These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated. |
Full details, including copyright agreements &c., are available on their Web site.
P-1491-C | Federalist papers. P-1786-C | The Federalist papers. [TEI-compatible version]
U*-401-A | Augustan prose sample. Depositor: Louis Milic, D of English, Cleveland State U. [Prose publ. 1675-1725; on RLIN] A-1236-B | Collection of 18th c. verse. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] A-1325-C | Prologues and epilogues of the Restoration. Ed. Danchin, with additions for 1642-1660. Nancy, 1980. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
U-392-A | Pleasures of the imagination. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1519-B | Emma. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1226] U-1520-B | Jane Austen's letters to her sister Cassandra and others. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 13] U-13-B | Letters. Ed. R.W. Chapman. Oxford, 1952: OUP. [On RLIN] U-1521-B | Mansfield Park. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1227] U-1522-A | Northanger Abbey. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1228] U-1523-A | Persuasion. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1230] P-1504-B | Pride and prejudice. U-1524-B | Pride and prejudice. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1229] U-1526-B | Sense and sensibility. Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1224]
U*-17-B | Sanditon. London, 1975: Peter Davies. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] P-1837-A | Sanditon. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1327-A | The city heiress. Ed. Montague Summers. 1915. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
U-1195-A | Songs of innocence and experience. 1941: Random House. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [From ed.containing works of John Donne.Intro.R.S.Hillyer; on RLIN] A-1300-A | Letters (selected). Ed. Chauncy Brewster Tinker. London, 1912: J. Cape. [On RLIN]
U*-1210-A | Childe Harolde's pilgrimage. Ed. John D.Jump. London, 1975: J.M Dent. Depositor: D.R. Thornton, Computer Centre, U of Durham. [ISBN 087471-626-8]
U-1412-A | Memoirs of a woman of pleasure. New York, 1987: Garland Publishing Inc.. Depositor: Michael J. Preston, D of English, U of Colorado. P-1878-A | Memoirs of a woman of pleasure.
A-538-D | Notebooks, vols 1-3. Ed. K. Coburn. London, 1962: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. [copyright 1961 Bollingen Foundation, New York; on RLIN] U*-31-B | Poetical works. Ed. E.H. Coleridge. 1912: OUP, Oxford Standard Authors. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] U-1535-B | Poetical works. Ed. E.H. Coleridge. London, 1912: Henry Frowde OUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 31]
U-32-A | Odes & eclogues. 1742. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
A-1194-C | Voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771. Ed. J.C. Beaglehole. 1955: CUP for the Hakluyt Society. Depositor: C.E. Percy, Lady Margaret Hall. [Copyright Hakluyt Soc.; on RLIN]
U*-1232-A | Civil War, 1 and 2 (normalised spelling). Ed. Allan Pritchard. 1973: Toronto Press. Depositor: T.N. Corns, D of English, University College of North Wales. [On RLIN]
U-35-A | The task. OUP. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
P-1782-A | Letter from an American farmer. [TEI-compatible version]
U-1318-A | Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru. London, 1658: Henry Herringman. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
U-1319-A | The tempest, or The enchanted island. London, 1670: Henry Herringman. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [inform D.Bond of any users; on RLIN]
U-537-B | Moll Flanders. Ed. G.A Starr. London, 1971: OUP. [first issued as OUP paperback 1976; on RLIN] U-1829-B | Moll Flanders. [TEI-compatible version] A-1020-B | Robinson Crusoe. Ed. J. Donald Crowley. Oxford, 1972: OUP. [excludes editor's intro & notes; on RLIN] A-1544-B | Robinson Crusoe. London, 1972: OUP. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1020]
U*-42-A | Absalom and Achitophel. London, 1681: W.Davis. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] U-1549-A | Absalom and Achitophel. London, 1681: W. Davis. [SGML-tagged version of Text 42] U-1296-A | Annus Mirabilis. [normalised spelling; on RLIN] U-1550-A | Annus Mirabilis. Ed. W.D. Christie. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1296]
U-1396-B | Joseph Andrews. Oxford, 1967: Clarendon Press. [Wesleyan ed. Corrections by T. Davidson, U of Leeds] P-1816-B | Joseph Andrews. Oxford, 1967: OUP. [TEI-compatible version] U-55-B | Miscellanies. [On RLIN] U-56-A | Shamela. 1956: Augustan reprint (original 1741). [On RLIN] U-1565-A | Shamela. Los Angeles, 1956: Augustan reprints. [SGML-tagged version of Text 56]
U-1575-A | Boston and London. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version] U-1787-A | Letters 1726-1757. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version] U-1576-B | London 1757-1787. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version] U-1577-A | Paris 1776-1785. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version] U-1578-B | Philadelphia 1726-1757. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version] U-1573-A | Philadelphia 1785-1790. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version] U-1579-A | Poor Richard's almanac. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version] U-1574-A | The autobiography. Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York, 1987: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
U-1706-A | The beggar's opera. New York, 1922: B.W. Huebsch. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon. [Introduction, notes and bibliography included] P-1796-A | The beggar's opera. [TEI-compatible version]
U-65-A | Complete poems. 1907: OUP. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-1517-C | Fairy tales.
A-588-C | The three perils of man. Scottish Academic Press. [On RLIN]
U-1813-A | A summary view of the rights of British Americans. New York, 1984: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version] U-1590-A | Addresses, messages and replies. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version] P-1811-A | Addresses, messages and replies. [TEI-compatible version] U-1591-A | Autobiography. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version] U-1812-A | Autobiography. New York, 1984: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version] U-1592-C | Letters. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML- tagged version] U-1814-C | Letters. New York, 1984: Library of America. [TEI- compatible version] U-1593-A | Miscellany. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version] U-1815-A | Miscellany. New York, 1984: Library of America. [TEI-compatible version] U-1596-A | Notes on the state of Virginia. [SGML-tagged version] U-1594-A | Public papers. New York, 1984: Library of America. [SGML-tagged version]
A-76-A | Journey to the Western Isles. [On RLIN] U*-75-A | London and The vanity of human wishes. 1748: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] U-1597-A | London and the vanity of human wishes. 1970: Scolar Press. [SGML-tagged verison of Text 75] U-77-A | Rasselas Prince of Abissinia. [On RLIN] U-1598-A | Rasselas Prince of Abissinia. Ed. Bertrand H. Bronson. New York, 1960: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. [SGML-tagged version of Text 77]
U-289-C | Critique of pure reason. London, 1933: MacMillan & Co. Depositor: Stephen Palmquist, Religion and Philosophy D, Hong Kong Baptist College. [Translation Norman Kemp Smith; on RLIN]
U-1607-C | Poems. Ed. Jack Stillinger. Cambridge, MA, 1978: Belknap Press of Harvard UP. Depositor: Valerie M. Sargent, Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle. [SGML-tagged version of Text 81] U-81-C | Poetical works. Ed. J. Stillinger. Depositor: Valerie M. Sargent, Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle. [On RLIN]
A-1361-C | An essay concerning human understanding. Ed. Peter H. Nidditch. Oxford, 1975: Clarendon Press. Depositor: R.M.P. Malpas, Hertford college. [On RLIN]
U*-95-A | Miscellaneous poems. 1681: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] P-1886-A | Miscellaneous poems. 1681: Scolar Press facsimile. [TEI-compatible version]
A*-1027-A | English poems (1645). Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] U-102-A | Il penseroso. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] U-100-A | Paradise lost. Ed. H.J. Todd. London, 1809: J. Johnson. [On RLIN] P-1827-A | Paradise lost. [TEI-compatible version] U*-1249-A | Paradise regained. 1671: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] U*-101-A | Samson agonistes. 1671: Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Joseph Raben, Queen's College, The City U of New York. [On RLIN]
U-1891-A | Letters and works. 1861: Henry G. Bohn. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon.
U*-1198-A | Common sense. Ed. P.S. Foner. New York, 1945: Citadel Press. Depositor: Jon K Adams, Lehrstul fuer Amerikanistik, Universitaet Augsburg. [vol I of "The complete writings of Thomas Paine"; on RLIN] U*-1199-A | The American crisis. Ed. P.S. Foner. New York, 1945: Citadel Press. Depositor: Jon K Adams, Lehrstul fuer Amerikanistik, Universitaet Augsburg. [Vol I of "The complete writings of Thomas Paine"; on RLIN]
A*-580-A | Rape of the lock. Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] U-1690-A | Rape of the lock. Depositor: H.G. Robertson, D of Humanities, Huddersfield Polytechnic. [four editions: 1712, 1714, 1717 and Twickenham]
U-1294-A | The Libertine. Ed. Montague Summers. 1927: Fortune Press. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [Complete works III.; on RLIN]
U-1395-A | Selected letters. Ed. Gerd Hemmerich and Wolfram Benda. Stuttgart, 1981: Frommann-Holzboog. [A letter concerning enthusiasm & the adept ladys; on RLIN]
U-139-A | Prometheus unbound. [On RLIN]
U-1048-C | Tristram Shandy. [On RLIN] U-1641-A | Tristram Shandy. New York, 1962: Signet Classic. Depositor: Diana Patterson. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1048] U*-1388-C | Tristram Shandy (Chapters 1-6 and 9). 1760. Depositor: Diana Patterson. [4 copies of first edition used; on RLIN]
A-1386-A | The Intelligencer. Ed. J.Woolley. Oxford, 1990: Clarendon Press, OUP. Depositor: James Woolley, English D, Lafayette College. [On RLIN] A-1642-A | The Intelligencer. Ed. James Wooley. Oxford, 1991: Clarendon Press. Depositor: James Woolley, English D, Lafayette College. [SGML-tagged version of Text 1386]
A*-21-A | The seasons. 1730: Scolars Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN]
U-151-A | Lyrical ballads. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] U-1659-A | Lyrical ballads. Ed. W.Wordsworth and S.T.Coleridge. London, 1988: Routledge. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [SGML-tagged version of Text 151] U-1704-A | Lyrical ballads. Bristol, 1798. Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon. [typed from 1927 facsimile of 1st ed.]
A*-1049-A | The country wife. Scolar Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford. [On RLIN] P-1781-A | The country-wife. [TEI-compatible version]
U-199-D | 18th century correspondence. Depositor: Robert Maxwell, Pergamon Press. [depositor 'cannot remember which texts these could be'; on RLIN]
P-1292-A | Dom Juan. Ed. Rene Bray. Paris, 1951: Textes Francaises. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter. [On RLIN]
U*-41-A | Manon Lescaut. 1972: Gallimard. Depositor: Christopher J. Betts, D of French, U of Warwick. [first ed. 1731. Preface J-L Bory, Copyright R. Julliard]
U-1481-A | Athalie.
X-196-B | La chartreuse de Parme. [On RLIN] X-197-B | Le rouge et le noir. [On RLIN] X-198-C | Lucien Leuwen. [On RLIN]
U*-203-B | Faust. Ed. Eric Trunz. Hamburg, 1949: Christian Werner Verlag. Depositor: Walter Baumann, Magee College, U of Ulster. [from Goethes Werke, Vol III] U-1663-B | Faust. Ed. Erich Trunz. Hamburg, 1949: Christian Wegner Verlag. Depositor: Walter Baumann, Magee College, U of Ulster. [SGML-tagged version of Text 203]
U-204-A | Marchen (selected).
U-1739-A | Hyperion. 1981: Goldmann Klassiker. Depositor: Aldo Canestrari.
U*-1211-A | Minna von Barnhelm. Ed. Julius Petersen & Waldermar von Olshausen (1925). 1962: Reclam. Depositor: Osman Durrani, D of German, U of Durham. [1962 ed 'slightly modernised' version of 1925 ed.; on RLIN]