These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated.
Eighteenth-Century E-Texts — T
This page, edited by
Jack Lynch, is part of the larger collection of
Eighteenth-Century E-Texts on the Net.
Tallemant des Réaux, Gédéon (1619-1692)
Tannahill, Robert (1774-1810)
Tate, Nahum
Tate, Nahum, and Nicholas Brady
Taylor, Jane (1783-1924)
Taylor, Jeremy
Taylor, John
Tegner, Esaias (1782-1846)
Temple, Laura Sophia
Tench, Watkin (1759-1833)
- Botany Bay:
- Port Jackson:
Tencin, Claudine-Alexandrine Guérin
Theobald, Lewis (1688-1744)
Tighe, Mary
Thomas, Antoine Léonard
Thompson, Daniel Pierce (1795-1868)
Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Thoresby, William
Thornton, Robert (c. 1768-1837)
Thurlow, Edward (1781-1829)
- May (Oxford Book of English Verse)
Tickell, Thomas
Tissot, Samuel Auguste André David
Toland, John (1670-1722)
Townsend, Joseph
Traherne, Thomas (1637?-1674)
Trapnell, Anna
Trembecki, Stanisl/aw
Trenchard, John (1662-1723)
Trenck, Friedrich
- The Life and Adventures of Baron Trenck (Gutenberg):
Trimmer, Sarah
Tucker, St. George
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques (1727-1781)
Turnbull, George (1698-1748)