One of the most famous Middle English poems is a song, written in or near Reading around the middle of the thirteenth century — say, 1240–60 — a bit more than a century before Chaucer started his career. The text appears in British Library MS Harley 978, fol. 11v. I’ve consulted images of the original and compared them to various published transcriptions.
Things that can’t be explained in a word or two get fuller treatment in the “Notes” section at the bottom of the text.
Sumer is icumen° in | has come |
Lhude° sing cuccu | loudly |
Groweþ sed | |
and bloweþ med° | mead bloweth (the meadow blooms) |
and springþ° þe wde° nu | sprouts — forest |
Sing cuccu | |
Awe° bleteþ° after lomb | ewe — bleateth |
lhouþ° after calue cu° | loweth — cow |
Bulluc sterteþ° | leaps |
bucke° uerteþ | stag |
murie° sing cuccu | merry |
Cuccu cuccu | |
Wel singes þu° cuccu | thou |
ne swik° þu° nauer nu° | stop — thou — now |
Sing cuccu nu · Sing cuccu. | |
Sing cuccu · Sing cuccu nu. |