These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated.

Eighteenth-Century E-Texts in the Oxford Text Archive

Prepared by Jack Lynch

These are publicly available texts from the (very) long eighteenth century -- roughly Milton to Keats -- from the Oxford Text Archive.
OTA has one of the most extensive collection of E-texts, and they tend to be among the best edited, but they're the least convenient. Texts are categorized with an availability code: "P" means Public, and is available for immediate ftp from The others require more work. "U" means Unrestricted, but to get "U" texts you have to print out an order form, mail it to England, and wait for an E-mail response. They'll give you a temporary password and instructions on how to get the files directly. "A" stands for -- well, I don't know what it stands for, but it means you need the permission of the depositor to get a copy. This requires writing to someone who may or may not be at the address OTA has, getting permission, then sending it to Oxford and waiting for the regular process. "X" means you really can't get it at all -- I don't know why they list them. Perhaps begging will make the difference. A nuisance.

Full details, including copyright agreements &c., are available on their Web site.

Texts in English


   P-1491-C |   Federalist papers.  P-1786-C |   The Federalist papers.   [TEI-compatible version]

Collections, corpora etc

   U*-401-A |   Augustan prose sample. Depositor: Louis Milic, D of
	    English, Cleveland State U.  [Prose publ. 1675-1725; on RLIN]
   A-1236-B |   Collection of 18th c. verse. Depositor: Lou Burnard,
	    Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   A-1325-C |   Prologues and epilogues of the Restoration.  Ed.
	    Danchin, with additions for 1642-1660. Nancy, 1980.  Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter.  [On RLIN]

Akenside, Mark

    U-392-A |   Pleasures of the imagination. Depositor: Lou Burnard,
	     Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]

Austen, Jane

   U-1519-B |   Emma.  Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon
	    Press.   [SGML-tagged version of Text 1226]
   U-1520-B |   Jane Austen's letters to her sister Cassandra and
	    others.  Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926: Clarendon Press.  [SGML-tagged version of Text 13] U-13-B | Letters.  Ed. R.W. Chapman. Oxford, 1952: OUP.   [On RLIN]
   U-1521-B |   Mansfield Park.  Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926:
	    Clarendon Press.   [SGML-tagged version of Text 1227]
   U-1522-A |   Northanger Abbey.  Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926:
	    Clarendon Press.   [SGML-tagged version of Text 1228]
   U-1523-A |   Persuasion.  Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926:
	    Clarendon Press.   [SGML-tagged version of Text 1230]
   P-1504-B |   Pride and prejudice.  U-1524-B |   Pride and prejudice.  Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford, 1926:
	    Clarendon Press.   [SGML-tagged version of Text 1229]
   U-1526-B |   Sense and sensibility.  Ed. R.W.Chapman. Oxford,
	    1926: Clarendon Press.   [SGML-tagged version of Text 1224]

Austen, Jane (et al)

    U*-17-B |   Sanditon. London, 1975: Peter Davies.  Depositor:  Lou
	    Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   P-1837-A |   Sanditon.   [TEI-compatible version]

Behn, Aphra

   U-1327-A |   The city heiress.  Ed. Montague Summers. 1915.
	    Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter.  [On RLIN]

Blake, William

   U-1195-A |   Songs of innocence and experience. 1941: Random
	    House. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [From ed.containing works of John Donne.Intro.R.S.Hillyer; on RLIN]
   A-1300-A |   Letters (selected).  Ed. Chauncy Brewster Tinker.
	    London, 1912: J. Cape.   [On RLIN]

Byron, George Gordon, Lord

  U*-1210-A |   Childe Harolde's pilgrimage.  Ed. John D.Jump.
	    London, 1975: J.M Dent. Depositor: D.R. Thornton, Computer Centre, U of Durham.  [ISBN 087471-626-8]

Cleland, John

   U-1412-A |   Memoirs of a woman of pleasure. New York, 1987:
	    Garland Publishing Inc.. Depositor: Michael J.  Preston, D of English, U of Colorado.
   P-1878-A |   Memoirs of a woman of pleasure.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

    A-538-D |   Notebooks, vols 1-3.  Ed. K. Coburn. London, 1962:
	    Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.   [copyright 1961 Bollingen Foundation, New York; on RLIN] U*-31-B | Poetical works.  Ed. E.H. Coleridge. 1912: OUP, Oxford Standard Authors. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   U-1535-B |   Poetical works.  Ed. E.H. Coleridge. London, 1912:
	    Henry Frowde OUP.   [SGML-tagged version of Text 31]

Collins, William

     U-32-A |   Odes & eclogues. 1742. Depositor: Lou Burnard,
	    Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]

Cook, James

   A-1194-C |   Voyage of the Endeavour 1768-1771.  Ed. J.C.
	    Beaglehole. 1955: CUP for the Hakluyt Society.  Depositor:  C.E. Percy, Lady Margaret Hall.  [Copyright Hakluyt Soc.; on RLIN]

Cowley, Abraham

  U*-1232-A |   Civil War, 1 and 2 (normalised spelling).  Ed.  Allan
	    Pritchard. 1973: Toronto Press. Depositor: T.N.  Corns, D of English, University College of North Wales.  [On RLIN]

Cowper, William

     U-35-A |   The task. OUP. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing
	    Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]

Crèvecoeur, J. Hector St John de

   P-1782-A |   Letter from an American farmer.  [TEI-compatible

Davenant, William

   U-1318-A |   Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru. London, 1658:
	    Henry Herringman. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter.  [On RLIN]

Davenant, William and John Dryden

   U-1319-A |   The tempest, or The enchanted island. London, 1670:
	    Henry Herringman. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter.  [inform D.Bond of any users; on RLIN]

Defoe, Daniel

    U-537-B |   Moll Flanders.  Ed. G.A Starr. London, 1971:  OUP.
	    [first issued as OUP paperback 1976; on RLIN]
   U-1829-B |   Moll Flanders.   [TEI-compatible version] A-1020-B |   Robinson Crusoe.  Ed. J. Donald Crowley. Oxford,
	    1972: OUP.   [excludes editor's intro & notes; on RLIN]
   A-1544-B |   Robinson Crusoe. London, 1972: OUP.  [SGML-tagged
	    version of Text 1020]

Dryden, John

    U*-42-A |   Absalom and Achitophel. London, 1681: W.Davis.
	    Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   U-1549-A |   Absalom and Achitophel. London, 1681: W. Davis.
	    [SGML-tagged version of Text 42]
   U-1296-A |   Annus Mirabilis.   [normalised spelling; on RLIN] U-1550-A |   Annus Mirabilis.  Ed. W.D. Christie.  Oxford:
	    Clarendon Press.   [SGML-tagged version of Text 1296]

Fielding, Henry

   U-1396-B |   Joseph Andrews. Oxford, 1967: Clarendon Press.
	    [Wesleyan ed. Corrections by T. Davidson, U of Leeds]
   P-1816-B |   Joseph Andrews. Oxford, 1967: OUP.  [TEI-compatible
	    version] U-55-B |   Miscellanies.   [On RLIN] U-56-A |   Shamela. 1956: Augustan reprint (original 1741).  [On RLIN]
   U-1565-A |   Shamela. Los Angeles, 1956: Augustan reprints.
	    [SGML-tagged version of Text 56]

Franklin, Benjamin

   U-1575-A |   Boston and London.  Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York,
	    1987: Library of America.   [SGML-tagged version]
   U-1787-A |   Letters 1726-1757.  Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York,
	    1987: Library of America.   [TEI-compatible version]
   U-1576-B |   London 1757-1787.  Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York,
	    1987: Library of America.   [SGML-tagged version]
   U-1577-A |   Paris 1776-1785.  Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York,
	    1987: Library of America.   [SGML-tagged version]
   U-1578-B |   Philadelphia 1726-1757.  Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New
	    York, 1987: Library of America.   [SGML-tagged version]
   U-1573-A |   Philadelphia 1785-1790.  Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New
	    York, 1987: Library of America.   [SGML-tagged version]
   U-1579-A |   Poor Richard's almanac.  Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New
	    York, 1987: Library of America.   [SGML-tagged version]
   U-1574-A |   The autobiography.  Ed. J.A. Leo Lemay. New York,
	    1987: Library of America.   [SGML-tagged version]

Gay, John

   U-1706-A |   The beggar's opera. New York, 1922: B.W.  Huebsch.
	    Depositor: Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon.  [Introduction, notes and bibliography included]
   P-1796-A |   The beggar's opera.   [TEI-compatible version]

Gray, Thomas

     U-65-A |   Complete poems. 1907: OUP. Depositor: Lou Burnard,
	    Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]

Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (translations)

   U-1517-C |   Fairy tales.

Hogg, James

    A-588-C |   The three perils of man. Scottish Academic Press.
	    [On RLIN]

Jefferson, Thomas

   U-1813-A |   A summary view of the rights of British Americans.
	    New York, 1984: Library of America.  [TEI-compatible version]
   U-1590-A |   Addresses, messages and replies. New York, 1984:
	    Library of America.   [SGML-tagged version]
   P-1811-A |   Addresses, messages and replies.  [TEI-compatible
   U-1591-A |   Autobiography. New York, 1984: Library of America.
	    [SGML-tagged version]
   U-1812-A |   Autobiography. New York, 1984: Library of America.
	    [TEI-compatible version]
   U-1592-C |   Letters. New York, 1984: Library of America.  [SGML-
	    tagged version]
   U-1814-C |   Letters. New York, 1984: Library of America.  [TEI-
	    compatible version]
   U-1593-A |   Miscellany. New York, 1984: Library of America.
	    [SGML-tagged version]
   U-1815-A |   Miscellany. New York, 1984: Library of America.
	    [TEI-compatible version]
   U-1596-A |   Notes on the state of Virginia.   [SGML-tagged
   U-1594-A |   Public papers. New York, 1984: Library of America.
	    [SGML-tagged version]

Johnson, Samuel

     A-76-A |   Journey to the Western Isles.   [On RLIN] U*-75-A |   London and The vanity of human wishes. 1748:  Scolar
	    Press facsimile. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   U-1597-A |   London and the vanity of human wishes. 1970:  Scolar
	    Press.   [SGML-tagged verison of Text 75] U-77-A | Rasselas Prince of Abissinia.   [On RLIN] U-1598-A |   Rasselas Prince of Abissinia.  Ed. Bertrand H.  Bronson. New York, 1960: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.  [SGML-tagged version of Text 77]

Kant, Immanuel (translations)

    U-289-C |   Critique of pure reason. London, 1933: MacMillan &
	    Co. Depositor: Stephen Palmquist, Religion and Philosophy D,
	     Hong Kong Baptist College.  [Translation Norman Kemp Smith; on RLIN]

Keats, John

   U-1607-C |   Poems.  Ed. Jack Stillinger. Cambridge, MA, 1978:
	    Belknap Press of Harvard UP. Depositor: Valerie M.  Sargent, Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle.  [SGML-tagged version of Text 81] U-81-C |   Poetical works.  Ed. J. Stillinger. Depositor:  Valerie M.  Sargent, Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle.  [On RLIN]

Locke, John

   A-1361-C |   An essay concerning human understanding.  Ed.  Peter
	    H. Nidditch. Oxford, 1975: Clarendon Press.  Depositor:  R.M.P. Malpas, Hertford college.  [On RLIN]

Marvell, Andrew

    U*-95-A |   Miscellaneous poems. 1681: Scolar Press facsimile.
	    Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   P-1886-A |   Miscellaneous poems. 1681: Scolar Press facsimile.
	    [TEI-compatible version]

Milton, John

  A*-1027-A |   English poems (1645). Scolar Press facsimile.
	    Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN] U-102-A |   Il penseroso.  Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN] U-100-A |   Paradise lost.  Ed.  H.J. Todd. London, 1809: J.  Johnson.   [On RLIN]
   P-1827-A |   Paradise lost.   [TEI-compatible version] U*-1249-A |   Paradise regained. 1671: Scolar Press facsimile.
	    Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   U*-101-A |   Samson agonistes. 1671: Scolar Press facsimile.
	    Depositor: Joseph Raben, Queen's College, The City U of New York.  [On RLIN]

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley

   U-1891-A |   Letters and works. 1861: Henry G. Bohn.  Depositor:
	    Richard S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon.

Paine, Thomas

  U*-1198-A |   Common sense.  Ed. P.S. Foner. New York, 1945:
	    Citadel Press. Depositor: Jon K Adams, Lehrstul fuer Amerikanistik, Universitaet Augsburg.  [vol I of "The complete writings of Thomas Paine"; on RLIN]
  U*-1199-A |   The American crisis.  Ed. P.S. Foner. New York,
	    1945: Citadel Press. Depositor: Jon K Adams, Lehrstul fuer Amerikanistik, Universitaet Augsburg.  [Vol I of "The complete writings of Thomas Paine"; on RLIN]

Pope, Alexander

   A*-580-A |   Rape of the lock. Scolar Press facsimile.  Depositor:
	    Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   U-1690-A |   Rape of the lock. Depositor: H.G. Robertson, D of
	    Humanities, Huddersfield Polytechnic.  [four editions: 1712,
	     1714, 1717 and Twickenham]

Shadwell, Thomas

   U-1294-A |   The Libertine.  Ed. Montague Summers. 1927:  Fortune
	    Press. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter.  [Complete works III.; on RLIN]

Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of

   U-1395-A |   Selected letters.  Ed. Gerd Hemmerich and Wolfram
	    Benda. Stuttgart, 1981: Frommann-Holzboog.   [A letter concerning enthusiasm & the adept ladys; on RLIN]

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

    U-139-A |   Prometheus unbound.   [On RLIN]

Sterne, Laurence

   U-1048-C |   Tristram Shandy.   [On RLIN] U-1641-A | Tristram Shandy. New York, 1962: Signet Classic.
	    Depositor: Diana Patterson.  [SGML-tagged version of Text 1048]
  U*-1388-C |   Tristram Shandy (Chapters 1-6 and 9). 1760.
	    Depositor: Diana Patterson.  [4 copies of first edition used; on RLIN]

Swift, Jonathan and Thomas Sheridan

   A-1386-A |   The Intelligencer.  Ed. J.Woolley. Oxford, 1990:
	    Clarendon Press, OUP. Depositor: James Woolley, English D, Lafayette College.  [On RLIN]
   A-1642-A |   The Intelligencer.  Ed. James Wooley. Oxford, 1991:
	    Clarendon Press. Depositor: James Woolley, English D, Lafayette College.  [SGML-tagged version of Text 1386]

Thomson, James

    A*-21-A |   The seasons. 1730: Scolars Press facsimile.
	    Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]

Wordsworth, William

    U-151-A |   Lyrical ballads. Depositor: Lou Burnard, Computing
	    Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   U-1659-A |   Lyrical ballads.  Ed. W.Wordsworth and
	    S.T.Coleridge. London, 1988: Routledge. Depositor:  Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [SGML-tagged version of Text 151]
   U-1704-A |   Lyrical ballads. Bristol, 1798. Depositor:  Richard
	    S. Bear, D of English, U of Oregon.  [typed from 1927 facsimile of 1st ed.]

Wycherley, William

  A*-1049-A |   The country wife. Scolar Press facsimile.  Depositor:
	    Lou Burnard, Computing Service, U of Oxford.  [On RLIN]
   P-1781-A |   The country-wife.   [TEI-compatible version]

Texts in French

Collections, corpora etc

    U-199-D |   18th century correspondence. Depositor: Robert
	    Maxwell, Pergamon Press.  [depositor 'cannot remember which texts these could be'; on RLIN]

Moliere, Jean Baptiste

   P-1292-A |   Dom Juan.  Ed. Rene Bray. Paris, 1951: Textes
	    Francaises. Depositor: David Bond, Project Pallas, U of Exeter.  [On RLIN]

Prevost, Abbe

    U*-41-A |   Manon Lescaut. 1972: Gallimard. Depositor:
	    Christopher J. Betts, D of French, U of  Warwick.  [first ed. 1731. Preface J-L Bory, Copyright R.  Julliard]

Racine, Jean

   U-1481-A |   Athalie.


    X-196-B |   La chartreuse de Parme.   [On RLIN] X-197-B | Le rouge et le noir.   [On RLIN] X-198-C |   Lucien Leuwen.  [On RLIN]

Texts in German

Goethe, Wolfgang von

   U*-203-B |   Faust.  Ed. Eric Trunz. Hamburg, 1949: Christian
	    Werner Verlag. Depositor: Walter Baumann, Magee College, U of Ulster.  [from Goethes Werke, Vol III]
   U-1663-B |   Faust.  Ed. Erich Trunz. Hamburg, 1949:  Christian
	    Wegner Verlag. Depositor: Walter Baumann, Magee College, U of Ulster.  [SGML-tagged version of Text 203]

Grimm, W. and J.

    U-204-A |   Marchen (selected).  

Holderlin, Friedrich

   U-1739-A |   Hyperion. 1981: Goldmann Klassiker. Depositor:  Aldo

Lessing, G.E.

  U*-1211-A |   Minna von Barnhelm.  Ed. Julius Petersen & Waldermar
	    von Olshausen (1925). 1962: Reclam. Depositor: Osman Durrani, D of German, U of Durham.  [1962 ed 'slightly modernised' version of 1925 ed.; on RLIN]