These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated.
Eighteenth-Century E-Texts — M
This page, edited by
Jack Lynch, is part of the larger collection of
Eighteenth-Century E-Texts on the Net.
Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de
Macaulay, Catherine
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
- History of England from the Accession of James II (Gutenberg):
- Review of Croker's edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson (1831) (Jack Lynch, Rutgers)
MacCreery, John (1768-1832)
Machiavelli, Niccolò (translations)
Machiavel-Cazotte, Jacques
Mackenzie, Henry
Maclay, William
Macomb, Alexander
Macpherson, James (Ossian)
Madison, James
Maistre, Joseph de (1753-1821)
Maistre, Xavier de (1763-1852)
- Collected and Selected Works:
- Voyage autour de ma chambre (1794):
Makin, Bathsua
Malebranche, Nicolas de (1638-1715)
Malthus, Thomas (1766-1834)
Man-Choong, Kim
Mandeville, Bernard
Manley, Mary Delarivier
Manzoni, Alessandro (1785-1873)
Marbot, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine-Marcelin, Baron de
Maréchal, Sylvain
Marivaux, Pierre de (1688-1763)
Marmontel, Jean-François
Marston, Benjamin
- Diary (Univ. of New Brunswick) — Searchable text and analysis of the diary, 1776-1787.
Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)
Mather, Cotton (1663-1728)
Maxfield, Thomas
Maxwell, Caroline
Maxwell, John
Melon, Jean-François (1675-1738)
Mercier, Louis-Sébastien
Metastasio, Pietro
Miller, Samuel
Milton, John (1608-1674)
Mirabeau, Victor Riqueti
Mitford, Mary Russell (1787-1855)
Molière (1622-1673)
- Les Amants magnifiques:
- L'Amour médecin (1665) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Amphitryon (1668):
- Amphitryon — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Amphitryon (English) (Gutenberg)
- L'Avare (1668):
- L'Avare (Virginia)
- L'Avare
- L'Avare (1668) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- The Miser (Bibliomania)
- The Miser (Gutenberg), trans. Charles Heron Wall
- The Blunderer; or, The Counterplots (Gutenberg)
- Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670):
- La Comtesse d'Escarbagnas (1671) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Le Dépit amoureux (1656) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Dom Garcie de Navarre (1661):
- Dom Juan:
- L'École des femmes (1662):
- L'École des maris (1661):
- L'Étourdi
- Les Fâcheux (1661) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Les Femmes savantes:
- Les Fourberies de Scapin:
- Georges Dandin (1668) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- L'Impromptu de Versailles (1663) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- La Jalousié du Barbouillé — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- The Love-Tiff
- Le Malade imaginaire:
- Le Mariage forcé (1664) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Le Médecin malgré lui (1666):
- The Misanthrope (1666):
- Le Misanthrope (1666) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- The Misanthrope (Bibliomania)
- Le Médecin volant — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Mélicerte (1666) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Monsieur de Pouceaugnac:
- Pastorale comique — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Les Précieuses ridicules (1659) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- La Princesse d'Élide (1664) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Psyché (1671) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Sganarelle (1660):
- Le Sicilien, ou L'Amour peintre (1667) — Well edited, but the host fills the site with terribly irritating and intrusive commericials.
- Tartuffe:
Montagu, Elizabeth
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689-1762)
Montespan, Marquise de
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat (1689-1755)
- Collected and Selected Works:
- Persian Letters:
- Spirit of the Laws:
Montolieu, Isabelle de (1751-1832)
Moore, John
Moors, John
More, Hannah
Lady Morgan, Sydney Owenson (1783?-1859)
Morier, James Justinian (1780?-1849)
Moritz, Karl Philipp
Morris, Gouverneur (1752-1816)
Morsztyn, Jan Andrzej