Eighteenth-Century Chronology: 1710
This page in the Eighteenth-Century Chronology is
maintained by Jack
Lynch. Please send suggestions and corrections to jlynch@andromeda.rutgers.edu.
- Joseph Addison, The Whig Examiner
- William Congreve, Collected Works
- Gildon, Life of Betterton; Remarks on Shakespeare
- Delarivier Manley, Memoirs of Europe (later integrated into
The New Atalantis as volumes 3 and 4)
- Nicholas Rowe edits the plays of Shakespeare (Begun 1709)
- Strype, The Life of Grindall
- Jonathan Swift, Tale of a Tub, 5th ed. (the first with the
parodic footnotes); Description of a City Shower; Meditations
upon a Broomstick
- Jonathan Swift begins The Examiner (through 1711)
- Drury Lane Theater managed by Colley Cibber, Thomas Doggett, and Robert
- Elizabeth Barry retires
- Susanna Centlivre, The Man's Bewitched
- Hill, Elfrid (rewritten as Athelwold in 1732); The
Walking Statue
- Thomas Shadwell, The Fair Quaker of Deal
- Georg Friedrich Händel (or Handel) appointed
Kapellmeister to Elector George of Hanover, later George I
Science, Technology, & Medicine
Politics & Law
- Sacheverell's impeachment trial
- The Whigs lose their majority in Commons
- Godolphin is dismissed from his post as Lord Treasurer
- Harley (Oxford) becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer
- St. John (Bolinbroke) is appointed Secretary of State
- The Post Office Act begins an American postal service under
the control of the postmaster general in London
- Russia passes its first budget
Philosophy & Theology
- George Berkeley, Principles of Human Knowledge
- Burnet, Exposition of Church Catechism
- King, Historical Account of Heathen Gods and Heroes
- Stillingfleet, Works, ed. Bentley
- Birth of Thomas Arne, composer
- Birth of W. F. Bach, composer
- Birth of Boyce, composer
- Birth of Pergolesi, composer
- Birth of Thomas Reid
- Pierre Bayle, Dictionary, first translated into English
- Leland, Itinerary, ed. Hearne (through 1712)
<-- * Index *