These pages are now woefully outdated; I haven't updated the links in yonks. Still I resolved not to take the pages down, since there may still be some useful material in here. Just be prepared to be frustrated.
Literary Resources Feminism and Women's Literature
This page is part of the
Literary Resources collection maintained by
Jack Lynch of Rutgers Newark.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Feminism and Women's Literature
Women authors appear throughout these pages, and "women authors" is a subhead under most of the period-specific pages. This page is devoted to sites on women's literature, feminist criticism, and gender studies generally.
- African American Women Writers of the 19th Century (NYPL)
- British Women Romantic Poets (UCDavis)
- "An electronic collection of texts from the Shields Library."
- A Celebration of Women Writers (Penn)
- Very extensive, though occasionally superficial, guide to works by women around the world and through the centuries. Includes some useful bibliographies and biographical information. The breadth is more impressive than the depth.
- Corvey Women Writers on the Web (Sheffield-Hallam)
- The goal is "to make fully searchable, peer-reviewed research available to all interested academics, scholars and researchers. ... Focuses on the 1,065 English belles-lettres titles around 3,000 volumes by women authors," 1796-1834. Now just bibliographical information, no full-text. Still, very extensive, very scholarly.
- Domestic Goddesses, a.k.a. Scribbling Women
- An electronic journal and guide to 19th-c. American women Writers.
- Emory Women Writers Resource Project (Sheila Cavanagh, Emory)
- A fledgling project "designed to provide students with unfamiliar texts written by women and to supply essential background and ancillary materials for the writers and their works." Not much there yet.
- Gender Inn (Köln, Germany)
- "A searchable database providing access to over 5000 records pertaining to feminist theory, feminist literary criticism and gender studies focusing on English and American literature." In German and English.
- Literary Women of the Left Bank (Paula DiTallo)
- On-line magazine on early Modernism, especially women in Paris, 1900-1940, but with broader coverage than the title suggests.
- 19th Century American Women Writers Web (UNL)
- The Orlando Project: An Integrated History of Women's Writing in the British Isles (Alberta)
- Information on the project to provide the "first full scholarly history of women's writing in the British Isles."
- Scribbling Women (Public Media Foundation)
- "Online resources for teaching American women's literature using dramatizations produced by The Public Media Foundation." Includes links and RealAudio performances.
- Women Writers (Kim Wells)
- Commentary on women writers from 1800 to the present, with extensive annotated links to other sites.
- Women Writers Project (Brown)
- An archive of women writers from 1350 to 1830. Among the most sophisticated scholarly projects on the Web.
- Women of the Romantic Period (Daniel Anderson and Morri Safran, Texas)
- An "interactive hypertext [that] uses Richard Polwhele's poem 'The Unsex'd Females' to introduce students and scholars alike to some of the British Romantic Period's foremost female contributors."
This page, part of the larger collection of
literary resources, is maintained by
Jack Lynch.