Selected Bibliography:
Robert Fergusson (1750-1774)
Last revised 21 February 2001
- John A. Fairley, A Bibliography of Robert Fergusson
(Glasgow: Maclehose, 1915).
- Gordon Lindstrand, "Fairley's Checklist of Robert Fergusson:
Corrections and a Problem in Analytical Bibliography," Studies
in Scottish Literature 7 (1970): 159-67.
- Tom Scott, "Robert Fergusson: A Bibliographical Review to
1966," Scotia Review 7 (1974): 5-18.
- Matthew A. McDiarmid, "Bibliography of Works Consulted," in
vol. 1 of his edition, The Poems of Robert Fergusson, pp.
Collected Works
- The Poems of Robert Fergusson, ed. Matthew P.
McDiarmid, 2 vols. The Scottish Text Society, ser. 3, vols. 21
and 24 (Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1954-56).
- The Unpublished Poems of Robert Fergusson, ed. William
E. Gillis (Edinburgh: McDonald, 1955).
- Poems by Allan Ramsay and Robert Fergusson, ed.
Alexander M. Kinghorn and Alexander Law, The Association for
Scottish Literary Studies, no. 4 (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic
Press, 1974).
Early Editions
- Poems by Robert Fergusson (Edinburgh: Ruddiman, 1773).
- Poems on Various Subjects, by Robert Fergusson: Part
II (Edinburgh: Ruddiman, 1779).
- The Poetical Works of Robert Fergusson: With the Life of
the Author, ed. David Irving (Glasgow: Chapman and Lang,
- The Works of Robert Fergusson: To which Is Prefixed, a
Sketch of the Author's Life [by Alexander Peterkin] (London:
Oddy, 1807).
- Anne Smith, "A Vision of Angels" [a play, set in the
Schelles], in Fergusson: A Bi-Centenary Handsel, ed.
Robert Garioch and Ann Smith (Edinburgh: Reprographia, 1974), pp.
Archives and Depositories
- Fergusson destroyed his papers just before he died. There are
inscribed copies of his 1773 Poems and some scraps among
the Cape Records, MSS 2041-2044, in the National Library of
Scotland, and a few manuscripts in the Laing Collection at the
Edinburgh University Library. The Edinburgh Room of the Edinburgh
Central Public Library maintains a folder of newspaper clippings
about him.
- Matthew P. McDiarmid, "The Poet's Life," in vol. 1 of his
edition, The Poems of Robert Fergusson, pp. 1-117.
- David Irving, The Life of Robert Fergusson (Glasgow:
Chapman & Lang, 1799).
- Thomas Sommers, The Life of Robert Fergusson, the Scottish
Poet (Edinburgh: Stewart, 1803).
- William Gillis, "An Authentic Fergusson Portrait," Studies
in Scottish Literature 1 (1964): 215-22.
- [According to the 1974 Tom Scott bibliography, there is a
fine, but unpublished and non-circulating, biography by William
E. Gillis in the Edinburgh University Library, written c. 1955.]
- Sydney Goodsir Smith, ed., Robert Fergusson, 1750-1774:
Essays by Various Hands to Commemorate the Bicentenary of his
Birth (Edinburgh: Nelson, 1952).
- James Connor, "Burns's Elder Brother in the Muse," Studies
in Scottish Literature 8 (1998): 59-66.
- Kenneth Simpson, "Poetic Genre and National Identity: Ramsay,
Fergusson and Burns," Studies in Scottish Literature 30
(1998): 31-42.
- Patrick Menneteau, "Robert Fergusson's Contribution to the
Definition of a Scottish Cultural Identity," Études
Écossaises, Special Issue: Proceedings of the Scottish
Workshop of the ESSE Conference, 1993 (1994): 39-58.
- Alan T. McKenzie, "Robert Fergusson," in Dictionary of
Literary Biography: Eighteenth-Century British Poets, Second
Series, ed. John Sitter, vol. 109 (Detroit: Bruccoli Clark
Layman, 1991), pp. 137-48.
- F. W. Freeman, Robert Fergusson and the Scots Humanist
Compromise (Edinburgh: University Press, 1984).
- John MacQueen, "Unenlightened and Early Darkened: Alexander
Ross and Robert Fergusson," in The Enlightenment and Scottish
Literature, Volume One: Progress and Poetry (Edinburgh:
Scottish Academic Press, 1982), pp. 117-31.
- David Daiches, Robert Fergusson, Scottish Writers
Series (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1982).
- Charles Smith, "A Short Day on The Peak of Fame: The
Achievement and Tragedy of Robert Fergusson," Scots
Magazine n.s. 102-1 (Oct. 1974): 63-72.
- Hugh G. Mackay, "Robert Fergusson's Scots Poetry," Library
Review 23 (1971-72), 92-95.
- Allan H. MacLaine, Robert Fergusson (New York: Twayne,
- Matthew P. McDiarmid, "A Study of the Poetry of Robert
Fergusson," in vol. 1 of his edition, The Poems of Robert
Fergusson, pp. 118-98.
- James A. Roy, "Robert Fergusson and Eighteenth-Century
Scotland," University of Toronto Quarterly 17 (Jan. 1948):
- John Speirs, "Robert Fergusson," in The Scots Literary
Tradition: An Essay in Criticism (London: Chatto &
Windus, 1940), pp. 114-23.
- John W. Oliver, "Fergusson the Writer Chiel," in Essays in
Literature, ed. John Murray (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd,
1936), pp. 1-25.
- William Roughead, "A Note on Robert Fergusson," The
Juridical Review 30 (1918): 99-126, 194-226.
- Alan Taylor, "Scotland's Forgotten Laureate," New
Statesman 129 (Jan. 2000): 36-37.
- Robert Crawford, "Robert Fergusson's Robert Burns," in
Robert Burns and Cultural Authority (Iowa City: Univ. of
Iowa Press, 1999), pp. 1-22.
- Christopher Whyte, "Bakhtin at Christ's Kirk: Part II,
Carnival and the Vernacular Revival," Studies in Scottish
Literature 29 (1996): 133-57.
- Richard B. Sher, "Images of Glasgow in Late
Eighteenth-Century Popular Poetry," in Andrew Hook and Richard B.
Sher, eds., The Glasgow Enlightenment (East Linton, East
Lothian: Tuckwell Press, in association with the
Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society, 1995), pp. 190-213.
- Patrick Menneteau, "Robert Fergusson's Contribution to the
Definition of a Scottish Cultural Identity," Scottish
Studies/Études Écossaises, Special Issue:
Proceedings of the Scottish Workshop of the E.S.S.E. Conference,
Bordeaux, 1993 (1994): 39-58.
- A. M. Kinghorn, "Watson's Choice, Ramsay's Voice and a Flash
of Fergusson, " Scottish Literary Journal 19, no. 2
(1992): 5-23.
- F. W. Freeman, "Robert Fergusson: Pastoral and Politics at
Mid-Century," in Andrew Hook, ed., The History of Scottish
Literature, II: 1660-1800 (Aberdeen: Aberdeen Univ. Press,
1987), pp. 141-56.
- Edwina Burness, "The Influence of Burns and Fergusson on the
War Poetry of Robert Service," Studies in Scottish
Literature 21 (1986): 135-46.
- Alan T. McKenzie, "Two 'Heads Weel Pang'd Wi' Lear':
Robert Fergusson, Samuel Johnson, and St. Andrews," Scottish
Literary Journal 11 (Dec. 1984): 25-35.
- Jerry O'Brien, "The Sonsie Muse: The Satiric Use of
Neoclassical Diction in the Poems of Robert Fergusson,"
Studies in Scottish Literature 19 (1984): 165-76.
- Thomas Crawford, "The Vernacular Revival and the Poetic
Thrill: A Hedonist Approach," in Scotland and the Lowland
Tongue: Studies in the Language and Literature of Lowland
Scotland in Honour of David D. Murison, ed. J. Derrick
McClure (Aberdeen: Aberdeen Univ. Press, 1983), pp. 79-99.
- William Walling, "More than Sufficient Room: Sir David Wilkie
and the Scottish Literary Tradition," in Karl Kroeber and William
Walling, eds., Images of Romanticism: Verbal and Visual
Affinities (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1978), pp. 107-31.
- Allan H. MacLaine, "The Christis Kirk Tradition: Its
Evolution in Scots Poetry to Burns, Part III, The Early
Eighteenth Century: Allan Ramsay and His Followers," Studies
in Scottish Literature 2 (1965): 163-82.
- Allan H. MacLaine, "Robert Fergusson's Auld Reikie and
the Poetry of City Life," Studies in Scottish Literature 1
(1963): 99-110.
- David Daiches, "Eighteenth-Century Vernacular Poetry," in
Scottish Poetry: A Critical Survey, ed. James Kinsley
(London: Cassell, 1955), pp. 150-84.
- James A. Roy, "The Edinburgh of Robert Fergusson," Queen's
Quarterly 31 (1925): 225-44.
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