I've prepared this text far too hastily, and the notes are very rudimentary at this point. I hope to provide more useful information soon.
The Trivmph of Peace. A Masque, presented by the Foure Honourable Houses, or Innes of Court. Before the King and Queenes Majesties, in the Banquetting-house at White Hall, February the third, 1633. Invented and written, By James Shirley, of Grayes InneLondon
Printed by Iohn Norton, for William Cooke [etc.] 1633 [i.e. 1634]
Your cleare devotions already offered, ond accepted, let not me want an Altar for my Oblation to You. This entertaynment which tooke life from your command, and wanted no motion, or growth, it could derive from my weake Phansie: I sacrifice againe to You, and vnder Your smile to the world, let it not repent you to looke vpon, what is the second time made Your owne, and with it, the Heart of the Sacrificer, infinitely bound to acknowledge your free, and Noble soules, that have left no way for a Poet to satisfie his ambition, how to thanke you, but with thinking, he shall never be able to satisfie it.
I dare not racke my preface to a length, proceede to be Your selues (the Ornament of our Nation,) and when You have leisure to converse with imaginations of this kinde, it shall be an addition to your many favours, to read these papers, and obliege beside, the seales of Your other encouragement,
The humblest of your Honourers Iames Shirley.
The Antimasquers were vsher'd by a Hornepipe, and a Shalme, riding in Coates and Caps of yellow Taffata, spotted with Silver, their Feathers red, their Horses led by men in coates of blew Taffata, their wings red, and part of their sleeves yellow, Caps and Feathers: all the torch-bearers in the same habite appoynted to attend, and give plentifull light to the whole traine.
Phansie, in a sute of severall coloured Feathers hooded. A paire of Bats-wings on his shoulders, riding alone as sole presenter of the Antimasques.
After him rode Opinion and Confidence together, Opinion in an old fashioned Doublet of blacke Velvet, and truncke Hose, a short Cloake of the same with an antique Cape, a blacke Velvet cap pinch'd up, with a white fall, a Staffe in his hand.
Confidence in a slash'd Doublet parti-coloured Breeches sutable with poynts at knees, favours upon his breast, and arme: a broad-brim'd Hat, tied upon one side, banded with a Feather, a long Locke of Haire, trim'd with severall coloured Ribbands, wide Boots, and great Spurres with Bels for rowels.
Next rode Iollity and Laughter. Iollity in a flame-coloured Suite, but trick'd like a Morise-dancer, with Scarfes and Napkins, his Hat fashioned like a Cone, with a little fall.
Laughter in a long side Coate of severall colours, laughing Visards on his breast and backe, a Cap with two grinning faces, and Feathers betweene.
Then followed variety of Anticke musicke after which rode sixe Proiectors, one after another, their horses led by Torch-bearers.
The first a Iocky with a Bonnet on his head upon the top of it a whip, he seeming much to obserue and affect a bridle which he had in his hand.
The second a Country fellow in a Leather Doubled and gray trunke Hose, a wheele with a perpetuall motion on his head, and in his hand a flayle.
The third, a grimme Philosopicall fac'd fellow in his gowne furr'd, and girdled about him, a furnace upon his head, and in his hand a lampe.
The fourth in a case of blacke Leather vast to the middle, and round on the top, with glasse eyes, and bellowes under each arme.
The fift a Physition, on his head a Hat with a bunch of Carrots, a Capon perched upon his fist.
The sixt like a Seaman, A Shippe upon his head and holding a Line and Plummet in his hand.
Here variety of other Anticke musicke counterfeiting the voyces of Birds, and after these rode, a Magpy, a Crow, a Iay, and a Kite, in a quadrangular figure, and in the midst an Owle, these were followed by three Satires, two a breast, and one single, sided with torch-bearers. Then three Dotterels in the same manner and attendance.
After these a Windmill, against which a phantasticke Knight with his Lance, and his Squire arm'd seem'd to make their attempts.
These moving forward in ridiculous shew and postures, a Drummer followeth on Horsebacke, in a Crimson taffata coate, a white Hat and Feather, tip'd with crimson, beating two kettle Drummes.
Then 14. Trumpetors, in crimson Satten coates, white Hats and Feathers, and rich Banners.
The Marshall followed these bravely mounted, attended with forty foote, in Cotes and Hose of Scarlet trim'd with Silver-lace, white Hats and Feathers, their Truncheons tip'd with Silver: these upon every occasion moving to and fro, to preserue the order of their march, and restraine the rudenesse of people, that in such triumphs, are wont to be insolent, and tumultuary.
After these an hundred Gentlemen, gloriously furnished and gallantly mounted, riding two and two a breast, every Gentleman having his two Pages richly attired, and a groome to attend him.
Next after these a Chariot drawne by foure horses, two and two together, richly furnished and adorn'd with Gold and Silver, the Charioter in a Polonian coate of greene cloth of Silver. In this were advanc'd Musicians like Priests and Sybills, sonnes and daughters of Harmony, some with Coronets, other with wreathes of Lawrell and Mirtle, playing upon their Lutes, three Foote-men on each side in blew Satten wrought with Silver, and every one a Flambeaux in his hand.
In the next Chariot of equall glory, were placed on the lowest staires foure in skie-coloured Taffata Robes seeded with starres, Mantles ashe-coloured, adorn'd with Fringe, and Silver-lace, Coronets with Starres upon their heads. In a seate a little more elevate sate Genius, and Amphiluche.
On the highest seate of this Chariot, sate the three Howers, or Heavenly sisters, Irene, Diche, and Eunomia. All whose habits shall be described in their proper places: this Chariot attended as the former.
After these came the foure Triumphals or Magnificent Chariots, in which were mounted the grand Masquers, one of the foure Houses in euery Chariot, seated within an halfe Ovall, with a glorious Canopy over their heads, all bordered with silver Fringe, and beautified with Plumes of Feathers on the top.
The first Chariot, Silver & Orenge.All after the Romane forme, adorned with much embossed and carved workes, and each of them wrought with Silver, and his seuerall colour, they were mounted on carriages, the Spring trees, Pole and Axle-trees, the Charioters seate, and standers, wheeles, with the fellyes, spokes, and naves all wrought with Silver, and their severall colour.
The second, Silver & Watchet.
The third, Silver & Crimson.
The fourth, Siluer & White.
They were all drawne with foure Horses a front after the magnificent Romane Triumphs, their furniture, Harnesse, Headstall, Bits, Raines, and Traces, Shaferon, Cronet, Petronell, and Barbe of rich cloth of Silver, of severall workes, and colours answerable to the linings of the Chariots.
The Charioters in Polony-coates of the same colour of the Chariots, their Caps Feathers, and Buskings answerable.
The two out Horses of euery Chariot led by two men in habits wrought with Siluer, and conformable to the colour of the other furniture, foure foot-men on eyther side of euery Chariot, in rich habits also wrought with Siluer answerable to the rest, euery one carrying a Flambeaux in his hand.
Betweene every of these Chariots foure Musitians in their Robes and Garlands, were mounted; riding two a breast, attended with Torch-bearers.
The Habit of the Masquers gaue infinite splendor to this solemnity; which more aptly shall be expressed in his Place.
This Masque was presented in the Banquetting-house. At white Hall before the King and Queenes Maiesties and a great Assembly of Lords and Ladies, and other persons of quality, whose aspect setting on the degrees prepared for that purpose gaue a great grace to this spectacle, especially being all richly attired.
At the lower end of the roome opposite to the state was raysed a Stage with a descent of staires in two branches landing into the roome. This Basement was painted in rusticke worke.
The border of the front and sides that enclosed all the Sceane had first a ground of Arber-worke entermixt with loose branches and leaues, and in this was two Niches, and in them two great figures standing in easy postures in their naturall colors, and much bigger then the life, the one attired after the Grecian manner held in one hand a Scepter, and in the other a Scrowle, and a picked antique crowne on his head, his curasse was of Gold richly enchased, his robe blue and Siluer, his armes and thighs bare with buskings enricht with ornaments of Gold, his browne locks long and curled, his Beard thicke but not long, and his face was of a grave and ioviall aspect, this figure stood on a round pedestall fained of white Marble, enricht with severall caruings; above this in a compartiment of Gold was written MINOS. The figure on the other side was in a Romane habit, holding a Table in one hand, and a Pen in the other, and a white Bend or Diadem about his head, his Robe was crimson and Gold, his Mantle yellow and Siluer, his Buskins watchet trim'd with Siluer, his haire and Beard long and white with a uenerable aspect, standing likewise on a round Pedestall answerable to the other. And in the compartiment over him was written NVMA. Above all this in a proportionate distance hung two great Festons of fruites in colors which serued for finishing to these sides. The upper part in manner of a large Freeze was adorn'd with severall compartiments with draperies hanging downe, and the ends tied up in knots, with trophies proper to feasts and triumphs, composed of Masking Vizards and torches. In one of the lesser compartiments was figured a sharpe sited eye, and in the other a Golden-yoke, in the midst was a more great and rich compartiment on the sides of which sate naked Children in their naturall colors with Siluer wings in action of sounding Golden Trumpets, and in this was figured a Caduseus with an Oliue-branch all which are Hierogliphicks of Peace Iustice and Law.
A Curtaine being sodainly drawne up the Sceane was discovered representing a large streete with Sumptuous Pallaces Lodges Portico's, and other noble peeces of Architecture with pleasant Trees and grounds, this going farre from the eye opens it selfe into a spacious place adorn'd with publique and private buildings seene a far of, representing the Forum or Piazza of Peace. Over all was a cleare Sky with transparent Clouds which enlightned all the Scene.
The Spectators having entertained their eyes a while with the beauty and variety of this Scene from one of the sides of the streetes enters Opinion, &c.
The Gentleman first danceth alone: to him the Beggers, he bestows his charity, the Cripples vpon his going off, throw away their leggs, and dance.
This is a Iocky,
He is to advance a rare, and cunning bridle
Made hollow in the Iron part, wherein
A vapor subtly conueyd, shall so
Coole and refresh a horse, he shall nere tire
And now he fals to his pace.
This with a face Philosophicall and beard,
Hath with the study of twenty yeares, found out
A lampe, which plac'd beneath a furnace, shall
Boyle Beefe so thoroughly, that the uery steame
Of the first Vessell, shall alone be able
To make another Pot aboue seeth ouer.
But what thing's this?
A Chimera out of Rablais?
All the Proiectors daunce after their Antimasque, Then
Maquerelle. Wenches. Gentlemen. Returne, as from the Taverne, they dance together, The Gallants are cheated, and left to dance in, with a drunken repentance.
The Scene becomes a woody Landschape with low grounds proper for hunting, the furthest part more desert, with bushes and by waies representing a place fit for purse-taking.
In the furthest part of the Scene is seene an Ivy-bush, out of which comes an Owle.
The Birds dance and wonder at the Owle. When these are gone, enter
A Merchant, a Horse-backe, with his Portmantue. Two Theeves set vpon him and robbe him: these by
A Constable, and Officers are apprehended and carryed off. Then
Foure Nimphes enter dancing with their Iavelins. Three Satires spie them, and attempt their persons, one of the Nimphes escapeth, a noyse of Hunters and their hornes within, as at the fall of a Deere, then Enter
These drive away the Satires, and having rescued the Nimphes, dance with them.
After the Dotterells are caught by severall imitations, enters
The phantastique Aduenturer, with his lance makes attempts vpon the Windmill, his Squire imitates: to them Enter
These are assavlted by the Knight and his Squire, but are sent off lame for their folly.
The Antimasquers being gone there appeares in the highest and formost part of the heaven by little and little to breake forth a whitish Cloud bearing a Chariot fained of Goldsmiths-worke, and in it sate Irene, or Peace, in a flowery vesture like the spring, a Garland of Olives on her head, a branch of Palme in her hand, Buskins of greene Taffata, great puffs about her necke and shoulders.
IreneHence yee profane, farre hence away, Time hath sicke feathers while you stay, Is this delight For such a glorious night, Wherein two skyes Are to be seene, One starry, but an aged sphere Another here, Created new and brighter from the Eyes Of King and Queene? ChorusHence yee profane, farre hence away,Time hath sicke feathers while you stay.
IreneWherefore doe my sisters stayAppeare, appeare Eunomia, 'Tis Irene calls to thee, Irene calls; Like dew that falls Into a streame, I'me lost with them, That know not how to order me.
ChorusSee where shee shines, oh seeIn her celestiall gayety Cround with a wreath of Starres to shew The Evenings glory in her brow. |
Here out the highest part of the opposite side came softly descending another Cloud, of an orient colour, bearing a silver Chariot curiously wrought, and differing in all things from the first, in which sate Eunomia or Law, in a purple Sattin Robe, adorn'd with golden Starres, a mantle of carnation Lac'd, and Fring'd with Gold, a Coronet of light upon her head, Buskins of Purple, drawne out with Yellow.
EunomiaThinke not I could absent my selfe this night,But Peace is gentle, and doth still invite Eunomia, yet shouldst thou silent be The Rose and Lilly which thou strowest All the cheerefull may thou goest Would direct to follow thee. IreneThou dost beautifie increase,And chaine security with peace. EunomiaIrene faire, and first devine,All my blessings spring from thine. IreneI am but wilde without thee, thou abhorrestWhat is rude, or apt to wound, Canst throw proud trees to the ground, And make a Temple of a Forrest. EunomiaNo more, no more, but ioyneThy voyce, and Lute with mine. Both.The world shall giue prerogative to neytherWe cannot flourish but together. ChoriIrene enters like a perfum'd spring,Eunomia ripens every thing, And in the golden harvest leaves To every sickle his owne sheaves. |
At this a third Cloud of a various color from the other two, begins to descend toward the middle of the Scene with somewhat a more swifter motion, and in it sate a Person representing Diche or Iustice in the midst in a white Robe and mantle of Sattin, a faire long haire circled with a Coronet of Siluer Pikes, white Wings and Buskins, a Crowne imperiall in her hand.
DicheSwiftly, oh swiftly, I doe move to slow,What holds my wing from making hast When every Cloud sailes by so fast? I heard my sisters voyce, and know They haue forsaken Heavens bright gate, To attend another State, Of gods below. Irene chast Eunomia. Irene, EunomiaWeeDiche, haue stayd expecting thee, Thou giu'st perfection to our glory, And seale to this nights story. Astrea shake the cold dew from thy wing. EunomiaDescend.IreneDescend.EunomiaDescend, and helpe vs sing,The Triumph of Ioves upper Court abated And all the Deities translated. ChorusThe Triumph of Ioves vpper Court abatedAnd all the Deities translated. EunomiaNow gaze, and when thy wonder will allow,Tell what thou hast beheld. DicheNever, till now,Was poore Astrea blind, oh strange surprize, That too much sight should take away my eyes, Am I in Earth or Heaven? IreneWhat Throne is that,On which so many Starres do waite? DicheMy Eyes are blest agen, and now I seeThe Parents of vs three. 'Tis Iove and Themis forward move, And sing to Themis, and to Iove. |
Then the whole traine of Musitians move in a comely figure toward the King and Queene, and bowing to their State, this following Ode is sung.
Doth scatter blessings through this Ile, To make it best And wonder of the rest, We pay the duty of our birth, Proud to waite vpon that Earth Whereon you moue, Which shall be nam'd And by your chast embraces fam'd The Paradise of loue. Irene plant thy Oliues here, Thus warm'd, at once, thei'le bloome and beare, Eunomia pay thy light, While Diche, covetous to stay, Shall throw her silver Wings away, To dwell within your sight. |
The Scene is changed, and the Masquers appeare setting on the ascent of an Hill, cut out like the degrees of a Theater, and ouer them a delicious Arbor with termes of young Men their Armes converted into Scrowles, and under their wasts a foliage with other caruings to cover the ioyning of the terme from the naked, all fained of Siluer, these bore up an Architraue, from which was raised a light covering arched, and interwoven with Branches through which the Sky beyond was seene.
The Masquers were sixteene in number, the sonnes of Peace Law and Iustice, who setting in a gracious but not set forme, every part of the seates made a various Composition, but all together tending to a Piramidall figure.
Their habits was mixt, betweene the ancient and moderne, their bodies Carnation, the shoulders trimd with Knots of pure silver, and scallops of White and Carnation, vnder them the Labels of the same, the under-sleeves white, and a puft sleeve full of gathering, falling downe to the elbow, about their waste was a small scallop, and a slender Girdle, their vnder Bases were Carnation and White, with Labels as at their, shoulders, and all this in every part was richly Embroydered with pure silver: their Hats Carnation low croun'd, the brimme double, and cut into severall quarters lined with white, and all ouer richly Embroydered, as the rest, about their Hats were wreathes of Olive, and plumes of white Feathers, with severall falls, the longest toward the backe; their long stockings were white, with white shooes and Roses.
Beneath these a Genius or Angelicall person, with Wings of severall coloured Fethers, a Carnation Robe tuck'd vp, yellow long haire bound with a siluer Coronet, a small white Rod in his hand, white Buskins, who descended to the Stage, speaketh,
That very looke into each eye
Hath shot a soule, I saw it flie.
Descend, move nimbly, and advance,
Your ioyfull tribute in a dance.
Here with loud Musicke, the Masquers descend and dance their entry to the Violins, which ended, they retire to the Scene, and then the Howers and Chori againe move toward the State and sing.
Till now, returne to thanke the Powers That made them so The Iland doth reioyce, And all her waves are Eccho to our voyce, Which in on ages past, hath knowne Such treasures of her owne. Live Royall paire, & when Your sands are spent With Heauens and Your consent, Though late, from Your high Bowers, Looke downe on what was Yours, For till old time his Glasse hath hurl'd And lost it, in the ashes of the world, We Prophesie, You shall be read, and seene, In every Branch, a King or Queene.
The song ended, and the Musitians returned, the Masquers dance their maine dance, after which they againe retire to the Scene, at which they no sooner arrive, but there is heard a great noyse, and confusion of voyces within, some crying, they will come in, others knocke 'em downe, call the rest of the Guard: then a cracke is heard in the workes, as if there were some danger by some piece of the Machines falling, this continued a little time, there rush in
A Carpenter.
A Paynter.
One of the Black-guard.
A Taylor.
The Taylors Wife.
An Embroderers Wife.
A Feather-makers Wife.
A Property-mans Wife.
Harke they are at it, now for a lively friske.
Now, let vs goe off cleanely, and some body will thinke, this was meant for an Antimasque.
They being gone, the Masquers are encouraged by a Song, to their Revells with the Ladies.
And smother your best graces, 'Tis time to cast away those shrouds And cleere your manly faces. Doe not behave your selues like Spies; Vpon the Ladies here, On even termes goe meete their eyes, Beauty and love shine there. You tread dull measures thus alone, Not satisfie delight, Goe kisse their hands, and make your owne With every touch more white. |
The Revels being past, the Scene is changed in to a plaine Champion Country which terminates with the Horizon, and above a darkish Skie, with dusky clouds, through which appeared the new Moone, but with a faint light by the approach of the morning; from the furthest part of this ground, arose by little and little a great vapour which being come about the middle of the Scene, it slackens its motion, and begins to fall downeward to the earth from whence it came: and out of this rose another cloud of a strange shape, and colour, on which sate a young Maide, with a dimme Torch in her hand, her face was an Olive-colour, so was her armes and breast, on her head a curious dressing, and about her necke a string of great Pearle, her garment was transparent, the ground darke Blue, and sprinkled with siluer Spangles, her Buskins white, trim'd with Gold: by these markes she was knowne to be the forerunner of the morning, called by the Ancients Amphiluche, and is that glimps of light, which is seene when the night is past, and the day not yet appearing.
AmphilucheIn envy to the night,That keepes such Revels here, With my unwelcome light, Thus I invade her spheare. Proclaiming warres To Cinthia, and all her Starres, That like proud Spangles dresse Her azure Tresse. Because I cannot be a guest, I rise To shame the Moone, and put out all her eyes. |
Amphiluche ascending, the Masquers are called from their Reuels by other voyces.
See the dawning of the day, Risen from the murmuring streames, Some starres shew with sickly beames, What stocke of flame they are allow'd, Each retiring to a Cloud, Bid your active sports adiew, The morning else will blush for you.
To dresse the Chariot of the Sunne, Harnesse the Steeds, it quickly will Be time to mount the Easterne hill.
Least you offend their sacred eares, And eyes, that lent you all this grace, Retire, retire to your owne place.
Let each heart kneele, and thinke a prayer, That all, that can make vp the glory, Of good, and great, may fill their story. |
Amphiluche hidden in the Heavens, and the Masquers retired. The Scene closeth.
And thus concluded this Masque, which was, for the variety of the Shewes, and richnesse of the Habits, the most magnificent that hath beene brought to Court in our time.
Shalme: A wind instrument like an oboe.
Taffata: A kind of fabric.
habite: Mode of dress.
fall: Fabric attached to the cap.
parti-coloured: Multi-colored.
trick'd: Adorned, dressed up.
Anticke: "Odd; ridiculously wild" (Johnson).
affect: Be fond of.
case: A kind of diving-suit.
Capon: A rooster.
Satires: That is, satyrs, mythological creatures, half man, half goat.
Dotterels: A kind of bird, related to the plover.
Polonian coate: A long coat or gown worn by young boys, with close-fitting body and loose skirt.
Flambeaux: Torch.
Mantles: Outer garments.
Amphiluche: From the Greek amphiluche nux, "morning twilight."
Howers: That is, "hours," the name given to the three sisters.
Watchet: Light blue.
fellyes: The outer rims of the wheels.
answerable to: Corresponding to.
curasse: Armor covering the chest and sometimes the back.
Caduseus: That is, caduceus, the wand of Mercury, used as a symbol of medicine.
Halberd: A weapon with an axe-like blade and a spike mounted on a long pole.
No exception: Don't be upset (i.e., "don't take exception").
prevents: Not "keeps from doing," but "anticipates," or "does before."
phlegmaticke: Sluggish, unemotional. It comes from the ancient notion of the four humors; the phlegmatic suffered from a predominance of phlegm.
caper: Leap around; dance nimbly.
Iocund: That is, jocund, "cheerful, merry."
Maquerelle: A whore.
become: "Suit" or "fit," as in "They are not becoming."
habit speakes him: That is, "His dress shows him to be."
Galenist: A follower of the ancient medical theorist Galen.
parcell Paracelsus: A follower of the alchemist Paracelsus. Paracelists and Galenists were opponents.
happily: That is, haply, or "perhaps."
Quellios: Ruffs, from the Spanish cuello.
expect: Wait and watch.
fained: Formed, created.
Eunomia: The name comes from Greek eu, "good," and nomos, "law" or "rule."
Irene: The name comes from Greek eirene, "peace."
orient: Rose-red, for the color of the dawn.
various: Different.
Diche or Iustice: Dike is Greek for "justice."
Pikes: Spikes or points.
Labels: Ribbons.
vnder Bases: Plaited skirts that reach from the waist to the knee.
Roses: Here rose-shaped knots worn on the shoes.
forraigne persons: Strangers.
Black-guard: The menial laborers in the royal residence.
Forma paperis: That is, in forma pauperis, "in the form of a pauper."
figary: Perhaps "vagary," or perhaps a typo or malapropism for figure.
Porters-lodge: The place where servants were punished.
Champion: Open fields.