This is just the opening lines of the General Prologue, designed to introduce students to Chaucerian Middle English. The text itself is cobbled together from a number of public domain sources and minimally edited. I’ve regularized the use of uppercase letters a bit to aid comprehension. The notes are my own.
Whan that Aprill with his° shoures° soote° | its — showers — sweet, fresh | |
The droghte° of March hath perced° to the roote, | drought — pierced | |
And bathed every veyne in swich licour° | such liquid | |
Of which vertu° engendred° is the flour;° | power — created — flower | |
5 | Whan Zephirus° eek° with his sweete breeth | the gentle west wind — also |
Inspired° hath in every holt° and heeth | breathed into — field | |
Tendre croppes,° and the yonge sonne | shoots | |
Hath in the Ram° his halve cours yronne,° | the constellation Aries — gone half its course | |
And smale foweles° maken melodye, | birds | |
10 | That slepen al the nyght with open ye° | eye |
(So priketh° hem° nature in hir corages°); | spurs — them — their hearts | |
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages, | ||
And palmeres° for to seken straunge strondes,° | pilgrims — shores | |
To ferne halwes,° kowthe° in sondry londes; | distant shrines — known — various | |
15 | And specially from every shires ende | |
Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende, | ||
The hooly blisful martir for to seke, | ||
That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.° | has helped them when they were sick | |
Bifil° that in that seson on a day, | it happened | |
20 | In Southwerk at the Tabard° as I lay | Tabard Inn in Southwark, London |
Redy to wenden° on my pilgrymage | go | |
To Caunterbury with ful° devout corage,° | very — hearts | |
At nyght was come into that hostelrye° | inn | |
Wel nyne and twenty in a compaignye, | ||
25 | Of sondry folk, by aventure yfalle° | by chance fallen together |
In felaweshipe, and pilgrimes were they alle, | ||
That toward Caunterbury wolden° ryde. | would | |
The chambres° and the stables weren wyde, | bedrooms | |
And wel we weren esed atte beste.° | taken care of | |
30 | And shortly, whan the sonne was to reste,° | sun was about to go down |
So hadde I spoken with hem everichon° | every one | |
That I was of hir felaweshipe° anon,° | their company — at once | |
And made forward° erly for to ryse, | agreement | |
To take oure wey ther as I yow devyse.° | describe to you | |
35 | But nathelees,° whil I have tyme and space, | nevertheless |
Er° that I ferther in this tale pace,° | before — proceed | |
Me thynketh it acordaunt to° resoun | it seems to me consistent with | |
To telle yow al the condicioun° | nature, state | |
Of ech of hem,° so as it semed me, | them | |
40 | And whiche they weren, and of what degree,° | social rank |
And eek° in what array° that they were inne; | also — dress | |
And at a Knyght than wol I first bigynne. |