; |
Vortigern. |
Curse upon thee, thou grat’st my soul, |
[They fight and pause. |
Yet stand aloof, and hear me yet a while? |
Aurelius. |
I will not. |
Vortigern. |
’Twere better that thou should’st, lest waxing warm |
Aurelius. |
Come on, come on, I say! |
[They fight, Vortigern is thrown to the ground. |
Now, tyrant, now, I have thee in my power. |
Vortigern. |
Dost think I’ll blanch my face, and be a coward? |
Aurelius. |
Now, traytor, where’s my father? |
Vortigern. |
Murdered. |
Aurelius. |
And by whom? |
Vortigern. |
Is not the crown thine own? |
Aurelius. |
Aye, and is so by right; then speak, I say. |
Vortigern. |
I will not, boy, had’st thou ten thousand voices, |
Aurelius. |
Then die! |
(Flavia comes forward.) |
Flavia. |
O stop, Aurelius! |
Vortigern. |
My daughter here! then curse thy tardy hand, |
Flavia. |
O! mercy! on my knees I beg for mercy. |
Vortigern. |
’Twas I, ’twas I, this hand thy father murdered. |
Aurelius. |
And say’st thou this, e’en to my face? |
Vortigern. |
Aye, to thy face, and in thy ears I’ll din it, |
Enter Wortimerus, Catagrinus, Soldiers, Lords, &c. |
Wortimerus. |
What! my father? |
Aurelius. |
My Flavia, for thy sake I grant him life. |
Vortigern. |
In charity then I pray ye bear me hence! |
Aurelius. |
Aye, lead him towards the Friars. |
Vortigern. |
Yea, where ye list, but take me from this sight. |
[Vor. is led out. |
Aurelius. |
How fares Edmunda? |
Wortimerus. |
Her mind is somewhat better, yet she’s feeble. |
Aurelius. |
Well! of your father doth she e’er say ought? |
Wortimerus. |
Aye, truly, but she haply thinks him dead. |
Enter Uter. |
Uter. |
Of all, the King hath truly made confession, |
(All Kneel.) |
All. |
Hail to Aurelius, |
Pascentius enters. |
Pas. to Aur. |
Vortigern on thee bestows our sister, |
Aurelius. |
Which I do kiss, and with the self same breath, |
All. |
All hail to Flavia, Queen of Britain. |
Aurelius. |
Much, we confess, we owe to all here present; |
[Curtain drops. |
"Fool comes forward.” |
“Methinks but now I heard some gentles say, |
Written by the late ROBERT MERRY, Esq. |
Spoken by Mrs. Jordan. |
Ye solemn critics! wheresoe’er you’re seated, |