Selected Bibliography:
Frances Moore Brooke
Last revised 31 March 2000
- Frans De Bruyn, "Frances Brooke," in The Dictionary of
Literary Biography, ed. Martin C. Battestin, vol. 39, parts 1
& 2, British Novelists, 1660-1800 (Detroit: Bruccoli
Clark Book, 1985), 65-73.
- H. George Hahn and Carl Behm III, "Frances Moore Brooke,"
in The Eighteenth-Century British Novel and Its Background: An
Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Topics (Metuchen NJ and
London: Scarecrow Press, 1985), 277-78.
- Clara Thomas, Our Nature -- Our Voices: A Guidebook to
English-Canadian Literature (Toronto: New Press, 1972),
- Andrew Block, The English Novel, 1740-1850 (London:
Grafton & Co., 1939), 171.
- Eighteenth-Century Anglo-American Women Novelists: A
Reference Guide, ed. Doreen Saar and Mary Anne Schofield (New
York: Macmillan, 1996), 18-43.
- An Annotated Bibliography of Twentieth-Century Critical
Studies of Women and Literature, 1660-1800, ed. Paula
Backscheider, Felicity Nussbaum, and Philip B. Anderson (New York
and London: Garland Publishing, 1977), 110.
- The Excursion, ed. Paula R. Backscheider and Hope D.
Cotton (Lexington: Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1997).
- The History of Emily Montague (Toronto: McClelland
& Stewart, 1995).
- The History of Emily Montague, by Frances Brooke,
introduced by Mary Jane Edwards (Ottawa: Carleton Univ. Press,
Centre for Editing Early Canadian Texts, 1985).
- The History of Emily Montague (New York: Garland,
- The History of Emily Montague, New Canadian Library,
vol. 27, introduced by Carl F. Klinck (Toronto: McClelland &
Stewart, 1961).
- The History of Emily Montague, ed. Lawrence J. Burpee
(Ottawa: Graphic Publishers, 1931).
- Lady Julia Mandeville, by Frances Brooke, ed. E.
Phillips Poole (London: Eric Partridge, Scholartis, 1930).
Archives & Depositories
- The Houghton Library, Harvard University, has a large
collection of Brooke's letters and manuscripts, including 24
letters to Richard Gifford, and the manuscript of Rosina.
- Some letters and family papers are in the Lincolnshire
Archives, Lincoln.
- Some letters are in the manuscript collections of the British
Library and the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
- Some documents concerning the Brooke family are reprinted in
Frederick Philip Grove's appendix to The History of Emily
Montague, by Emily Montague, edited by Lawrence J. Burpee
(Ottawa: Graphic Publishers, 1931).
Biographies & Biographical Notes
- K. J. H. Berland, "Frances Brooke and David Garrick,"
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 20 (1990), 217-30.
- Virginia Blain, Patricia Clements, and Isobel Grundy,
"Brooke, Frances," in The Feminist Companion to Literature in
English (New Haven and London: Yale Univ. Press, 1990),
- Robert Dodsley, The Correspondence of Robert Dodsley
1733-1764, ed. James E. Tierney (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Press, 1988), 462, 479-81, 488, 548.
- Frans De Bruyn, "Frances Brooke," in The Dictionary of
Literary Biography, ed. Martin C. Battestin, vol. 39, parts 1
& 2, British Novelists, 1660-1800 (Detroit: Bruccoli
Clark Book, 1985), 65-73.
- Lorraine McMullen, "Brooke, Frances," in A Dictionary of
British and American Women Writers, 1660-1800, ed. Janet Todd
(Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Allanheld, 1985), 60-61.
- Lorraine McMullen, An Odd Attempt in a Woman: The Literary
Life of Frances Brooke (Vancouver: Univ. of British
Columbia Press, 1983).
- Lorraine McMullen, "Frances Brooke (1724-1789)," in
Canadian Writers and Their Works, ed. Robert Lecker, Jack
David, and Ellen Quigley, Fiction Series, no. 1 (Toronto: ECW
Press, 1983), 56-60.
- Mary Jane Edwards, "Frances Brooke's The History of Emily
Montague: A Biographical Context," English Studies in
Canada 7, no. 2 (Summer 1981): 171-82.
- James C. Nicholls, ed., Mme Riccoboni's Letters to David
Hume, David Garrick and Sir Robert Liston, 1764-1783,
Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 149 (1976);
see esp. pp. 42-47, 415-17, 424-27.
- Philip H. Highfill, Jr., Kalman A. Burnim, and Edward A.
Langhans, eds., "Brooke, Mrs. John, Frances, née Moore,"
in A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians,
Dancers, Managers, & Other Stage Personnel in London,
1660-1800 (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois
Univ. Press, 1973): 2:352.
- Clara Thomas, Our Nature -- Our Voices: A Guidebook to
English-Canadian Literature (Toronto: New Press, 1972),
- Henry Mackenzie, Letters to Elizabeth Rose of Kilravock:
On Literary Events and People, 1768-1815, ed. Horst W.
Drescher (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1967); see esp. pp.
20-23, 69-73.
- Guy Sylvestre, Brandon Conron, and Carl F. Klinck, eds.
Canadian Writers (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1964), 11-12.
- Robert Palfrey Utter and Gwendolyn Bridges Needham,
Pamela's Daughters (New York: Macmillan, 1936); see esp.
pp. 120-27, 184-85, 296.
- B. C. Nangle, The Monthly Review, First Series,
1749-1789 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934), 67.
- Cheryl Turner, Living by the Pen: Women Writers in the
Eighteenth Century (London and New York: Routledge, 1992).
- Katherine Sobba Green, The Courtship Novel 1740-1820: A
Feminized Genre (Lexington: Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1991).
- Kathryn Shevelow, Women and Print Culture: The
Construction of Femininity in the Early Periodical (London
and New York: Routledge, 1989).
- Janet Todd, The Sign of Angellica: Women, Writing, and
Fiction 1660-1800 (London: Virago; New York: Columbia
Univ. Press, 1989).
- John Mullan, Sentiment and Sociability (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1988).
- Hallvard Dahlie, Varieties of Exile: The Canadian
Experience (Vancouver: Univ. of British Columbia Press,
- Ann Messenger, His and Hers: Essays in Restoration and
Eighteenth-Century Literature (Lexington: Univ. Press of
Kentucky, 1986).
- Jane Spencer, The Rise of the Woman Novelist: From Aphra
Behn to Jane Austen (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986).
- Katherine M. Rogers, Feminism in Eighteenth-Century
England (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois, 1982).
- John Moss, Patterns of Isolation in English-Canadian
Fiction (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1974).
- Ronald Sutherland, Second Image: Comparative Studies in
Quebec/Canadian Literature (Toronto: New Press, 1971).
- Philippe Séjourné, Aspects
Généraux du roman féminin en Angleterre de
1740 à 1800, Publication des Annales de la
Faculté des Lettres Aix-en-Provence, Nouvelle
série, no. 52 (Aix-en-Provence: Éditions Ophrys,
- Lionel Stevenson, The English Novel: A Panorama, 2nd
ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978).
- James Ralph Foster, History of the Pre-Romantic Novel in
England (New York: Modern Language Association, 1949).
- B. G. MacCarthy, The Female Pen, vol. 1, The Later
Women Novelists 1744-1818 (Oxford: B. H. Blackwell, 1947).
- Francis Wright, Sensibility in English Prose Fiction
1760-1814: A Reinterpretation, Illinois Studies in Language
and Literature, vol. 22, nos. 3-4 (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois
Press, 1937).
- Robert Palfrey Utter and Gwendolyn Bridges Needham,
Pamela's Daughters (New York: Macmillan, 1936).
- Harold Wade Streeter, The Eighteenth-Century Novel in
Translation (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1936).
- Ernest A. Baker, The History of the English Novel,
vol. 5, The Novel of Sentiment and the Gothic Romance
(London: H. F. & G. Witherby, 1934), 144-46.
- Godfrey Frank Singer, The Epistolary Novel: Its
Origins,Development, Decline and Residuary Development (New
York: Russell & Russell, 1933)
- J. M. S. Tompkins, The Popular Novel in England,
1770-1800 (London: Constable & Co., 1932).
- Emily A. Crosby, Une romancière oubliée:
Madame Riccoboni, sa vie, ses oeuvres, sa place dans la
littérature anglaise et française du XVIIIe
siècle (Paris: F. Fieder, 1924).
- Juliet McMaster, "Young Jane Austen and the First Canadian
Novel: From Emily Montague to Amelia Webster and
Love and Friendship," Eighteenth-Century Fiction 11
(April 1999): 339-46.
- Robert James Merrett, "Signs of Nationalism in The History
of Emily Montague, Canadians of Old and the Imperialist:
Cultural Displacement and the Semiotics of Wine," Semiotic
Inquiry 14 (1994): 235-50.
- Robin Howells, "Dialogism in Canada's First Novel: The
History of Emily Montague," Canadian Review of Comparative
Literature 20 (1993): 437-50.
- Dermot McCarthy, "Sisters Under the Mink: The Correspondent
Fear in The History of Emily Montague," Essays on
Canadian Writing 51-52 (Winter-Spring 1993): 340-57.
- Jane Sellwood, "'A Little Acid Is Absolutely Necessary':
Narrative as Coquette in Frances Brooke's The History of Emily
Montague," Canadian Literature 136 (1993): 60-79.
- Barbara M. Benedict, "The Margins of Sentiment: Nature,
Letter, and Law in Frances Brooke's Epistolary Novels," ARIEL:
A Review of International English Literature 23, no. 3 (July
1992): 7-25.
- Robert Merrett, "The Politics of Romance in 'The History of
Emily Montague' [sic]," Canadian Literature 133
(Summer 1992): 92-108.
- Frances Teague, "Frances Brooke's Imagined Epistles,"
Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 304 (1992):
- K. J. H. Berland, "A Tax on Old Maids and Bachelors: Frances
Brooke's Old Maid," in Eighteenth-Century Women and
Literature, ed. Frederick Keener and Susan Lorsch (New York:
Greenwood Press, 1989), 29-35.
- Lorraine McMullen, "Frances Brooke's Old Maid: New
Ideas in Entertaining Form," Studies on Voltaire and the
Eighteenth Century (1989) 669-70.
- Barbara Godard, "Listening for the Silence: Native Women's
Traditional Narratives," in The Native in Literature, ed.
Thomas King, Cheryl Calver, and Helen Hoy (Toronto: ECW Press,
1987), 133-58.
- K. J. H. Berland, "The True Epicurean Philosopher: Some
Influences on Frances Brooke's History of Emily Montague,"
Dalhousie Review 66 (1986): 286-300.
- Ann Edwards Boutelle, "Frances Brooke's Emily Montague
(1769): Canada and Woman's Rights," Women's Studies: An
Interdisciplinary Journal 12 (1986): 7-16.
- Katherine M. Rogers, "Dreams and Nightmares: Male Characters
in the Feminine Novel of the Eighteenth Century," in Men by
Women, ed. Janet Todd, Women in Literature, n.s. 2 (New York:
Holmes & Meier, 1982), 9-24.
- Lorraine McMullen, "Double Image: Frances Brooke's Women
Characters," World Literature Written in English 21, no. 2
(Summer 1982): 356-63.
- Mary Jane Edwards, "Frances Brooke's The History of Emily
Montague: A Biographical Context," English Studies in
Canada 7, no. 2 (Summer 1981): 171-82.
- Konrad Gross, "The Image of French-Canada in Early
English-Canadian Fiction," in English Literature of the
Dominions: Writings on Australia, Canada, and New Zealand,
ed. Konrad Gross and Wolfgang Klooss (Wurzburg: Konighausen &
Neuman, 1981), 69-79.
- Margaret Anne Doody, "George Eliot and the Eighteenth-Century
Novel," Nineteenth-Century Fiction 35 (December 1980):
- Mary Jane Edwards, "Frances Brooke's Politics and The
History of Emily Montague," in The Canadian Novel, ed.
John Moss, vol. 2, Beginnings (Toronto: ECW Press, 1980):
- Lorraine McMullen, "Frances Brooke's Early Fiction,"
Canadian Literature 86 (1980): 31-40.
- Lorraine McMullen, "The Divided Self," Atlantis: A Women's
Studies Journal 5 (1980): 53-67.
- Linda Shohet, "An Essay on The History of Emily
Montague," in The Canadian Novel, ed. John Moss, vol.
2, Beginnings (Toronto: ECW Press, 1980), 19-27.
- Katherine M. Rogers, "Sensibility and Feminism: The Novels of
Frances Brooke," Genre 11, no. 2 (Summer 1978): 159-71.
- Lorraine McMullen, "All's Right at Last: An
Eighteenth-Century Canadian Novel," Journal of Canadian
Fiction 21 (1978): 95-104.
- George Woodcock, "Possessing the Land: Notes on Canadian
Fiction," in The Canadian Imagination: Dimensions of a
Literary Culture, ed. David Staines (Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard Univ. Press, 1977), 69-96.
- James J. Talman and Ruth Talman, "The Canadas 1736-1812," in
Literary History of Canada, 2nd edition, vol. 1, ed. Carl
F. Klinck (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1976), 97-105.
- Lorraine McMullen, "Frances Brooke and Memoirs of the
Marquis de St. Forlaix," Canadian Notes and Queries 18
(December 1976): 8-9.
- William H. New, "The Old Maid: Frances Brooke's
Apprentice Feminism," Journal of Canadian Fiction 2, no. 3
(Summer 1973): 9-12.
- William H. New, "Frances Brooke's Chequered Gardens,"
Canadian Literature 52 (Spring 1972): 24-38.
- Gwendolyn Needham, "Mrs. Frances Brooke: Dramatic Critic,"
Theatre Notebook vol. 15 (Winter 1961): 47-55.
- Emile Castonguay, "Mrs. Frances Brooke ou la femme de
lettres," in Cinq Femmes et nous (Québec: Belisle,
1950), 9-57.
- Desmond Pacey, "The First Canadian Novel," Dalhousie
Review 26 (July 1946): 143-50.
- Bertha M. Sterns, "Early English Periodicals for Ladies,"
PMLA 48 (1933): 38-60.
- James R. Foster, "The Abbé Prévost and the
English Novel," PMLA 42 (1927): 443-64.
- Charles S. Blue, "Canada's First Novelist," Canadian
Magazine 58 (November 1921): 3-12.
- Thomas Gutherie Marquis, "English-Canadian Literature," in
Canada and Its Provinces ed. Adam Shortt and Arthur
Doughty (Toronto: Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1913), 12:493-589.
- Ida Burwash, "An Old-Time Novel," Canadian Magazine 29
(January 1907): 252-56.
- James M. Lemoine, "The First Canadian Novelist, 1769,"
Maple Leaves 7 (1906): 239-45.
Electronic Resources
- E-text of The History of Lady Julia Mandeville (1765
edition), provided by the University of Virginia Library:
(there are many eighteenth-century texts here, in alphabetical
order by author's last name).
- "A Celebration of Women Writers," supplies links to these
texts: The History of Emily Montague (1769 edition),
The History of Lady Julia Mandeville (1763 edition), and
The History of Lady Julia Mandeville (1765 edition). These
texts are provided by the Canadian Institute for Historical
Microreproductions and the University of Virginia. This website
provides links to hundreds of e-texts; search by author's last
name to find Brooke's novels:
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