Johnson’s first major poem, an imitation of Juvenal’s third Satire, appeared in 1738, shortly after his arrival in the city. (His most famous poem, The Vanity of Human Wishes, is an imitation of Juvenal’s tenth Satire, and he claimed to have composed imitations of all of Juvenal’s works, though only these two were written down.) Although London comes off badly in the poem, Johnson loved the city, and famously said, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford.”
The text is that of the first edition (1738). I’ve preserved the spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and italics of the original. The notes are my own.
L O N D O N:AP O E M, |
In Imitation of the |
- - - - - - - - - - Quis ineptæ Tam patiens Urbis, tam ferreus ut teneat se? Juv. |
“Who can be so tolerant of this awful city, who has such a soul of iron?” — Juvenal | |
Tho’ Grief and Fondness in my Breast rebel, | ||
When injur’d Thales bids the Town farewell, | ||
Yet still my calmer Thoughts his Choice commend,° | approve | |
I praise the Hermit, but regret the Friend, | ||
5 | Resolved° at length, from Vice and London far, | decided |
To breathe in distant Fields a purer Air, | ||
And, fix’d on Cambria’s° solitary shore, | Wales’s | |
Give to St. David one true Briton more. | ||
For who would leave, unbrib’d, Hibernia’s° Land, | Ireland’s | |
10 | Or change the Rocks of Scotland for the Strand?° | a major London street |
There none are swept by sudden Fate away, | ||
But all whom Hunger spares, with Age decay: | ||
Here Malice, Rapine,° Accident, conspire,° | theft — work together | |
And now a Rabble° Rages, now a Fire; | mob | |
15 | Their Ambush here relentless Ruffians° lay, | criminals |
And here the fell° Attorney prowls for Prey; | ravenous | |
Here falling Houses thunder on your Head, | ||
And here a female Atheist talks you dead. | ||
While Thales waits° the Wherry° that contains | waits for — small boat | |
20 | Of dissipated° Wealth the small Remains, | spent |
On Thames’s Banks, in silent Thought we stood, | ||
Where Greenwich smiles upon the silver Flood: | ||
Struck with the Seat° that gave Eliza Birth, | place | |
We kneel, and kiss the consecrated° Earth; | sacred | |
25 | In pleasing Dreams the blissful Age renew, | |
And call Britannia’s Glories back to view; | ||
Behold her Cross triumphant on the Main,° | ocean | |
The Guard of Commerce, and the Dread of Spain, | ||
Ere° Masquerades debauch’d,° Excise oppress’d, | before — corrupted | |
30 | Or English Honour grew a standing Jest. | |
A transient° Calm the happy Scenes bestow, | passing | |
And for a Moment lull the Sense of Woe. | ||
At length awaking, with contemptuous Frown, | ||
Indignant Thales eyes the neighb’ring Town. | ||
35 | Since Worth, he cries, in these degen’rate Days, | |
Wants° ev’n the cheap Reward of empty Praise; | lacks | |
In those curst Walls, devote to Vice and Gain, | ||
Since unrewarded Science° toils in vain; | knowledge | |
Since Hope but sooths to double my Distress, | ||
40 | And ev’ry Moment leaves my Little less; | |
While yet my steady Steps no Staff sustains,° | supports | |
And Life still vig’rous revels in my Veins; | ||
Grant me, kind Heaven, to find some happier Place, | ||
Where Honesty and Sense are no Disgrace; | ||
45 | Some pleasing Bank where verdant Osiers° play, | green reeds |
Some peaceful Vale with Nature’s Paintings gay; | ||
Where once the harass’d Briton found Repose, | ||
And safe in Poverty defy’d his Foes; | ||
Some secret Cell,° ye Pow’rs, indulgent give. | small room | |
50 | Let —— live here, for —— has learn’d to live. | |
Here let those reign, whom Pensions can incite° | provoke | |
To vote a Patriot black, a Courtier white; | ||
Explain their Country’s dear-bought Rights away, | ||
And plead for Pirates in the Face of Day; | ||
55 | With slavish Tenets taint our poison’d Youth, | |
And lend a Lye the confidence of Truth. | ||
Let such raise Palaces, and Manors buy, | ||
Collect a Tax, or farm a Lottery, | ||
With warbling Eunuchs fill a licens’d Stage, | ||
60 | And lull to Servitude a thoughtless Age. | |
Heroes, proceed! What Bounds your Pride shall hold? | ||
What Check restrain your Thirst of Pow’r and Gold? | ||
Behold rebellious Virtue quite° o’erthrown, | entirely | |
Behold our Fame, our Wealth, our Lives your own. | ||
65 | To such, a groaning Nation’s Spoils are giv’n, | |
When publick Crimes inflame the Wrath of Heav’n: | ||
But what, my Friend, what Hope remains for me, | ||
Who start° at Theft, and blush at Perjury? | am startled | |
Who scarce forbear,° tho’ Britain’s Court he sing, | resist | |
70 | To pluck a titled Poet’s borrow’d Wing; | |
A Statesman’s Logic, unconvinc’d can hear, | ||
And dare to slumber o’er the Gazetteer; | ||
Despise a Fool in half his Pension drest, | ||
And strive in vain to laugh at H——y’s jest. | ||
75 | Others with softer Smiles, and subtler Art, | |
Can sap the Principles, or taint the Heart; | ||
With more Address° a Lover’s Note convey, | skill | |
Or bribe a Virgin’s Innocence away. | ||
Well may they rise, while I, whose Rustic° Tongue | country | |
80 | Ne’er knew to puzzle° Right, or varnish Wrong, | confuse |
Spurn’d as a Beggar, dreaded as a Spy, | ||
Live unregarded, unlamented die. | ||
For what but social Guilt the Friend endears? | ||
Who shares Orgilio’s Crimes, his Fortune shares. | ||
85 | But thou, should tempting Villainy present | |
All Marlb’rough hoarded, or all Villiers spent; | ||
Turn from the glitt’ring Bribe thy scornful Eye, | ||
Nor sell for Gold, what Gold could never buy, | ||
The peaceful Slumber, self-approving Day, | ||
90 | Unsullied° Fame, and Conscience ever gay.° | not dirtied — cheerful |
The cheated Nation’s happy Fav’rites, see! | ||
Mark° whom the Great caress,° who frown on me! | notice — pay attention to | |
London! the needy Villain’s gen’ral Home, | ||
The Common Shore° of Paris and of Rome; | sewer | |
95 | With eager Thirst, by Folly or by Fate, | |
Sucks in the Dregs of each corrupted State.° | country | |
Forgive my Transports° on a Theme like this, | getting carried away | |
I cannot bear a French metropolis. | ||
Illustrious Edward! from the Realms of Day, | ||
100 | The Land of Heroes and of Saints survey; | |
Nor hope the British Lineaments to trace, | ||
The rustic Grandeur, or the surly Grace; | ||
But lost in thoughtless Ease, and empty Show, | ||
Behold the Warriour dwindled to a Beau;° | fashionable man | |
105 | Sense, Freedom, Piety, refin’d away, | |
Of France the Mimic, and of Spain the Prey. | ||
All that at home no more can beg or steal, | ||
Or like a Gibbet° better than a Wheel;° | gallows — French torture device | |
Hiss’d from the Stage, or hooted from the Court, | ||
110 | Their Air,° their Dress, their Politicks import; | manner |
Obsequious,° artful,° voluble° and gay, | fawning — calculating — talkative | |
On Britain’s fond° Credulity they prey. | foolish | |
No gainful° Trade their Industry can ’scape, | worthwhile | |
They sing, they dance, clean Shoes, or cure a Clap;° | sexually transmitted disease | |
115 | All Sciences° a fasting Monsieur° knows, | fields of knowledge — Frenchman |
And bid him go to Hell, to Hell he goes. | ||
Ah! what avails° it, that, from Slav’ry far, | matters | |
I drew the Breath of Life in English Air; | ||
Was early taught a Briton’s Right to prize, | ||
120 | And lisp° the Tale of Henry’s Victories; | speak like a child |
If the gull’d Conqueror receives the Chain, | ||
And what their Armies lost, their Cringes gain? | ||
Studious° to please, and ready to submit, | eager | |
The supple Gaul° was born a Parasite: | Frenchman | |
125 | Still to his Int’rest true, where’er he goes, | |
Wit, Brav’ry, Worth, his lavish Tongue bestows; | ||
In ev’ry Face a Thousand Graces shine, | ||
From ev’ry Tongue flows Harmony divine. | ||
These Arts° in vain our rugged Natives try, | skills | |
130 | Strain out with fault’ring Diffidence° a Lye, | lack of confidence |
And get a Kick for awkward Flattery. | ||
Besides, with Justice, this discerning Age | ||
Admires their wond’rous Talents for the Stage: | ||
Well may they venture on the Mimic’s art,° | technique | |
135 | Who play from Morn to Night a borrow’d Part; | |
Practis’d their Master’s Notions to embrace, | ||
Repeat his Maxims,° and reflect his Face; | sayings | |
With ev’ry wild Absurdity comply, | ||
And view each Object with another’s Eye; | ||
140 | To shake with Laughter ere° the Jest they hear, | before |
To pour at Will the counterfeited° Tear; | fake | |
And as their Patron hints the Cold or Heat, | ||
To shake in Dog-days,° in December sweat. | August | |
How, when Competitors like these contend, | ||
145 | Can surly Virtue hope to fix a Friend? | |
Slaves that with serious Impudence beguile, | ||
And lye without a Blush, without a Smile; | ||
Exalt° each Trifle, ev’ry Vice adore, | treat seriously | |
Your Taste in Snuff,° your Judgment in a Whore; | powdered tobacco to snort | |
150 | Can Balbo’s Eloquence applaud, and swear | |
He gropes his Breeches° with a Monarch’s Air. | pants | |
For Arts° like these preferr’d, admir’d, carest, | skills | |
They first invade your Table, then your Breast; | ||
Explore your Secrets with insidious° Art, | treacherous | |
155 | Watch the weak Hour, and ransack all the Heart; | |
Then soon your ill-plac’d Confidence repay, | ||
Commence your Lords, and govern or betray. | ||
By Numbers° here from Shame or Censure free, | crowds of people | |
All Crimes are safe, but hated Poverty. | ||
160 | This, only this, the rigid Law persues, | |
This, only this, provokes the snarling Muse; | ||
The sober Trader at a tatter’d Cloak, | ||
Wakes from his Dream, and labours for a Joke; | ||
With brisker Air the silken Courtiers gaze, | ||
165 | And turn the varied Taunt° a thousand Ways. | insult |
Of all the Griefs that harrass the Distrest, | ||
Sure the most bitter is a scornful Jest; | ||
Fate never wounds more deep the gen’rous Heart, | ||
Than when a Blockhead’s Insult points the Dart.° | sharpens the spear | |
170 | Has Heaven reserv’d, in Pity to the Poor, | |
No pathless Waste,° or undiscover’d Shore? | undeveloped land | |
No secret Island in the boundless Main?° | ocean | |
No peaceful Desart yet unclaim’d by Spain? | ||
Quick let us rise, the happy Seats° explore, | locations | |
175 | And bear Oppression’s Insolence no more. | |
This mournful Truth is ev’ry where confest, | ||
Slow rises worth, by poverty deprest: | ||
But here more slow, where all are Slaves to Gold, | ||
Where Looks are Merchandise, and Smiles are sold, | ||
180 | Where won by Bribes, by Flatteries implor’d,° | begged |
The Groom° retails° the Favours of his Lord. | servant — repeats | |
But hark!° th’ affrighted Crowd’s tumultuous Cries | listen | |
Roll thro’ the Streets, and thunder to the Skies; | ||
Rais’d from some pleasing Dream of Wealth and Pow’r, | ||
185 | Some pompous Palace, or some blissful Bow’r, | |
Aghast you start,° and scarce with aking Sight, | are startled | |
Sustain th’ approaching Fire’s tremendous Light; | ||
Swift from pursuing Horrors take your Way, | ||
And Leave your little All to Flames a Prey; | ||
190 | Then thro’ the World a wretched Vagrant roam, | |
For where can starving Merit find a Home? | ||
In vain your mournful Narrative disclose,° | tell | |
While all neglect, and most insult your Woes. | ||
Should Heaven’s just Bolts Orgilio’s Wealth confound, | ||
195 | And spread his flaming Palace on the Ground, | |
Swift o’er the Land the dismal Rumour flies, | ||
And publick Mournings pacify the Skies; | ||
The Laureat° Tribe in servile° Verse relate, | government-sponsored poets — slavish | |
How Virtue wars with persecuting Fate; | ||
200 | With well-feign’d Gratitude the pension’s Band° | those supported by government pensions |
Refund the Plunder of the begger’d Land. | ||
See! while he builds, the gaudy Vassals° come, | subservient people | |
And crowd with sudden Wealth the rising Dome;° | building | |
The Price of Boroughs and of Souls restore, | ||
205 | And raise his Treasures higher than before. | |
Now bless’d with all the Baubles° of the Great, | trinkets | |
The polish’d Marble, and the shining Plate,° | silver dishes | |
Orgilio sees the golden Pile° aspire, | building | |
And hopes from angry Heav’n another Fire. | ||
210 | Could’st thou resign° the Park and Play content, | give up |
For the fair Banks of Severn or of Trent; | ||
There might’st thou find some elegant Retreat, | ||
Some hireling Senator’s deserted Seat;° | country house | |
And stretch thy Prospects o’er the smiling Land, | ||
215 | For less than rent the Dungeons of the Strand;° | major London street |
There prune° thy Walks, support thy drooping Flow’rs, | trim | |
Direct thy Rivulets,° and twine thy Bow’rs; | streams | |
And, while thy Beds a cheap Repast° afford,° | meal — offer | |
Despise the Dainties° of a venal° Lord: | luxuries — corrupt | |
220 | There ev’ry Bush with Nature’s Music rings, | |
There ev’ry Breeze bears Health upon its Wings; | ||
On all thy Hours Security shall smile, | ||
And bless thine Evening Walk and Morning Toil. | ||
Prepare for Death, if here at Night you roam, | ||
225 | And sign your Will before you sup from Home. | |
Some fiery Fop,° with new Commission vain, | showily dressed man | |
Who sleeps on Brambles till he kills his Man; | ||
Some frolick Drunkard, reeling° from a Feast, | staggering | |
Provokes a Broil,° and stabs you for a Jest. | starts a fight | |
230 | Yet ev’n these Heroes, mischievously gay, | |
Lords of the Street, and Terrors of the Way; | ||
Flush’d as they are with Folly, Youth and Wine, | ||
Their prudent Insults to the Poor confine; | ||
Afar they mark the Flambeau’s° bright Approach, | torch | |
235 | And shun the shining Train,° and golden Coach. | followers |
In vain, these Dangers past, your Doors you close, | ||
And hope the balmy° Blessings of Repose:° | soothing — rest | |
Cruel with Guilt, and daring with Despair, | ||
The midnight Murd’rer bursts the faithless Bar; | ||
240 | Invades the sacred Hour of silent Rest, | |
And plants, unseen, a Dagger in your Breast. | ||
Scarce° can our Fields, such Crowds at Tyburn° die, | hardly — location of executions | |
With Hemp° the Gallows and the Fleet supply. | rope | |
Propose your Schemes, ye Senatorian° Band, | political | |
245 | Whose Ways and Means support the sinking Land; | |
Lest Ropes be wanting° in the tempting Spring, | lacking | |
To rig another Convoy° for the K—g. | fleet of ships | |
A single Jail, in Alfred’s golden Reign, | ||
Could half the Nation’s Criminals contain; | ||
250 | Fair Justice then, without Constraint ador’d, | |
Sustain’d the Ballance, but resign’d° the Sword; | gave up | |
No Spies were paid, no Special Juries known, | ||
Blest Age! But ah! how diff’rent from our own! | ||
Much could I add,—but see the Boat at hand, | ||
255 | The Tide retiring,° calls me from the Land: | going out |
Farewel!—When Youth, and Health, and Fortune spent, | ||
Thou fly’st for Refuge to the Wilds of Kent; | ||
And tir’d like me with Follies and with Crimes, | ||
In angry Numbers° warn’st succeeding Times; | poetic meter | |
260 | Then shall thy Friend, nor thou refuse his Aid, | |
Still Foe to Vice forsake his Cambrian° Shade; | Welsh | |
In Virtue’s Cause once more exert his Rage, | ||
Thy Satire point,° and animate° thy Page. | sharpen — bring to life |