Song (“Love a Woman? You’re an Ass”)

John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester

Edited by Jack Lynch

Commentary and a note on the text TK. Note that this is a reading text, with no pretense to being a critical edition.

Love a woman? You’re an ass.
’Tis a most insipid° passion bland
To choose out for your happiness
The idlest part of God’s creation.
5 Let the porter° and the groom,° carrier — person who tends horses
Things designed for dirty slaves,
Drudge in fair Aurelia’s womb
To get supplies for age and graves.
Farewell, woman! I intend
10 Henceforth every night to sit
With my lewd, well-natured friend,
Drinking to engender° wit. bring about
Then give me health, wealth, mirth, and wine,
And if busy Love intrenches,
15 There’s a sweet, soft page° of mine (male) servant
Does the trick worth forty wenches.