The copy-text is Shake-speares Sonnets Never Before Imprinted (London, 1609). I’ve regularized the use of i and j, u and v, but have otherwise preserved the spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of the original. The notes are my own.
Not marble, nor the guilded° monument, | gilded, covered in gold | |
Of Princes shall out-live this powrefull rime,° | poem | |
But you shall shine more bright in these contents | ||
Then unswept stone, besmeer’d° with sluttish° time | smeared — dirty | |
5 | When wastefull warre shall Statues over-turne, | |
And broiles° roote out the worke of masonry, | battles | |
Nor Mars his sword, nor warres quick fire shall burne: | ||
The living record of your memory. | ||
Gainst death, and all oblivious emnity | ||
10 | Shall you pace forth, your praise shall stil finde roome, | |
Even in the eyes of all posterity | ||
That weare this world out to the ending doome. | ||
So til the judgement that your selfe arise, | ||
You live in this, and dwell in lovers eies. |