To My Excellent Lucasia, on Our Friendship

Katherine Philips

Edited by Jack Lynch

The text comes from Philips’s Poems by the Most Deservedly Admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the Matchless Orinda (1667).

I did not live until this time
   Crown’d my felicity,
When I could say without a crime,
   I am not thine, but Thee.

This Carcass breath’d, and walkt, and slept, [5]
   So that the World believ’d
There was a Soul the Motions kept;
   But they were all deceiv’d.

For as a Watch by art is wound
   To motion, such was mine: [10]
But never had Orinda found
   A Soul till she found thine;

Which now inspires, cures and supplies,
   And guides my darkned Breast:
For thou art all that I can prize, [15]
   My Joy, my Life, my Rest.

No Bridegrooms nor Crown-conquerors mirth
   To mine compar’d can be:
They have but pieces of this Earth,
   I’ve all the World in thee. [20]

Then let our Flames still light and shine,
   And no false fear controul,
As innocent as our Design,
   Immortal as our Soul.