These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated.
Eighteenth-Century E-Texts -- Anonymous or Various Authors
This page, edited by
Jack Lynch, is part of the larger collection of
Eighteenth-Century E-Texts on the Net.
- American Historical Documents:
- The Bijou Gift Book for 1828 (Laura Mandell)
- French Revolutionary Pamphlets (ARTFL)
- Virginia Declaration of Rights (Virginia)
- Declaration of the Rights of Man (Avalon)
- The Second Part of the South Sea Bubble (1721) (Virginia)
- The English Bill of Rights (1689) (Avalon Project)
- The New-England Primer:
- The Sorrows of Yamba, or The Negro Woman's Lamentation (Virginia)
- Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of New-Jersey on Slavery (Virginia)
- Peter Bestes and three other slaves, Letter: Boston, April 20th
- A Narrative of the Uncommon Sufferings, and Surprizing Deliverance of Brinton Hammon, a Negro Man
- The Sorrows of Yamba or The Negro Woman's Lamentation (Virginia)
- Acrostics of Self-Inscription by Women Poets of the Romantic Age (Stuart Curran, Penn)
- England's Great Happiness (1677) (McMaster)
- Statement of the Levellers (1649) (WSU)
- Habeas Corpus Act (1679) (Modern History Sourcebook, Fordham)
- Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (October 22, 1685) (extracts) (Hanover)
- Parisian Fairground Theatre:
- Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana (1726)
- The Book of Common Prayer (1662 edition)
- Della Cruscan Poems (Michael Gamer) -- Over two dozen short works by the Della Cruscans.
- Marie Therese Charlotte d'Angouleme, M. Clery, and Princess Elisabeth of France, The Ruin of a Princess, tr. Katharine Prescott Wormeley (Penn)
- Dance Manuals:
- The Old Discipline (1806) -- The Quaker Book of Discipline
- Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the Seventeenth Century: Donne to Butler, ed. Herbert J. C. Grierson (Bartleby) -- Texts of poems by Butler, Carew, Cleveland, Cowley, Crashaw, Davenant, Donne, Godolphin, Herbert, King, Lovelace, Marvell, Milton, Philips, Quarles, Suckling, Vaughan, Wotton, and others.
- The Vicar of Bray (ed. Russ Hunt)
- The Mysterious Spaniard; or, The Ruins of St. Luke's Abbey: A Romance (1807)
- Instructions to the Officers Appointed to Recruit in New York (1776) (Renascence Editions)
- Parfaict Dictionnaire des Theatres de Paris (1767) (CESAR Project) -- Page images of the complete seven-volume set.
- Complete Newgate Calendar (Texas)
- The Women's Petition against Coffee (1674)